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Murder in the Good old USA

Started by shankle, July 05, 2011, 08:50:42 PM

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This is the 2nd SOB that got off with murder in this country that I know of.
Ok, so you don't believe in the death penalty.
So life in prison with a sledge hammer and if you don't use it
for productive work you don't eat.
The courts have become a farce like our Congress and foreign president.

Delete if you so desire Hutch.
The greatest crime in my country is our Congress


Talking about the anthony case?  Then it shows how WELL are courts are....  The court didn't find her not guilty, a jury of her peers did...  Goto many countries and you don't even get a jury..
~Rob (Gunner)
- IE Zone Editor
- Gunners File Type Editor


What you say is true Gunner.
But it is still aggravating.
She should at the minimum get life in prison without parole.
The greatest crime in my country is our Congress



Its not uncommon to see decisions from courts that sound "unusual" but to be fair, they generally have a lot more evidence that what you hear in the media. I have nothing going for people who commit serious personal crimes and the only value they have is in deterrant to others who may be so inclined.

A classic case was the "moors" murders in the UK many years ago, Bradley and Hindley kidnapped and murdered young children for some perverse gratification while filming their torture and death and when they were caught they were sentenced to life in prison, never to be released. For the rest of their lives they launched appeals, reformed, found religion, turned into model prisoners etc etc .... but in every instance their appeals failed for one simple reason, the children they murdered were still dead and nothing they could do would bring them back. Last I heard Bradley had lost his marbles in jail and Hindley died in prison.

Execute them and they are forgotten a few days later, lock them up for the rest of their lives and their misery never ends and for the only useful thing they can do, their endless misery serves as a lesson to any who would go down the same path.

We had a case here in Sydney years ago where a nurse Anita Cobby was gang raped and strangled while she was being raped and with the few details that were released the poor kid died under the most appalling circumstances. The Murphy brothers were caught, dragged through a long and sordid court case then locked up for the rest of their life. They have to be kept in protective custody to prevent other prisoners from killing them and they live in this endless misery with no hope of ever getting out.

It stopped dead this type of gang rape and every appeal they try for fails, no matter what the reason, reformed, got religion, model prisoner etc etc .... and they will rot in prison losing their marbles in misery for the rest of their life. You know justice has been done when you see their appeals faile over abd over again.
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What makes you so sure she is guilty at all ? Is it what you heard in the media, is it the likes of Nancy Grace who would have had her strung up long before she went to trial ? Lets face it, the media doesn't adhere to the "innocent until proven guilty" philosophy, they had her tried and convicted on innuendo long before she first appeared in court. This girl may have been put through the wringer for something she actually did not do and her life is destroyed because of it, any blame for that rests squarely on the shoulders of the idiots in the media. Perhaps she is guilty of the crime she was accused of but if she was found guilty by a jury I would suspect the verdict was based on the media frenzy and bias surrounding the case. Its better that she gets away with it than to have even the slightest possibility that she was convicted by media innuendo and sensationalism. Its time to reign in the likes of Nancy Grace and the others like her and maybe then you can actually expect a fair and impartial trial.
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


I'm no fan of the Biased Media in this country. They not only try to influence public
opinion about court cases but go overboard with politics.
If I were the mother of that child I would be rising holy hell about her whereabouts.
I don't think this occurred. Logic therefor would tend to make one believe something
was amiss. But true I don't have access to anyway near all the facts.
The greatest crime in my country is our Congress


I got a lawyer friend that says it doesn't matter what you think, it's what you can prove.
The prosecution couldn't make their case beyond a reasonable doubt, which is the standard here.
She very well could have murderd that child, the government couldn't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt in's that simple.


not knowing any of the facts, really - other than what's in the media (very unreliable)
i tend to rely on my gut feelings - instinct
it is right about 99% of the time

she doesn't look like the kind of gal that would kill her kid - or anyone else, for that matter
i could be wrong, of course

Bill Cravener

Kids being murdered by their mothers are a common occurrence here in the States. More than 200 women kill their children in the US each year. The thing that bothers me is much of the time between baby Caylee's disappearance and the finding of her decomposed remains Casey Anthony was out on the town having a good time like a woman free of anymore child responsibilities. I mean lets face it people do get away with murder but that's how our legal system works here in the US of A. That is to say sometimes murderers are found not guilty even if they are in truth guilty. Next we will be seeing that dysfunctional family doing countless TV interviews and book deals about this awful murder of a two year old baby. Sick !! :tdown

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"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat

Bill Cravener

Quote from: Bill Cravener on July 06, 2011, 10:19:47 AM
Next we will be seeing that dysfunctional family doing countless TV interviews and book deals about this awful murder of a two year old baby. Sick !! :tdown

Its already being discussed by the media!

