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Murder in the Good old USA

Started by shankle, July 05, 2011, 08:50:42 PM

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Bill Cravener

I truly hope it comes to that Dave. Creating new laws that would make not telling authorities your child is missing to a third-degree felony with a maximum sentence of seven years is a good start but in my opinion I'd carry it even further. If it were up to me I'd require that the mother have her ovaries removed and her vagina sewed shut and if a father not reporting a missing child have him castrated so that neither can ever again have a child.
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


The trouble with targetted laws are the exceptions, across any large population country there would be a vast number of kids that go missing for a day or three and while some of them are serious, the vast majority are not and all you would do is further overload and already overworked welfare system that is there to look after kids that are in trouble. Until recently we had a state government that put laws like this into place, mandatory reporting of anything that even hinted of child abuse so every teacher, welfare worker and so on were reporting phantom abuses just to cover their own arse.

I don't know the details of this case but often fact is stranger than fiction and the motives for people doing certain things may not be as simple as they seem.
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Quote from: shankle on July 07, 2011, 12:08:25 PM
This is making me sicker by the minute.
Lots of good comments about this here.
I know I don't know most of the facts.
But as Assembler programmers we deal in LOGIC.
Logic says if you child is missing raise holy hell until
the child is found. Not party, not going out on the town.
Is my .IF statement wrong?

I think this .IF statement is more emotion than logic and contains a number of enthymemes ( hidden premises - all parents care about their children , all parents react to a missing child in a certain way , etc. ) . I'm not really sure what happened in this case ( I've tried to ignore it , largely ) but it seems the news media has taken great efforts to convict this woman largely on the repulsive nature of the crime and not the evidence against the woman. If the woman beat the charges in the constitutionally prescribed manner ( a trial by jury ) I don't see how anyone can complain about the outcome .


Quote from: shankle on July 05, 2011, 08:50:42 PM
This is the 2nd SOB that got off with murder in this country that I know of.

  Although I live less than 100 miles from where the trail occurred I intentionally did not try to follow its proceedings. Like most I felt that she would have been found guilty but was not shocked by the verdict. When I heard the verdict, honestly, the first thing that came to my mind was the history of people not just in this country but around the world who were not found guilty of documented crimes. Again I did not know all the facts and those I know were heard from the media. Being an African-American I can name many of my own ancestors and people I have heard of, present and past, who were attacked, tortured, enslaved, raped and murdered with their accusers going on to live long, well care-free lives. The retaliators sometimes got caught and were put on trial as the first and only criminals instead. Some sadly get retried months or days before they die of old age but most never have and never will face justice. True history is piled with people who have oppressed and abused others for their own gain and pleasure and I see no end to this vicious cycle anytime soon.
We all used to be something else. Nature has always recycled.

Bill Cravener

Quote from: cman on July 09, 2011, 08:09:52 PM
I don't see how anyone can complain about the outcome .

Oh, but I am complaining about the outcome! What sane innocent mother would go without telling the authorities your child was missing for 31 days? She's a murderer either directly or indirectly she's responsible for the death of baby Caylee! The prosecution blew it when they went for a death sentence conviction. I'd have much rather seen Casey spend many more years in prison.

Juror number 3 stated; "I did not say she was innocent, I feel she had something to do with it"

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


Well said Bill with one exception. Put her in jail and throw the key away.
It's not over yet. I imagine her life now will be a living hell as it should be.
The greatest crime in my country is our Congress


Years ago we had a famous case here in OZ, Lindy Chaimberlain was charged with murdering here baby Azaria out near Ayers Rock. After some years of court cases that saw her in jail for some years, the prosecution case was eventually blown to pieces and much of the frame up was exposed in what became a scandal with the Northern Territory government playing kneejerk justice to keep the masses happy.

In the process the years of legal battles and being jailed ruined her life, broke up her marriage and family and the years of scandalous bullsh*t and matching conspiracy theories runied her personal reputation even though she was clearly innocent of the charge and was never given the chance to grieve for her own loss of the child.

I learnt long ago never to support the notion of trial by media, the court heard far more evidence than you get in the media and it had to grind its way through all of that evidence to eventually reach its verdict. Justice and popularism are not the same thing, for all of its flaws I prefer cool calculated justice to the mob every time.
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Don't know what to say Hutch. It is my gut feeling that the Bxxxh is guilty as sin.
Nobody hates the media more than I. But again the sequence of events would
point to a vicious broad that needs knocked down. I would be afraid to go to
sleep in her presence.
The greatest crime in my country is our Congress


Quote from: dedndave on July 08, 2011, 07:08:42 PM
"Fueled by verdict anger, push for 'Caylee's Law' starts in Pa., N.J."

Great, just what we don't need.  More useless laws to clog up the system.

I understand the desire behind the push for the law, but it solves nothing.  Just makes people temporarily feel good for passing it but does nothing to solve the root problem.

Bill Cravener

Quote from: KD8COO on July 11, 2011, 02:01:36 PM
Just makes people temporarily feel good for passing it but does nothing to solve the root problem.

Well, please enlighten us, how would you solve the root problem?
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


I would solve the root problem by not allowing lowlifes to reproduce. The courts can give people the death penalty, but for some reason that's beyond me can't (otherwise) remove their right to reproduce.
eschew obfuscation


Quote from: MICHAELW...I would solve the root problem by not allowing lowlifes to reproduce,...
:green MICHAEL,
Yeah,...I agree with you,'s an obvious solution. (...And, I AM a lowlife,... :eek)
What would be hilarious, would be the reaction of the American citizens, if something like that was included on their ballots,...


What you discribe,limiting reproductive rights has been done in the past,with very bad results. it was the eugenics movement that had such control, they passed laws in most of the States that allowed Sterilization of people for such things as having epilepsy. it was heading toward what the Germans ended up doing in fact. The germans were inspired by the eugenics movement in allowing killing what they discribes as people "Not worthy of life". The eugenics movement was also advocating the same thing for minority groups, with the reason that they polluted the gene pool(White) of America.

History forgotten is history repeated.


Yes,...of course,...eugenics has gotten an ugly rep.
I guess the traditional approach woukd be to promote war, poverty, infectious disease,...ecological disaster.
My thinking is that MICHAEL has the correct concept,...but, clearly, this is not politically palatable for citizens of developed nations.