Trouble assembling \ linking... I didn't find anything on search ..

Started by Magicle, January 31, 2010, 01:58:55 PM

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^Alright ! It worked just fine :)

Does it run? Or you managed to assemble the program?


Yes Nick !
When im running it from the cmd (cd ..\dir\) and just put a16a filename
then it creates the .exe and i can run it successfully - the hello world message appears

when I use your sort batch file, it creats the .exe but i cannot run it !



hmmmm - make sure the sort.exe is the only executable in the path that is named sort
which, by the way, is a bad choice of names, as there is a DOS pipe named sort
maybe it is trying to execute the pipe
you might consider renaming the program to mysort.asm and .exe to avoid the confusion


There you go .
When the batch file finishes it creates it but says it cannot open it (like most of the previous screenshots).

I've edited the .bat file, with some random names, so it wouldnt use sort
It did the exact same 'cant run the process' error....


QuoteHello World
Press any key to continue ...

It works here...



works here - although it is not the sort program - lol
rename your SORT.ASM file to MYSORT.ASM
then, try assembling that


Really, did you restart the system after first solved problem (ipx/spx thing)? If not, I think you should do so and try again...



I didn't restart my system... Ill do it and be back asap.

Btw Dave,
I've already tried naming it to bla.asm
and renaming the batch file as well (of course.... right click-> edit -> changed the .asm .obj .exe names to match)
Still didn't work..... I'll brb.


well - you don't want the batch file to be named the same as the executable
the batch file will always be executed


Ok I think the mystery is resolved !

I tried downloading my own Sort.exe file-  and while it was on the desktop, it worked just fine.
I compiled another 'bla.exe' file- and it didnt work in the sort folder.
So i took it out of the folder and voila - works.

The batch file is called make.bat so no worries :)




I think he is talking about my batch, which has the names hard-coded inside, as previously posted.

Quote from: Magicle on January 31, 2010, 09:10:12 PM
I compiled another 'bla.exe' file- and it didnt work in the sort folder.
So i took it out of the folder and voila - works.
Mystery is resolved when you know why... :) And I still don't.
Maybe a good night sleep will help.



Alright so ive done some more 'attempts'.

i deleted the .obj file -> still doesnt work
deleted the .asm file -> still doesnt work
moved the .bat file to another folder -> still doesnt work

moved the .exe file to another folder -> worked.

So its not one of the files interrupting the process, its the location maybe (???)
Though not clear why  :eek