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Started by akane, April 12, 2010, 09:20:08 AM

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I'm developing an IDE for multiple programming languages, and have the need to create a .dbg file (using CoClassSymsDbgFile from Mar99hood).

To include only public symbols in my .dbg file, I need only to parse the .map file. To include public and private symbols, I need to 'parse' all .obj files used by the linker. All the info is stored in .map file: 0001:00000570       MyChildMenuDlgProc         00401570     Untitled 5.obj
0001:000007e0       OPENWINDOW                 004017e0     ebstd:openwindow.obj

For sections with at least one public symbol I have no problem, because parsing the .map file (linker output) gives me the virtual addres for a symbol, which is converted to section virtual address, used to compute offsets to all non-public symbols in the same section, for currently scanned .obj file.

The problem is, when a section does not have public symbols (mostly .data or .bss). The following command generates all info I need in the relocations table:
link -dump /all program1.obj >program1_dump.txt

RELOCATIONS #1 (section .text)
                                                Symbol    Symbol
Offset    Type              Applied To         Index     Name
--------  ----------------  -----------------  --------  ------ // struct IMAGE_RELOCATION
000000CD  DIR32                      000000D0        13  .bss
0000010E  DIR32                      000000D0        13  .bss
00000160  DIR32                      000000D0        13  .bss

013 00000000 SECT3  notype       Static       | .bss
060 000000D0 SECT3  int          Static       | hMenu

For a reference I've picked the private hMenu symbol. Here is a question: how to compute 'Applied To' in relocations area? I'm asking, because IMAGE_RELOCATION does not include this field, it has only the offset in section, symbol index and relocation type, and I don't want to execute -dump for each object file.

The 000000D0 value (known as IMAGE_SYMBOL.Value) is referencing my hMenu symbol. Knowing how to compute it, I will be able to compute base (virtual) address of .bss section, then looping all symbols in .bss section I'll get the virtual addresses for all remaining symbols in .obj file.

EDIT: found it, the info I searched for is stored in .text section at offset section.relocation.offset
IDA: .text:000000CC                 mov     eax, offset hMenu ; file offset=158h; first relocation for hMenu
FILE: B8 D0 00 00 00

Another question. Why sometimes the CoClassSymsDbgFile tool puts a huge empty space (zeros) to the .dbg file? Microsoft's debugger engine fails to load symbols if the dbg file has the empty space, only IDA works fine.


Quote from: akane
Another question. Why sometimes the CoClassSymsDbgFile tool puts a huge empty space (zeros) to the .dbg file? Microsoft's debugger engine fails to load symbols if the dbg file has the empty space, only IDA works fine.

I'd guess you'd need to analyse the code, vasts tract of zeros seems like a bug. Microsoft tools aren't usually very robust when handling data that is slightly odd, or corrupt.


Edit: attaching a PE/COFF object dump/disassembler.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


Clive, I have tried it. Failed when passing path to .dbg, but 'succeeded' with .exe path, displaying all bad informations and crashing at the end.
The command was peobj -sym edit.exe.

I do not have any debugging informations in .obj files, just a collection of symbols from .map, referenced .lib and .obj files, stored in .dbg file.
The exe after linking is modified, IMAGE_FILE_DEBUG_STRIPPED flag is added, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG is initialzed to a special symbol with 256 bytes of space for three well known structures, and .dbg file name.

I've attached the test application for a day or two: You'll find an exe, dbg, the special "symbol" for debug structures - debug.asm, and the CoClassSymsDbgFile code, used in my compiler module.
The .dbg file contain empty space, but is still acceptable by dbgeng.dll.

EDIT: the empty space was generated just at the second linking. The original code was not adapted for multiple executions. To fix it, I just added "g_cbPublicSymbols = sizeof(OMFSymHash)" to the CoClassSymsBeginSymbolCallouts function.


DumpPE would be more appropriate for EXE/DBG files, PEObj is only for .OBJ files. I will look into it, I think I have a more recent build.

