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HIDE 1.37.00

Started by Sevag.K, May 22, 2010, 03:44:38 AM

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Home Page:

Current version 1.36.00

-no significant changes to HIDE
this is a maintenance release
-some significant changes to hidelib
many depricated functions moved to
a separate library 'oldlib.lib' and header
these will no longer be updated or supported.
and remain for compatibility.
because of this, any program that has used
hidelib will need a rebuild.

software and tools updates, mostly
maintenance and rebuilds with new
version of hla/hlalib

-hla 2.9, hlalib 7
-hidelib 1.70.41
significant update and refactoring.
some new functions.  check manual.
-kHelp 0.96.14
some new features here, check documentation.
-gen 0.92.02
-cCalc 1.12
-oldlib, hide\oldlib.hhf
now contains many depricated functions
from hidelib.  check header file.
-kMake 1.30.10
-debuglib 1.11

HIDE description:

HIDE is an IDE for HLA based on Ketil's RAEdit.dll.  It is a complete
HLA package containing all the tools and programs
necessary to get started with Randall Hyde's HLA.
No installation is necessary, HIDE runs sets up and runs from its
own folder, and comes with a project manager for easy modular programming.

HIDE   The main IDE.
   -no install necessary, it can be run from virtually any
    folder.  All paths are relative and updated each time
    HIDE loads (if necessary).
   -autogeneration of make file for easy project management of
    modular programming.
   -option to auto-complete common HLA structure keywords
   -1 click/key jump to declarations, 4 storage spots + middle mouse btn
   -debug mode and debug window to display output.
   -properties viewer and project view for easy navigation of
    large projects as independent windows or docked into the main
   -greater in-program control of link settings.
   -option to integrate with a debugger of your choice.
   -templates for fast and easy startup of new applications.
   -minimum impact on system registry (only ResEd uses it to save
    window position).
   -code folding, bookmarks, highliting, resource editor and more.
   -a library that extends the hla standard library.
   -support tools: a make program, lexer generator, document reader,
    bit-mask generator, windows header consolidator

HLA   Randall Hyde's HLA compiler, the HIDE package comes with hlaparse
   (the core of the HLA compiler), the HLA standard library and
   corresponding header files.

   polink, polib, porc and Windows libraries from Pelle Orinius's
   PellesC package.

ResEd   Ketil Olson's resource editor and RAEdit.dll

cCalc   A bit-mask generator with a visual aid of 32bits register
kmake   A scirpt processor with a custom syntax and Borland 'Make'
   compatibility mode (limited).
khelp   A document reader that uses simple ASCII sectioned file.
gen   A simple lexer generator

HIDE, cCalc, kMake, kHelp, wscan, gen  are open-source programs.
HIDE package is released free of charge for commercial or
personal use as long as the terms and conditions of the licenses
are upheld.
Licence information may be found in the HIDE\Documents\Licences folder.
Tools that don't have licences are released either Public Domain or
freeware.  More information can be found at the appropriate web sites

For soruces of support tools and other sample projects, visit


New HIDE version up
mostly a recompile with the new HLA as a stress-test, some minor fixes and added Randall's rpcDemo as a HIDE project.

-rebuild with hla 2.11
-fixed crash issue when changing to
thread-safe mode
-hla 2.11
-hlalib 8
-gen 0.92.03
-added Randall's rpc demo
to HIDE\Projects


When I tried to build to hw_win32 project, an error occured:
HLA exception 25: file open failure

Then HIDE closed itself.
Any idea why?


Looks like you have files or folders missing from your install.  There are usually two reasons for this:

1. you downloaded the upgrade instead of the full install.
2. your unzip program doesn't create empty folders.

I suspect #2 is your case.

Your HIDE root folder should have all these directories:


sometimes the "Temp" folder is missing.  If it is, create a Temp folder and you're set to go.

And check out this awesome utility :)


When i try add a button using the resource editor and after that i saving the project and pressed CTRL+F6,i get an error:

PORC: res\asd_asd.rc(9): error: BEGIN keyword expected (found: WS_VISIBLE).
PORC: res\asd_asd.rc(9): error: Invalid syntax.
Return :1

What be could be causing this?

Thx  :U


i really couldn't say, can you send a copy of your project?


Try adding a button or any other using the resource editor

Thx  :thumbu


Got it.

If you don't use 'style as hex' option, you'll have to include another resource file that provides all the windows constant definitions.

If you don't have this or don't want to bother with extra includes, go to the options menu in Resed, click options, click the 'behavior' tab and select the "style as hex" checkbox.  next time you save the resource project, the pesky windows definitions will go away.

that will fix your problem :)


Very thanks!  :clap:  :dance:
