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GetDiskFreeSpaceEx help

Started by maruf10, April 09, 2010, 04:00:11 AM

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(eq.1) minimum number of digits

Dmin = FLOOR((N-1) x LOG(2)) + 1

(eq.2) maximum number of digits

Dmax = FLOOR(N x LOG(2)) + 1

D = number of decimal digits
N = number of bits

figure out how many digits you want to see (4 to 5 seems adequate)
test the upper (64 - N) bits for all 0's
if any of those bits are non-zero, SHR,10, increment the magnitude counter, and test again


include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\

includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\debug.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\shlwapi.lib

freeSpace dd ?,?          ;GetDiskFreeSpaceEx expects this to be 64-bits
totalSpace dd ?,?         ;GetDiskFreeSpaceEx expects this to be 64-bits
usedSpace dd ?,?
outputbuffer db 256 dup(?)
totalbuffer db 256 dup(?)
usedbuffer  db 256 dup(?)
freebuffer  db 256 dup(?)
report db  "Total Space ............ %s",13,10,"Used Space ............ %s",13,10,"Free Space ............ %s",0
MAXPATH equ 512
driveName db MAXPATH dup (?)
colon db ":",0
slash db "/",0
_title db " ",0
space db " ",0
info db " Drive Information",0
info2 db "Submitte By Raisul",0
prompt1 db "ENTER DRIVE NAME : ",0
prompt2 db "DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE(y/n)?? ",0
decision db MAXPATH dup (?)
Y db "y",0
N db "n",0
newline db 10,13,0

   invoke ClearScreen
      invoke StdOut , addr prompt1
      invoke StdIn , addr driveName , MAXPATH
      MOV BYTE PTR [driveName+EAX-2],0

      invoke lstrcat , addr driveName , addr colon
      invoke lstrcat , addr driveName , addr slash

      invoke GetDiskFreeSpaceEx, addr driveName,addr freeSpace,addr totalSpace,0

      invoke StrFormatByteSize64, totalSpace, totalSpace+4, ADDR totalbuffer, SIZEOF totalbuffer
      invoke StrFormatByteSize64, freeSpace, freeSpace+4, ADDR freebuffer, SIZEOF freebuffer

      mov eax,totalSpace
      mov edx,totalSpace+4
      sub eax,freeSpace
      sbb edx,freeSpace+4
      mov usedSpace,eax
      mov usedSpace+4,edx

      invoke StrFormatByteSize64, usedSpace, usedSpace+4, ADDR usedbuffer, SIZEOF usedbuffer

      invoke wsprintf , addr outputbuffer , addr report , addr totalbuffer , addr usedbuffer , addr freebuffer

      invoke lstrcpy , addr _title , addr driveName
      invoke lstrcat , addr _title , addr info
      invoke lstrcat , addr _title , addr info2

      invoke MessageBox, NULL,addr outputbuffer,addr _title, MB_OK
      invoke StdOut , addr newline

         invoke StdOut , addr prompt2
         invoke StdIn , addr decision , MAXPATH
         MOV BYTE PTR [decision+EAX-2],0
         invoke lstrcmp , addr decision , addr Y
         mov ebx , eax
         invoke lstrcmp , addr decision , addr N
         mov ecx , eax
      .until (ebx == 0 || ecx == 0)
   .until ebx!=0
   invoke ExitProcess,NULL

end start

>> give me some idea to add graphical interface with the above code


driveName db MAXPATH dup (?)

What is the use of MAXPATH


Quote from: CliveThe trick of course it to display them in a magnitude appropriate manner, especially when the number may be a few thousand bytes, up to a couple of terabytes.

Someone already worked out a procedure to do that, I wasn't able to find it though.


Quote from: Greg Lyon
Someone already worked out a procedure to do that, I wasn't able to find it though.