PEObj edit.obj -disasm -sym >x

Machine                                     014C (Intel 386)
Sections                                    0004
Time Date Stamp                         4BC355EF Mon Apr 12 12:18:39 2010
Symbol Table                            00000380
Number of Symbols                       00000018
Optional header size                        0000
Characteristics                             0000

Section Table
01  .drectve Virtual Address         00000000
Physical Address        00000000
Raw Data Offset         000000B4
Raw Data Size           00000031
Relocation Offset       00000000
Relocation Count        0000
Line Number Offset      00000000
Line Number Count       0000
Characteristics         00100A00
1  Byte Align

02  .debug$S Virtual Address         00000000
Physical Address        00000000
Raw Data Offset         000000E5
Raw Data Size           00000076
Relocation Offset       00000000
Relocation Count        0000
Line Number Offset      00000000
Line Number Count       0000
Characteristics         42100040
Initialized Data
1  Byte Align

0036 - 0009 S_OBJNAME        D:\Aurora\projects\aurora ide\Projects\edit.obj

00000000: 36 00 09 00 00 00 00 00 - 2F 44 3A 5C 41 75 72 6F  6......./D:\Auro
00000010: 72 61 5C 70 72 6F 6A 65 - 63 74 73 5C 61 75 72 6F  ra\projects\auro
00000020: 72 61 20 69 64 65 5C 50 - 72 6F 6A 65 63 74 73 5C  ra ide\Projects\
00000030: 65 64 69 74 2E 6F 62 6A                            edit.obj

0038 - 1013 S_COMPILE2_VS97

00000000: 38 00 13 10 00 02 00 00 - 07 00 0E 00 00 00 27 C6  8.............'.
00000010: 0E 00 00 00 27 C6 21 4D - 69 63 72 6F 73 6F 66 74  ....'.!Microsoft
00000020: 20 28 52 29 20 4F 70 74 - 69 6D 69 7A 69 6E 67 20   (R) Optimizing
00000030: 43 6F 6D 70 69 6C 65 72 - 00 00                    Compiler..

03  .data    Virtual Address         00000000
Physical Address        00000000
Raw Data Offset         0000015B
Raw Data Size           00000098
Relocation Offset       00000000
Relocation Count        0000
Line Number Offset      00000000
Line Number Count       0000
Characteristics         C0400040
Initialized Data
8  Byte Align

04  .text    Virtual Address         00000000
Physical Address        00000000
Raw Data Offset         000001F3
Raw Data Size           00000101
Relocation Offset       000002F4
Relocation Count        000E
Line Number Offset      00000000
Line Number Count       0000
Characteristics         60500020
16 Byte Align

00000009 00000008 0006 (DIR32   )    3.00000000 $SG81556
00000015 00000011 0006 (DIR32   )    0.00000000 __imp_FindWindowExW
00000025 00000009 0006 (DIR32   )    3.00000010 $SG81559
0000005D 00000010 0006 (DIR32   )    0.00000000 __imp_SendMessageW
00000065 0000000F 0006 (DIR32   )    0.00000000 __imp_Sleep
0000006F 0000000E 0006 (DIR32   )    0.00000000 __imp_MessageBeep
0000009E 00000017 0006 (DIR32   )    0.00000000 __imp_RtlZeroMemory
000000BE 0000000A 0006 (DIR32   )    3.00000080 $SG81570
000000C6 00000016 0006 (DIR32   )    0.00000000 __imp_CreateProcessW
000000D2 00000015 0006 (DIR32   )    0.00000000 __imp_WaitForInputIdle
000000D9 0000000D 0006 (DIR32   )    4.00000000 EnumProc
000000E3 00000014 0006 (DIR32   )    0.00000000 __imp_EnumThreadWindows
000000ED 00000013 0006 (DIR32   )    0.00000000 __imp_CloseHandle
000000F7 00000013 0006 (DIR32   )    0.00000000 __imp_CloseHandle

Symbol Table

0000 : Val 006DC627, Sec FFFFFFFF, Typ 0000, Sto 03, Aux 00

0001 : Val 00000001, Sec FFFFFFFF, Typ 0000, Sto 03, Aux 00 @feat.00

0002 : Val 00000000, Sec 0001, Typ 0000, Sto 03, Aux 01 .drectve

31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  1...............
00 00                                              ..

