Trouble assembling \ linking... I didn't find anything on search ..

Started by Magicle, January 31, 2010, 01:58:55 PM

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Unfortunately Nick, I am on a x86 (32bit) XP Pro.

Give me a second there dave ill edit in a sec.


ahhhhh - maybe it is a 64-bit machine/OS - lol
if that is the case, you are SOL
you can't run a 16-bit program


This is what im getting:

Dave, what do you mean a 64bit machine? Like... my processor ? <: (Amd Phenom X4 )


I have found this while searching with your error message:

The problem is not with your exe but with the settings of the system!! Solve that first!



Damnit, thanks alot for this Nick !!!
I'll follow the steps and let you guys know shortly  :cheekygreen:

Edit: Alright I edited the file, now let me try again !

I still cannot run it... No error messages this time with => a16 sort

When im using your sort program this is what I get:


also - it looks like you are trying to run a16 out of the zip file - that ain't gonna fly, either
unzip the file and place the 2 batch files into your masm32\bin folder
c:\masm32\bin should be in the PATH environment variable
then, try a16a and a16b to see which one is right as mentioned before


Alright. Give me a minute to do it. Will edit when I'm done. (And I HAVE extracted them... but just used the B one.)

Sadly, none of the .bat files seem to work.
Perhaps I need a -how to install this fucking program 101- manual. lol .  :'( :'(
Well, I honestly don't know what to do. Perhaps
re-install -> rename to link32.exe the current one -> donwload the 16bit one and name it link16.exe -> put the .bat files into the bin dir


the pic you posted here....

says something about PKSFX trying to extract something
that command is not in the a16 batch file

a16a is the one you want - your linker is named Link16.exe


Quote from: dedndave on January 31, 2010, 07:54:35 PM
the pic you posted here....

says something about PKSFX trying to extract something
that command is not in the a16 batch file

a16a is the one you want - your linker is named Link16.exe

That is because of the lnk563 file - which extracts the link.exe (16bit) file !!!!
Maybe I should take it out of the BIN dir? lol , this is just annoying.


no no no - lol
now you are making trouble for yourself
let's take things one step at a time   :bg
take a deep breath and repeat three times "this is easy stuff"

let's get 4 things in place that we all know work
place all of them into the masm32\bin folder, and we will execute from that folder
1) ml.exe - should already be there
2) Link16.exe - should already be there
3) hello.asm - i posted the code - i know it works
4) a16a.bat - copy it to that folder and rename it to a16.bat

once you have those 4 things in the c:\masm32\bin folder......
open a console window, and then.....
> cd \masm32\bin
> a16 hello
> hello


I would say we should separate the problems. First, you must be able to run a 16-bit application in console mode. I think you can't, and that's the problem.
Take this file and try to run it. It works fine here. If it doesn't work on you, then, as I said before, you do not have a problem assembling or liniking. You have a problem RUNNING the damn thing.


This thread gives some info about what may cause
"windows command prompt cannot execute"
In that particular case Conagent.exe  was missing.


LOL Nick your program works !!! I'm so happy rofl.

Okay now just have to figure out what im doing wrong :(

thanks man, you're really awesome hahaha

Alright. I've put the 4 files in the \masm32\bin folder.
Copied the a16a.bin file from your attachment
ml.exe -> there
link16-> there

After running c:\masm32\bin a16a hello
It creates the hello.exe file - It still doesn't run it though.
Would you like to see what it writes? It's similar to the previous things. (I reinstalled btw, coz i had lots of junk in the bin folder. Now Just added the hello.asm and the a16a)


that sort program runs fine here, Nick   :U
i am using windows xp media center edition (same as xp pro) sp2


yes please - i would like to see if the batch file runs correctly - or if not, the error messages

EDIT - if the batch file runs and creates the hello.exe - zip that exe file and post it so i can try it on my machine   :bg


Quote from: Magicle on January 31, 2010, 08:09:07 PM
LOL Nick your program works !!! I'm so happy rofl.
Double-click or name typed in console?

QuoteThe MS-DOS window that pops up when a command is executed is not the same as the MS-DOS Prompt window.
In the first case "c:\windows\system\conagent.exe" is executed; in the second case "c:\windows\" is executed.