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Nmake troubles

Started by GeorgeA7299, September 22, 2010, 07:55:28 AM

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Hello. This post might be more properly addressed in the RadAsm forum. I'm not sure. Here's the problem. I want to use hla on radasm, but everytime I try to build an hla project in RadAsm, I get errors relating to nmake. I have downloaded nmake from Microsoft. If you would feel it helpful to get a more detailed description of the error messages, let me know.


Well, you'd really need to post the MAKEFILE, and identify if the errors are coming from NMAKE (ie some kind of parsing/syntax), or if the make process is stopping because it is propagating an error from the assembler, compiler, linker, or whatever else it is running to build the objects/executables.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


I load the hw project in the project folder of the hla folder of radasm. When select either Compile RC, Build, or Build All, I get a dialog that says "Accept the command: nmake compilerc". If I press Ok on the dialog, I get the message "Error during process creation nmake compilerc". If I select Run, I get the dialog "Accept: the command 'C\radasm\hla\Projects\Dialog\Dialog.exe'" If I press Ok, I get the error "Make error(s) occured. If I select Syntax, I get the dialog "Accept: the command: nmake syntax". If I press the Ok button, I get the message "Errror during process creation nmake syntax". Finally, If I select Run on the Debug submenu, I get the message "Could not open: C:\radasm\hla\Projects\Dialog\Dialog.exe".

This is the Make file

build: hw.obj

buildall: clean hw.exe

compilerc: hw.res

   hla -s hw.hla

   del /F /Q tmp
   del *.exe
   del *.obj
   del *.res
   del *.link
   del *.asm
   del *.map

hw.res: hw.rc
   rc /v hw.rc

hw.obj: hw.hla
   hla $(debug) -c hw

hw.exe: hw.hla
   hla $(debug) hw


It could be than NMAKE.EXE is not in a directory that RadAsm can find, perhaps you should look at the settings, or PATH, or put it in the directory the HLA.EXE lives in.

You should probably try running NMAKE compilerc from the command prompt while in the C:\radasm\hla\Projects\Dialog directory to see what errors NMAKE is actually generating.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


Thank you, Clive. Your suggestions have been most valuable. I'll give it a go.