0004 : Val 00000000, Sec 0002, Typ 0000, Sto 03, Aux 01 .debug$S

76 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  v...............
00 00                                              ..

0006 : Val 00000000, Sec 0003, Typ 0000, Sto 03, Aux 01 .data

98 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 08 F8 90 99 00 00 00 00  ................
00 00                                              ..

0008 : Val 00000000, Sec 0003, Typ 0000, Sto 03, Aux 00 $SG81556

0009 : Val 00000010, Sec 0003, Typ 0000, Sto 03, Aux 00 $SG81559

000A : Val 00000080, Sec 0003, Typ 0000, Sto 03, Aux 00 $SG81570

000B : Val 00000000, Sec 0004, Typ 0000, Sto 03, Aux 01 .text

01 01 00 00 0E 00 00 00 - F3 4A 6C 66 00 00 00 00  .........Jlf....
00 00                                              ..

000D : Val 00000000, Sec 0004, Typ 0020, Sto 02, Aux 00 EnumProc

000E : Val 00000000, Sec 0000, Typ 0000, Sto 02, Aux 00 __imp_MessageBeep

000F : Val 00000000, Sec 0000, Typ 0000, Sto 02, Aux 00 __imp_Sleep

0010 : Val 00000000, Sec 0000, Typ 0000, Sto 02, Aux 00 __imp_SendMessageW

0011 : Val 00000000, Sec 0000, Typ 0000, Sto 02, Aux 00 __imp_FindWindowExW

0012 : Val 00000090, Sec 0004, Typ 0020, Sto 02, Aux 00 main

0013 : Val 00000000, Sec 0000, Typ 0000, Sto 02, Aux 00 __imp_CloseHandle

0014 : Val 00000000, Sec 0000, Typ 0000, Sto 02, Aux 00 __imp_EnumThreadWindows

0015 : Val 00000000, Sec 0000, Typ 0000, Sto 02, Aux 00 __imp_WaitForInputIdle

0016 : Val 00000000, Sec 0000, Typ 0000, Sto 02, Aux 00 __imp_CreateProcessW

0017 : Val 00000000, Sec 0000, Typ 0000, Sto 02, Aux 00 __imp_RtlZeroMemory


00000040                    $SG81556:                   ; Xref 000000E8
00000040 65006400690074000000   dw      'edit',000h
0000004A 00 00 00 00 00 00                                  ......
00000050                    $SG81559:                   ; Xref 00000102
00000050 480057004E0044002000.. dw      'HWND hwndEdit = FindWindowEx(hwnd, 0, TEXT("edit"), 0);',000h
000000C0                    $SG81570:                   ; Xref 0000019D
000000C0 6E006F00740065007000.. dw      'notepad.exe',000h

