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Tea Party Cheers For American Credit Downgrade

Started by cman, August 08, 2011, 07:16:18 PM

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Bill Cravener

Quote from: clive on August 09, 2011, 01:02:38 PM
Yeah, keep pounding with the mean spirited vitriol, you know it feels good.

Oh, yes indeed clive, I shall continue my vitriol (caustic) comments towards the tea baggers and the Republican party, after all as an American citizen (I was born and raised here you know) it is one of my inalienable rights to do so. But, unlike you I do not attack members of this board directly as you seem to enjoy. So you go ahead and keep sticking that foot in your mouth buddy, I'm listening. :bg
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat

Bill Cravener

Here is a very good short read about the tea baggers and how Americans are beginning to feel about them hostage taking terrorists.

Tea Party Takes a Hit in Debt Ceiling Debate
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


Why not just ask Wasserman Shultz for a comment on the Tea Party?
You'd have a better chance of hearing less bias.

Bill Cravener

I have never ever hid my left-progressive/left-liberal stance. If you don't like it don't read it ghost.
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


Quote from: Bill Cravener on August 09, 2011, 07:54:46 PM
I have never ever hid my left-progressive/left-liberal stance. If you don't like it don't read it ghost.
Hey, have all the left-progressive/left-liberal stance you want, no skin off my nose.
At the same time I got a right to point out when people are being grievously mislead.


I feel that we shouldn't put the blame on the Tea Party. What have they done? Honestly people.

Bill Cravener

Quote from: asmGhost on August 09, 2011, 08:15:09 PM
At the same time I got a right to point out when people are being grievously mislead.

Yes you do! But, please explain to me what do the New York Times and CBS Polls have to do with the left leaning firedoglake site? They are simply commenting on those polls. Such as: Forty percent of those polled this week characterized their view as "not favorable," compared with 18 percent in the first poll." Or that: "In the most recent poll, most Americans took a negative view of the debt-ceiling negotiations, seeing them as "mostly about gaining political advantage." With Republicans in charge of the House, more of the blame fell on them. And many people — a 43 percent plurality — saw the Tea Party as having too much influence on Republicans. But a plurality of independents, too — 40 percent — viewed the Tea Party negatively, and said it had too much influence on the Republican Party." This same poll found that the public's disapproval of how Congress is handling its job is at a record all time high of 82 percent. Republicans, thanks to their Tea Party affiliation took a bigger hit than did the Democrats and a far larger hit than President Obama himself.

So are you saying those statements are untrue or outright lies that firedoglake has posted?
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


They claim that 40 percent polled report a negative about something yet neglect to comment on the 60% that what?
Approve, don't know, never heard of?
Last I checked 60% is slightly more than 40%...ain't it?
The bias and desire to report a negative is evident and really the whole article is misleading.
However, there are really bigger things to think about so if you honestly believe that FDL is the be all end all then have at, I have voiced my objections and am ready to move on.
Like.....explaining how it's possible to tax and spend a country into prosperity.
The twist and turns on that one should be fascinating.

Bill Cravener

Last time I checked 40% was way larger then 18%. Here, perhaps coming from the originators mouth will help clarify.

By the way, you say you are almost as old as Steve (I am 60 years of age)? Are you an American? Are you concerned that Republicans want to kill SS and Medicare? Or are you so wealthy that it does not matter to you?

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


Fox News has been reporting on a poll that says Obama's approval rating is at 40%, by your standard then that is significant.
QuoteAre you concerned that Republicans want to kill SS and Medicare? Or are you so wealthy that it does not matter to you?
Another distortion.
Also what makes you think I'm a Republican?
It doesn't take a Republican to see that both programs need serious reform.


well - the author of that article is clearly biased anti-tea party
but, who isn't biased one way or the other ?
if you want un-biased information, you have to read from both sides of the issue
no matter whose article you read, you have to have a "bias filter" going on in your head for every sentance
the same is true about watching the news or reading the paper, in general
unless they are talking about the weather, information we receive is almost always biased
quite often, the bias is as simple as what is said and what is left out

they have that political quiz going on in another forum thread
similarly, which questions are asked, which are not, and how they are phrased will bias the result
the people that do these questionaires and studies are always monitarily motivated (possible exception: students)
they want the results to make their own point, and they are usually successful


The truth is that this is what it's all about really.
QuoteOr are you so wealthy that it does not matter to you?
Very few actually inherit wealth.
Believe or not a lot of people come to a comfortable living by hard work, sacrifice and decades of scrimping and saving. All just to be able to live a decent retirement with some dignity.
And yet here you have puffing and fuming over the fact that there might be some folks out there who are a little reluctant to pick up the tab for others bad behaviour.
Where ever I'm at "wealth wise" is a condition of my own making, my own choices.
Why then, if I should run out of wealth (if I have any), be entitled to reach over and pick it out of the pocket of someone else who is sacrificing, scrimping and saving for their own little piece of dignity?

By the same token why should we as a country leave our children and their childrens children indebted for our bad behaviour?
Makes me wonder who is actually insane.


Quote from: dedndave on August 09, 2011, 10:00:32 PM
well - the author of that article is clearly biased anti-tea party
but, who isn't biased one way or the other ?

It's all relative. Many observers see U.S. "left" democrats as "conservatives" by European standards. In fact, many of the headlines here in Europe concerning the U.S. deal with things that are just very, very strange for the average European, such as "intelligent design" taught in schools, climate change deniers, kids who accidentally kill their parents with guns lying around, death penalty, etc etc - Europeans see Americans like a kind of Alien race. This in spite of the fact that we get regularly fed with American TV series (I love Boston Legal, of course :bg)

As to "hard work pays":  :cheekygreen:
(ask Paulson for an informed opinion - he has created real value for society)


it isn't so much hard work that makes a person wealthy
it's more about where you draw the line between ethics and morals
let's face it, for someone (or some company) to make a profit, someone else is getting the short end of the deal
you can easily follow the rules of "business ethics" and break the rules of "decent morality"
lawyers, insurance companies, oil companies, bankers, and politicians live in this immorally ethical grey area every day
they make billions by screwing someone - lol - but, they do it within the guidelines of acceptable business ethics (or so it seems)

this is how i view business college...
you are not learning so much about how to make a good business
you are learning how to play the game and come out on top


So basically if you have money you're evil, if you have your hand out your good.

OK, gotcha...I'll just go back to reading and fumbling around with code.

Sorry to bother you guys.