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The day of cosmonautics

Started by asmfan, April 12, 2006, 03:18:59 PM

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The 12th of April is celebrated in Russia as the day of cosmonautics. In that day in far 1961 Joury (Youry?) Gagarin became the very first human being that entered the outer space. And his name will remain in history forever.
Russia is a weird place

Mark Jones

Happy Cosmonautics day. :bg

Quote from: asmfan on April 12, 2006, 03:18:59 PM
Gagarin became the very first human being that entered the outer space.

Outer space? I don't know if anyone has been to outer-space yet. Inner-space, sure. :toothy

It still amazes me how resourceful humans were 45 years ago. The technology was so basic then! I guess there is something to be said for simplicity.

One day, the people of Earth might put a colony on the moon. Or on Mars, or Titan. That will be something. :thumbu
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


I don't know if it was  just coincidence or not?  But also:

12 April 1981--20 years later--first flight of the Space Shuttle Columbia.

Truly a big day in space flight first steps! :U

It is a GOOD day to code!
Some assembly required!
ASM me!
With every mistake, we must surely be learning. (George...Bush)


Speaking of space shuttles, AsmFan whatever did happen to the Soviet version of the shuttle program. IF I recall correctly, I've only seen one publically announced flight. Was their program cancelled after one flight ? If so, was any reason given for doing so?
God made Man, but the monkey applied the glue -DEVO


the russian analog of reusable spacecraft (shuttle) was Buran (Blizzard or Snowstorm). It had been once (?) in space and then there was decided to stop its flights due to some problems. May be it was to expensive to repair it after landing, or/and smth else? I'm not informed well on this why it is so... But since that time they launch disposable rockets...
Russia is a weird place


I congratulate all world with this day (day of Cosmonautics).
Поздравляю весь мир с днем космонавтики!!!


"Поздравляю весь мир с днем космонавтики!!!"

I remember well Gagarin and later Valentina Tereshkova
but I'm wondering why you are so proud...

From history we know:
Bad people create and use new technology just to kill
other people, to make more money and power.
They need other's people money about that and start to
propagandize some "scientific” theory (as religion)
just to wash your mind out
With other words the most of the people (taxpayers) just pay with
their money for nothing
If you disagree with me just tell me what you, your family and your friends
(from Russia or USA) won from "The Cosmonautics"


Mincho Georgiev

I still remember one poem that i had learn in school when i was a little boy:

Юрий Гагарин, как си летял?
Бързо ли хвърка корабът бял?
Там сред звездите пръв щом си бил
Дунав видя ли, зърна ли Нил?


Зьрна ли нейде сред синева
друг по обичан град от Москва?
Дето децата в лятната шир тичат
на воля, пеят за мир.
Юрий Гагарин славен пилот
ти прьв  преброди звездният свод. :lol

Mincho Georgiev


Quote from: asmfan on April 12, 2006, 03:18:59 PM
The 12th of April is celebrated in Russia as the day of cosmonautics. In that day in far 1961 Joury (Youry?) Gagarin became the very first human being that entered the outer space. And his name will remain in history forever.

Did Russia send up animals first or directly with humans ?


There is so many things in your life that you and I use every day that came from the space
programs. from medications, to cell phones and GPS, to even the internet being able to chat
with people all over the world.

Nice pay off if you ask me.

Back in 1979, My computer ran so fine.
And there was no such thing,
As a Microsoft Crashed Machine.  Free Domain Names

The Svin

If you disagree with me just tell what you, your family and your friends
(from Russia or USA) win from "The Cosmonautics"
I think, among all Russian people I know, I can NOT find one who'd say a bad word about USSR "The Cosmonautics".
Most people here still think that it was the best thing that happened in USSR.