000000E0                    EnumProc:                   ; Xref 000001B8
000000E0 55                     push    ebp
000000E1 8BEC                   mov     ebp,esp
000000E3 83EC0C                 sub     esp,0Ch
000000E6 6A00                   push    0
000000E8 6840000000             push    offset $SG81556 ; 'edit',000h
000000ED 6A00                   push    0
000000EF 8B4508                 mov     eax,[ebp+8]
000000F2 50                     push    eax
000000F3 FF150000FFEF           call    dword ptr [__imp_FindWindowExW]
000000F9 8945FC                 mov     [ebp-4],eax
000000FC 837DFC00               cmp     dword ptr [ebp-4],0
00000100 7451                   jz      loc_00000153
00000102 C745F850000000         mov     dword ptr [ebp-8],offset $SG81559 ; 'HWND hwndEdit = FindWindowEx(hwnd, 0, TEXT("edit"), 0);',000h
00000109                    loc_00000109:               ; Xref 00000149
00000109 8B4DF8                 mov     ecx,[ebp-8]
0000010C 0FB711                 movzx   edx,word ptr [ecx]
0000010F 85D2                   test    edx,edx
00000111 7438                   jz      loc_0000014B
00000113 8B45F8                 mov     eax,[ebp-8]
00000116 668B08                 mov     cx,[eax]
00000119 66894DF4               mov     [ebp-0Ch],cx
0000011D 8B55F8                 mov     edx,[ebp-8]
00000120 83C202                 add     edx,2
00000123 8955F8                 mov     [ebp-8],edx
00000126 66C745F60000           mov     word ptr [ebp-0Ah],0
0000012C 8D45F4                 lea     eax,[ebp-0Ch]
0000012F 50                     push    eax
00000130 6A01                   push    1
00000132 68C2000000             push    0C2h
00000137 8B4DFC                 mov     ecx,[ebp-4]
0000013A 51                     push    ecx
0000013B FF150000FEEF           call    dword ptr [__imp_SendMessageW]
00000141 6A64                   push    64h
00000143 FF150000FDEF           call    dword ptr [__imp_Sleep]
00000149 EBBE                   jmp     loc_00000109

0000014B                    loc_0000014B:               ; Xref 00000111
0000014B 6A40                   push    40h
0000014D FF150000FCEF           call    dword ptr [__imp_MessageBeep]
00000153                    loc_00000153:               ; Xref 00000100
00000153 33C0                   xor     eax,eax
00000155 837DFC00               cmp     dword ptr [ebp-4],0
00000159 0F94C0                 sete    al
0000015C 8BE5                   mov     esp,ebp
0000015E 5D                     pop     ebp
0000015F C20800                 ret     8

00000162 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC.. db      14 dup (0CCh)

00000170                    main:
00000170 55                     push    ebp
00000171 8BEC                   mov     ebp,esp
00000173 83EC58                 sub     esp,58h
00000176 6A44                   push    44h
00000178 8D45A8                 lea     eax,[ebp-58h]
0000017B 50                     push    eax
0000017C FF150000FBEF           call    dword ptr [__imp_RtlZeroMemory]
00000182 C745A844000000         mov     dword ptr [ebp-58h],44h
00000189 8D4DF0                 lea     ecx,[ebp-10h]
0000018C 51                     push    ecx
0000018D 8D55A8                 lea     edx,[ebp-58h]
00000190 52                     push    edx
00000191 6A00                   push    0
00000193 6A00                   push    0
00000195 6A00                   push    0
00000197 6A00                   push    0
00000199 6A00                   push    0
0000019B 6A00                   push    0
0000019D 68C0000000             push    offset $SG81570 ; 'notepad.exe',000h
000001A2 6A00                   push    0
000001A4 FF150000FAEF           call    dword ptr [__imp_CreateProcessW]
000001AA 6AFF                   push    0FFFFFFFFh
000001AC 8B45F0                 mov     eax,[ebp-10h]
000001AF 50                     push    eax
000001B0 FF150000F9EF           call    dword ptr [__imp_WaitForInputIdle]
000001B6 6A00                   push    0
000001B8 68E0000000             push    offset EnumProc
000001BD 8B4DFC                 mov     ecx,[ebp-4]
000001C0 51                     push    ecx
000001C1 FF150000F8EF           call    dword ptr [__imp_EnumThreadWindows]
000001C7 8B55F0                 mov     edx,[ebp-10h]
000001CA 52                     push    edx
000001CB FF150000F7EF           call    dword ptr [__imp_CloseHandle]
000001D1 8B45F4                 mov     eax,[ebp-0Ch]
000001D4 50                     push    eax
000001D5 FF150000F7EF           call    dword ptr [__imp_CloseHandle]
000001DB 33C0                   xor     eax,eax
000001DD 8BE5                   mov     esp,ebp
000001DF 5D                     pop     ebp
000001E0 C3                     ret
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.