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Eyes Going Bad

Started by dedndave, October 13, 2011, 12:07:02 AM

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Ah, still damaging my eyes here with a 1280x1024 res on 17" minimum text size :lol.... I have it all to look forward to....
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


you're a masochist, Peter   :8)

Tedd's suggestion of changing the DPI to 120 works pretty well
it will take some getting used to, of course   :P


This is the reason I bought a 32 inch flat screen TV that also works as a monitor..Interesting that a flat screen tv is cheaper than a dedicated monitor of the same size. It works great as a TV,and just as great as a monitor.


We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


oh - good idea
i have a 42" flat-screen TV that has a VGA input
that could be on my desk in a heart-beat
all will be cool until the wife wants to snuggle on the sofa and watch a movie - it will be all snuggle and no movie 


Quote from: anunituThis is the reason I bought a 32 inch flat screen TV that also works as a monitor..Interesting that a flat screen tv is cheaper than a dedicated monitor of the same size. It works great as a TV,and just as great as a monitor.

Kind of doing the same thing here with some of the systems. One point of note though, most TV applications do not provide for any pitch/height/tilt control (ie rigidly mounted, unlike most monitor applications), so unless you are mounting it on a swivel bracket, consider how it's going to sit on your desk and how you sit with respect to it. At least at the Tiger showroom you can get your hands on the product and see if it moves the way you want, and has the connectors/escape you need

At 28-32" consider also how far you need to be away for it so as not to get annoyed by peripheral vision issues, especially 50-60 Hz flicker in my case. Consider also 16:10 displays giving 1200 vs 1080 lines of resolution.

Want big pixels, seen some 55" 1080p screens at $500-$800 <G>
Look honey we can get Netflix on it..

It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


today you even can run two monitors instead of just one, a standing 22inch is great for forums for example, for 3dmodelling, its great to have more space


<G> I used to have a lot of 21" CRT and those things were fricken huge and heavy.

Bracket mounting a couple of LCD panels on the back of the desk is a lot easier, and you still have desk space.

There's always the Swordfish set up, complete with Red Bull
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


Quote from: clive on October 13, 2011, 03:43:54 PM
There's always the Swordfish set up, complete with Red Bull

As a geek I briefly considered this when I saw the movie but quickly realised I could only look in one place at any given time and the rest of it and more was already in my head or available with a mouse roll :lol

Maybe something like M$ surface would make more sense (if yer loaded)

Of course assuming you are 99% blind there is always WHUXGA
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


Only time I ever used two monitors was while debugging..Had a VGA card and a Mono(Hercules) card for the debugger output. That was back in the DOS days,and you also had to have a debugger that allowed output to another monitor. Was good for debugging because you could run your application,and see the debugger screen at the same time. Good for graphic apps as you could see at what point the problem was.



Since you say you already have glasses, you can either carry around 2 pair of glasses or get bifocals.  I ran in to the same problem a couple of years ago. Like Hutch said, a cheap pair of reading glasses from the drugstore will do the job for your close-up vision and your existing glasses are probably good for distance vision. You should go see the eye doc though, maybe try out a pair of bifocals.



> <G> I used to have a lot of 21" CRT and those things were fricken huge and heavy.

Before I change to these two BENQ 24 inch monitors I ha a Samsung 21 inch CRT monitor and it weighed like an anvil. It came up the stair once and years later it went down the stairs once. Interestingly enough, I can run smaller fonts and see them more clearly on the LCD than on the old 21 inch monitor and that was when it was at its best. On my two old PIVs I have a matched pair of 19 inch CRTs but I use them so rarely that its not worth changing them. They look better on VNC than they do for real.  :P
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i am thinking of inventing an adjustable hanger to suspend my TV from the ceiling
that way, i can place it as close to my face as possible when i sit back in my chair   :P
i may even add a vew motors and bells and whistles
when i move my head around, the TV tracks my movement   :U

i have to sit up straight to see the monitor
what i like to do is sit back in the chair and write code - or whatever
can't do that at the moment


New very thin light monitors are in the works. They should be out in a few years.
It's a new tech called OLED or AMOLED(Organic Light Omitting Diode).
Weight of a 24" monitor will be ounces. Actually the frame will weight more than the
screen. No back light problems and a fast and a superb picture.
For more info go to the following "". Scroll down to displays
and there is tons of stuff about displays. Or do a search there on OLED.
I'm like you.  I want the monitor in a frame that I can move anywhere when
I sit back in my chair.
The greatest crime in my country is our Congress


that sounds great, Jack

eh - i think i'll just close my eyes and write code
couldn't get too much worse, right ?   :P