What we got? In old times we got hope, dreams,pride, insurance of military defence, and perspective.
And for us in old times it worth more than money.
For western people strange thing about USSR was that highly educated people got less money that simple workers.
Yet people would go to Universities (it was free education) 'cause it meant to have interesting job, though the job was less paid. "Cosmos" demands so much development in all hightechs that nothing else could involve. In all fields of sience.
For example why "Proton" is still most reliable space missile? It's first of all heat stable mettal, and only then engine,electonics (also heat stable) and architecture. So Cosmos it is a lot of math, chemestry, phisics, electronics and so on...
It was interesting jobs and very interesting, perspective project. Millions very interesting jobs. And expansion to outer space - not to other human beings countries.

What do you prefer instead - new car?, blonds from PlayBoy?, fat belly? it's boring, man... I fill sorry for people with such a limmited "dreams"...
In USSR is lived (60s,70s,80s) ideology for ordinary people was idealistic, not realistic, but I missed it sometimes :)
It was propoganda of not agressive existence (doctors, resque groups etc., comsmonauts thought to be more prestiges and "heroic" proffessions than solders), solders thought to be "good" only if they defence their country (not "free" others countries) , intelectual superority worthed more than ability to kill, spiritual values worth more that money, intersting job worth more than highly paid etc.
So for children the best role to play "hero", was to play "cosmonauts".

And most important thing for old times was - while our leaders were arguing - our guys in Space station "Souz-Appolo" got on very well.
In general soviet people wanted to have the Americans as freinds rather than enemies (I saw hundreds of Holliwood movies where the American Heroes killed the Russians, and don't remember at least one soviet movie where the Soviet hero killed the Americans - even in stupid "spy - movies", spies were captured, not killed, from which I can assume that one side ideology was Good Russian is Dead Russian,
other side - Keep the American alive but talk him(her) into membership in Communist Party :) )
But there was thing that conrudict human nature - as the Americans the Soviets lived under thread of nulear war. Propoganda on both sides went on nuclear threat from other side. I can speak for myself, let our freinds from the US say for themselves if they lived in those times and remember all those educational movies for civilians "How to behave under nuclear attack", I personally thought that the life was loosing its sence - since the nuclear catastrophy seemed to be unavoidable. So on one hand you are always alerted by thread from other country, on other hand - you are told that the American people are generally good, hard workers, good researchers, sientists, peoneers etc. and you shouldn't start war with them. Everything in your head becomes mixed up, you don't know what to do, feeling that nothing depences on your opinion and actions, eventually preparing yourself to die.
So when our guys together went to space and did a great job there, and returned as freinds - it was great hope that might be not all was lost yet.

It's about old times. Talking of now days - "usage of Cosmos" (outer space) is a strange question indeed - it's now highly commercial and practical now. It's - cheap communications, sattelite Internet and TV, waether prediction, rescue operations. In future lots of perspective for ecology for example all this radiative garbage can be berried on some deserted planets instead of Earth. etc. etc.
Besides - the main thing is exploration of the Universe :)

The Svin

Did Russia send up animals first or directly with humans ?
Animals. She-dog.


Quote from: skywalker on April 12, 2006, 11:36:56 PM
Quote from: asmfan on April 12, 2006, 03:18:59 PM
The 12th of April is celebrated in Russia as the day of cosmonautics. In that day in far 1961 Joury (Youry?) Gagarin became the very first human being that entered the outer space. And his name will remain in history forever.

Did Russia send up animals first or directly with humans ?

They sent a dog I believe though it was far before my time. I agree with The Svin, the Soviet space program was top notch and was riddled with all of the truly important firsts, there is no doubt that the US won the space race but that's only because the Soviet Union paved the road for them. However, it cannot be said that the US or Soviet Union were great innovators, most of the technology came for both sides from captured German scientists such as Herman Grottrup in the Soviet Union and Wernher Von Braun in the US, as well at the end of the war both countries seized a number of V2 rockets that became the nucleus of their space programs. Without the contribution of the Germans, both countries would probably still be trying to put something into orbit.

"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

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