There goes my #1 boy - 4.5Hrs and he's taking off !!!!

Started by vanjast, December 04, 2011, 08:50:04 PM

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I really get excited about this...  :U


taking off is easy - lol
it's the landing that will get ya   :P

nice pix, btw   :U


Thanks... we're 'heavily' on the next stage, before #2 takes priority
A pic from the club depicts what you say  :bg


As I watched him fly away, I actually cried... There was my eldest 'bird' leaving the 'nest'..
Ja.. Ja.. very soppy!, but sh.1.t the wife and I have spent 20+ years on this guy...

It was heavy.. but I hid my tears.


My Boy!!
He went SOLO this morning................................ HOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTT.  :clap: :clap: :clap:

23Hrs on the clock, and he's moving cool. Shame!!!  when I picked him up later, his hand was 'shaking'.
His instructor had set him up with a Grade-2 instructor (DH) and when they landed at the training aerodrome, taxied over to the holding point for the next takeoff.
DH opened the door put one foot out, and with 'evil grin' on his face told him that he's now going solo.
J, a bit nervous, said that he wasn't sure and then DH said that he was 'hard of hearing' and J must repeat his answer.

J then agreed (It was getting really hot in the Cpit) and DH ran into the bush, next to the runway, and off he went.
DH, an Air Force combat pilot of 30 000+ hours was so impressed, that he said that J should have gone solo long ago, and said that he flew with a maturity beyond his years.

I said to J that that was a very high compliment... and I danced around like crazy, Hi-4s and 'rocks and dogs'.
:U :U


good to hear  :U
now all you need is your own plane
your boy can fly you around   :bg



Looks great, the next stage after motorbikes.  :U
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