Casey Anthony Can Earn Millions From Media, Hollywood

The human species is truly sick, where's that massive meteorite impact?
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


This is making me sicker by the minute.
Lots of good comments about this here.
I know I don't know most of the facts.
But as Assembler programmers we deal in LOGIC.
Logic says if you child is missing raise holy hell until
the child is found. Not party, not going out on the town.
Is my .IF statement wrong?
The greatest crime in my country is our Congress


Quote from: shankle on July 07, 2011, 12:08:25 PM
This is making me sicker by the minute.
Lots of good comments about this here.
I know I don't know most of the facts.
But as Assembler programmers we deal in LOGIC.
Logic says if you child is missing raise holy hell until
the child is found. Not party, not going out on the town.
Is my .IF statement wrong?

If a child is being raped in the next room you would kick down walls to protect the child, however, considering the child pornography on the internet when it first came out you realise that the world does not run on logic.... Even the most logical aspects....

As I grew up I could never get my head around the fact that searchengines like altavista and google had child porn in their top 10 results for 'porn' and they didnt feel the need to check their listings one by one like Yahoo, even governments had no interest or appetite to intervene.... It made me view the world for a time in violent extremes, Religion vs Logic.... (hmm that sounds familiar).... OK things have improved somewhat (in this particular example) over time however logic and reason are 2 different topics.... Honestly, though I admit it is a little crazy, I still see Steve Jobs as a child abuser as it was his connections I saw this hateful material on and I will never buy an Apple product, even if I need one to breathe....

I have no interest in this media case.... Or any such media case.... This is media porn.... The media promotes what sells news papers, not the morality given up by the human race....

My consideration (guess) is that most people on this forum will promote child pornography over restriction of information.... This is not logic, this is reason.... However distasteful.... (And I accuse no-one on the forum of supporting such a crime)....
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


The sense of outrage expressed on this forum is appropriate to the circumstances.
I think the verdict in this case doesn't demonstrate our collective morality, much as it demonstrates the difficulty that the prosecution encounters before a jury of citizens encumbered by judicial rules derived from existing legislation and applicable case precedents,...when it has a circumstantial case.
The truth of the matter is that the vast majority of criminal cases in America are resolved through plea negotiation.
Our judicial system has been reduced to a game in which there are no winners.


Quote from: baltoro on July 07, 2011, 04:11:30 PM
Our judicial system has been reduced to a game in which there are no winners.

The winners are the attorneys. When the media denied her a fair trial, whether they were acting in their own best interest, in her best interest, or both, any possibility of justice went out the window.
eschew obfuscation

Bill Cravener

As anyone who followed the case knows according to Casey Anthony's father his daughter left the family's home on June 16th 2008 taking baby Caylee with her. When she did return after 31 days she returned without the child. Casey's mother Cindy asked repeatedly during those 31 days to see Caylee but Casey claimed that she was too busy with work to be bothered.

On July 13th 2008 Cindy and George Anthony found a notice from the post office for a certified letter affixed on their front door. George Anthony picked up the certified letter from the post office on July 15th 2008 and found that his daughter's car was in a tow yard. When Casey's father picked up the car both he and the tow yard attendant noted a strong smell coming from the trunk. Both testified that they believed the odor to be that of a decomposing body.

Most mothers, you'd think, would be frantic when just a few hours had passed not knowing where your kid was and call the authorities but not that murdering bitch. So lets face it, take a bizarre story like this and you are guaranteed a media frenzy. Casey will be set free in nine days, she best hide real well because another nut like herself will do her bodily harm. I think that's another guarantee!

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat