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FTP Server, java compatable, all in Assembler

Started by assembie1, March 20, 2006, 05:20:57 PM

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FTP Server, java compatable, all in Assembler

anyone working on a server , or know of some good sites where people like coding protocalls and ftp servers or really any kind of server...     ? :green2


No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


I am currently working on a HTTP server, but it is in C++ so probably not of any use to you. I would point you to the NanoHTTP part of cSOAP which would probably be more easily translated into ASM. Don't have any such links for FTP unfortunatly.


thank you for your replies  EOIN & TEDD
Somebody has got the goodies some where, its just a matter of finding it   

but first i must practice, after all i am a promising Celloist or something like that im sure     :boohoo:

ah hummmmmmmmm     :snooty:

Mark Jones

"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


 i am writting a program for mobile phone with j2me,please help me?


google for analftp
kill the stupid trojanfunctions (just installation and icq notification)

then you have a multisession ftpserver
only problem is the usermanagement



Ar-ras - any chance you post a link/source ? Google :naughty: help me, and I did try few combinations  :eek

James Ladd

Ok, the myFastServer project isnt dead, its just v e r y slow.
Im working on the non-blocking io support for linux and good examples of this are
hard to find. That and working hard at work. Too hard.

rgs, James.


I am glad to hear that the myFastServer project is not dead as it is an important project in today's world!

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website

James Ladd

Thanks for the support.

Please could somone help me find a good example (in any language) of
non-blocking, async IO in linux ?
I know it exists as I have one article on it, but no examples.



Maybe look up something call epoll for linux kernel 2.16.*. That might give you some examples. I heard about it here.

James Ladd

Thankyou Ill check that link and start google-ing :)


I have a great one, but I ripped it from a recent ASM virus so doubt i'd be allowed to post it here. I took out the malicious code though, up to the mods.