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API reference in SDK?

Started by MaynardG_Krebs, March 14, 2007, 06:24:22 PM

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I have installed the Window Core SDK from a CD into my Program Files folder. It is my understanding that there is a reference to win32 API contained therein. After 45 minutes of searching through the files and trying to navigate MSDN website with dialup I am unable to find it.:red Can anyone give me a hint?


Your post is extremely unclear. The only complete "api reference" you will find is MSDN, the sdk can be used only to reference prototypes and structs etc. I would suggest a form of grep when searching the sdk. If you're looking for something specific, please post your complete question, otherwise there should be no problem using MSDN.



Ehtyar I apologize if my question was a little convoluted.
I read some information on another website (which I can no longer find) that stated that a complete API reference such as the one on MSDN website was contained in the Core SDK. Evidently I misunderstood what I read, or was given invalid information.


From Start Menu select All Programs.
Select the MS Platform SDK Item and a pop up menu is displayed.
Click Platform SDK Documentation.

A Window opens with the contents.

If the search option is not available then click on the HELP MENU option and select the Search Option,


Thanks BPak! Thats what I was looking for.
I was poking around through SDK files with explorer. I never thought of looking on Start menu. I am not the brightest bulb in the pack smetimes but at least I am persistent. :U


My apologies BillF, I was harsh. I forgot that the SDK comes with it's own help, the reader for them has to be installed and my SDK gets carried from machine to machine, so I'm forced to use the online help. Totally my bad. But, if I may be so rude as to hijack your thread, if anyone knows a way to view the MSDN/SDK docs on a machine where the reader hasn't been installed (if any files/reg entries need moving i can manage that), I'd really appreciate knowing about it.

Thanks, Ehtyar.



I think you are out of luck as the PLATFORMSDK and later all must be installed to work correctly. The later versions are getting really slow and were not even CHM files. You can of course keep the old win32.hlp for the normal win32 based functions which would reduce the MSDN dependence but there may be no better way than MSDN if you are on a machine that does not have the PLATFORMSDK installed.
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9 times out of 10 Googling for the function name will get you there quicker than using MSDN search. (If you add '' it should be almost 10 out of 10)

In fact, with a decent connection, online MSDN+Google is almost as quick as the PSDK documentation.


Zooba :U


Quote from: Ehtyar on March 15, 2007, 09:03:42 AM
My apologies BillF, I was harsh.

No problem Ehtyr, after rereading my first post I understand how it was a little hard to figure out exactly what I was asking. Sometimes I get in too much of a hurry. :bg

Quote from: zooba on March 15, 2007, 12:10:30 PM
In fact, with a decent connection, online MSDN+Google is almost as quick as the PSDK documentation.

I wish I had one. Unfortunately living in a rural area has its drawbacks, one of which, is the only highspeed connection available is expensive satellite. The last time I looked up a function on MSDN with dialup my hair had turned gray by the time I found what I was looking for.  :eek


I have no idea what resources (financial) that the two of you may have but that is something you can purchase from MS. A few years ago, they gave it away for free as a promotion. I am hoping that they will do that again as there is no way I can buy it unless a bag of loot falls off an armored truck. It HAS happened!

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


I believe it's still possible to request the Platform SDK on a CD. Cost is only shipping IIRC.

If you've got a friend/family with a quick connection and DVD burner you can download the entire MSDN library to DVD. Probably ordering a version from Microsoft is just as good.


Zooba :U


I have the SDK, and it functions perfectly on machines it has not been installed on, with the single exception of this insane documentation format ms is now using. I am getting very sick of not being able to develop on machines with no internet, and i find it utterly abhorrent that Microsoft is so comfortable in their monopoly that they're happy making programmers lives miserable. As in all cases, unless the software relies on a specific aspect of your hardware, it can be made portable, and i think i shall be devoting some more time to that end in the near future (and we can always change registry keys from hklm to hkcu). Anyway, enough ranting from me, ill reply here again if i manage to make the msdn docs portable, but until then, hope the SDK docs work well for you BillF :)




Check H2Viewer out, I use it all the time. It opens and displays Help2 (.hxs) files.


Unfortunately it only works if you have the h2 runtimes installed, which are only installed by visual studio, the dotnet sdk, or the msdn docs themselves (there is no standalone installer like there was for h1). But thank you for the suggestion.



As I can see just taking a quick look, these .hsx .hxi files have PE headers, valid resource section with VERSION res data in it. At the beginning of such file are many links, later compressed data (LZXC), similar to chm...