I wrote this many years ago for a disc media application, take it as a pseudo-code example.


char * MemSize(QWORD Size)
static const char Symbol[] = "KMGTPEZY?";
static char Str[32];

int Sym;

double Units;
double Capacity;

Sym = 0;

Units = 1024.0;

Capacity = (double)Size / Units;

while((Capacity > Units) || (Sym >= (sizeof(Symbol) - 1)))
Capacity = Capacity / Units;


sprintf(Str, "%6.2lf %cB", Capacity, Symbol[Sym]);

It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


Quote from: raisul1
driveName db MAXPATH dup (?)

What is the use of MAXPATH

To allocate enough space for a fully described path. Seems overkill for "C:\", but better than allocating an insufficient one.

It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


How can i add background image in my asm code


Autoranging capacity conversion in assembler using 64-bit integers.


        .MODEL FLAT,C


; Convert 64-bit capacity number to form xxx.yyy KB, xxx.yyy GB, etc

AutoRange PROC num:QWORD, outstr:PTR BYTE

        push    esi
        push    ebx

        mov     esi,outstr      ; C string output buffer

        mov     eax,dword ptr num[0] ; Low order 32-bits
        mov     edx,dword ptr num[4] ; High order

        ; Fixed point 10.10 bits, autoranging

        xor     ebx,ebx         ; Clear size index

        or      edx,edx         ; Test high order dword
        jnz     next

        test    eax,0FFF00000h  ; Try to confine range to xxx.yyy ie 0.000 to 1023.999
        jz      done            ;  by checking upper 12 bits zero, and lower 20 bits the number

next:   shrd    eax,edx,10      ; edx:eax >> 10 -> eax
        shr     edx,10          ; edx >> 10 -> edx
        inc     ebx             ; step magnitude index

        or      edx,edx         ; Test high order dword
        jnz     next            ; still non zero, shift again
        test    eax,0FFF00000h  ; Check if lower 20 bits hold the number
        jnz     next            ; if upper 12-bits non zero, shift again

done:   push    eax             ; Save fractional portion
        shr     eax,10          ; align to integer portion

        ; convert binary to decimal for integer portion

        push    0               ; Mark end of decimal with NULL
        mov     ecx,10          ; base 10
@@:     xor     edx,edx         ; eax = edx:eax / 10, edx = edx:eax % 10
        div     ecx
        add     edx,030h        ; += '0', convert digit to ASCII
        push    edx             ; stack
        or      eax,eax         ; until decimal fully decoded
        jnz     @B

        pop     eax             ; unstack
@@:     mov     byte ptr [esi],al ; add ASCII digit
        add     esi,1
        pop     eax             ; unstack
        or      eax,eax         ; NULL marks end of digits
        jnz     @B

        mov     byte ptr [esi],'.' ; Add decimal point

        pop     eax             ; Recover fractional portion
        and     eax,03FFh       ; Mask fraction portion
        mov     ecx,1000        ; Convert 0..1023 to 0..999
        mul     ecx             ; eax = (eax * 1000) >> 10
        shr     eax,10

        ; Convert to 3 decimal places for fractional portion

        mov     ecx,10          ; Base 10

        xor     edx,edx         ; eax = edx:eax / 10, edx = edx:eax % 10
        div     ecx
        add     edx,030h        ; += '0', convert digit to ASCII
        mov     byte ptr [esi+3],dl ; .--F

        xor     edx,edx         ; eax = edx:eax / 10, edx = edx:eax % 10
        div     ecx
        add     edx,030h        ; += '0', convert digit to ASCII
        mov     byte ptr [esi+2],dl ; .-F-

        xor     edx,edx         ; eax = edx:eax / 10, edx = edx:eax % 10
        div     ecx
        add     edx,030h        ; += '0', convert digit to ASCII
        mov     byte ptr [esi+1],dl ; .F--

        mov     byte ptr [esi+4],' ' ; space
        mov     al,mag[ebx]
        mov     byte ptr [esi+5],al     ; xB<NUL>
        mov     byte ptr [esi+6],'B'
        mov     byte ptr [esi+7],0

        pop     ebx
        pop     esi


        ; Magnitude conversion

mag     db      'KMGTPE' ; KMGTPEZY, 64-bits gets to EXABYTES

AutoRange ENDP

It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.