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Osama Bin Dead

Started by donkey, May 02, 2011, 03:46:18 AM

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Bill Cravener

I'm glad he's dead and it only cost the American taxpayer a trillion dollars.
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat

Bill Cravener

It is incredible that already folks on the right here in the states are saying it is a government lie. One such poster stated if it were true why did they dump the body in the sea?

My response to that was; What would you have them do? Parade his rotting corpse around the country? Two bullets that he took to the head wouldn't be a pretty site. The way I see it burying bin Laden's body at sea would ensure that his final resting place will not become a shrine and a place of pilgrimage for his many followers.

Oh, and I read that in order to confirm that the body was in fact Bin Laden, U.S. officials subpoenaed DNA from Bin Laden's sister who had died in a Boston hospital some time back and found the DNA matched.
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


Truth has many versions.... Not all are fit to be broadcast.... The fact he was buried at sea suggests as much as the grainy mobile phone footage of Sadam Hussain's execution.... We are bred in this day and age not to believe what anyone says as all can easily be faked.... The politics of the day is not the politics of truth but politics of the best, most believable lie :lol....

I'm sure he is dead (it would be very embarassing for America if he wasnt) but this was also my first thought "Why at sea".... There is no honest way to kill and bury a man and I'm sure many more factors came into play than I will ever imagine or will ever be told....
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


Al Qaeda has a Navy now ?


The headlines in this morning's Los Angeles Times were HUGE (U.S. KILLS BIN LADEN) !!! I read the related articles and was amazed to find that bin Laden was killed in a small city (Abbottabad) just north of Pakistan's capital, Islamabad...and, of course, there are suspicions that the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI) provided him sanctuary and knew of his whereabouts. I wouldn't be surprised if they burn down the house to conceal evidence revealing how long bin Laden had been hiding there.

:eek ...I guess it's probably a good thing then that Pakistan has nuclear weapons, or, the United States would feel compelled to invade,... :eek


He was buried at sea because under some Muslim traditions he had to be buried within 24 hours of his death, even though he and his band of murderers had no respect for anyone else, the US did respect his religious beliefs. He was at sea because the body was brought aboard a US ship for identification.

I wonder if it was Osama who used a woman as a human shield ? It would be a fitting way for him to die, cowering behind a skirt (I guess it would be a Burka in this case). I'm sure the whole raid was recorded by the SEAL team so we may find out some day.
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


Quote from: baltoro on May 02, 2011, 03:42:40 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if they burn down the house to conceal evidence revealing how long bin Laden had been hiding there.


   If the SEALs didn't clean the complex out, I would be very
surprised.  So there is probably not much left to burn.  And all
they need to do as far as timing things is to look at satellite
photos to see when it was completed.

   Hm, there might be a great deal of  buried monies though.
Think on that?


Steve N.


I can't say I am surprised that they finally got him. Altough I still have serious doubts that he was responsible of 9/11, he did plan and cause other acts of war against USA interests.

Todays wars are not based on ideals, retribution or even religion, (thats only the excuses). Todays wars are based on business and necesity (business if you attack, necesity if you are the one being attacked). And until war is not a business there will always be war.

If I remember correctly, Tesla said that the only way to prevent wars was to eliminate the reasons for war, and this cannot be legislated (legislation is like giving an aspirin to a cancer patient, it will not work). And the one that can do it is science, by finding a way to eliminate the shortage of resources in the world (energy, food, shelter, etc).

I might add that as long as the economical system is based on the subjective of the value of things vs the real value of things, this will not change. As as long as the system is capitalistic vs technocratic (value of things are based on rarity + energy + work), this will not change. A compromise might be to require FULL disclousure of the cost of providing the product (work + materials) so that people can make informed choices. For example cost of materials, cost of work, cost of publicity (the bigger the percentage, the more likely we do not need the product), etc.


Quote from: dedndave on May 02, 2011, 04:35:32 AM
one more comment.....
now - we need to leave Iraq and Afghanistan
leave them in whatever shape they are in and get the fuck out
no need for any more American and NATO soldiers to die

It is certainly interesting that it took all this time to get to him. Big questions are now being asked of Pakistan and how they kind of failed to notice this huge secure compound, and didn't check out who was living there.

Best regards,




As more of the story comes out, I am fascinated at how foolish the handling of this issue has been. For all of the whoo haa over the last 10 years, Bin Laden goes out as a martyr instead of a criminal and instead of putting him on trial for all of the things he has done and has supposed to have done, they instead shoot him dead and shortly after dispose of the body so the evidence is lost. Claims of DNA matching him to his sister involve the same level of trust as we were all expected to have after 9/11 and that means very little in real world terms.

I looks suspiciously like a re-election scam for Obama and while the world is probably no worse off with Bin Laden dead, it is doubtful that its any better off either as his organisation has morphed into an international loosly held together terrorist group that is almost impossible to track down. Now that he is a dead martyr his own words are now the worst enemy in that he addressed legitimate grievances in the Muslim world where western countries invade theirs, kill their people and steal their OIL assetts.
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Quote from: hutch-- on May 03, 2011, 02:13:22 AM
I looks suspiciously like a re-election scam for Obama and while the world is probably no worse off with Bin Laden dead, it is doubtful that its any better off either as his organisation has morphed into an international loosly held together terrorist group that is almost impossible to track down. Now that he is a dead martyr his own words are now the worst enemy in that he addressed legitimate grievances in the Muslim world where western countries invade theirs, kill their people and steal their OIL assetts.
Just what I was going to say (or similar) this morning...  :U

I heard some stuff on the radio..Obama in 'full cry'.. he speaks well, he speaks a load of cr.p. And saw a lot of 'selected' clips of rejoicing US citizens on the news.
My first thought.. Election time - Let's lie to the population again.. and look at all those suckers believing this nonsense.

We've had exactly the same thing here for the past 15 years.. now it's coming to an end because the population is starting to 'wise up'.
Let's hope these past 20 years have been a lesson to us all - the extent to which politicians lie and manipulate to stay in power.  :tdown

It's great being a 'cynical old git'...  :bg


Quote from: donkey on May 02, 2011, 04:15:56 PM
He was buried at sea because under some Muslim traditions he had to be buried within 24 hours of his death, even though he and his band of murderers had no respect for anyone else, the US did respect his religious beliefs. He was at sea because the body was brought aboard a US ship for identification.
They could have buried him close to the scene of the 'murder', at sea is very suspicious = no evidence = possibly a lie/or they hit the wrong person.

Anyway have the rules changed about declaring a person dead, AFAIK the body has to be ID'd by members of immediate family.. maybe they were on the US ship, otherwise he cannot legally be declared dead. Obama must be thick as 2 bricks not thinking this one through.. or he's just 'breaking the law'.

QuoteI'm sure the whole raid was recorded by the SEAL team so we may find out some day.
Where's Assange when you need him...

Ah! there he his..
"Come on Julian get off that CIA women.. whoops... sorry Bill, thought you were somebody else. We're in Sweden right ??"


you probably won't hear too many accurate accounts of what happened
the seals and green beenies keep that stuff under their hat
for example, you will probably never hear the name of the guy that shot him or the names of team members at all
and - can't blame them - the muslims would target them and their families


I can't help thinking that this was such a bad move, the domestic political points scored will be minimal compared to the points scored by Osama's buddies.
First Saddam, now Osama... Obama will be next. the USA is a nice big place, but you cannot monitor every acre, and Obama will probably have to look behind himself everytime he goes outside.

Everything eventually leaks like wiki. It might take 10 -20 years and with these guys who do not forget that easily, and I wouldn't like to be in their shoes, living like that.
I always maintain that if you want to assasinate someone, let their own people do it. Set up the conditions for this to happen, just don't do the deed.

In WW2 the allies had an opportunity to assasinate Hitler, but they intelligently decided not to, as Hitler was a more self-destructive force than the allies could ever be.
They say he shortened the war by approx2 years, all by himself  :bg

This is ice-cream on the forehead stuff...