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Check the new NO HOMEWORK rule.

Started by hutch--, April 07, 2005, 09:45:32 AM

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Of late we have had too many people trying to get members to do their homework for them and this is not acceptable conduct in a forum of this type. While the forum is the right place for people learning assembler for 32 bit Windows, it will not be used as a dumping ground for people who want others to do their homework for them. Learners are welcome to post technical questions in the forum and members will help them if they can but just posting problems so that other people can solve them for you will result in the posts being deleted. Note also that 16 bit DOS questions will be moved to the 16 bit DOS forum as the main forum is for 32 bit Windows code.
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Robert Collins

Well, I see no one has replied (????) so I guess I will.

First, this is in no way an attempt to upset the apple cart. I realize that there are rules set forth by a higher authority than I am.

Second, where I come from we normally hang the librarian and save the books. Knowledge is something we all need and the more we have the better we become at what we are doing.

I guess what I am getting at is would it not have been better to just simply 'lock' the topic from further replies and save the information?

I was following that particular topic because I knew it was something that I was going to have to get into later. Although at the time alot of it was beyond my current understanding, I knew that I would return to it when the time came to use that information to better my next assignment at work. Sadly, (and unfortunate for me) as I returned back to that topic it was gone.

Well, what can I say?   



Its a "floodgate" style problem, we get from time to time students who see a technical forum as a supply of suckers who will do their homework for them which is an abuse of members who spend time here helping others. On the other hand we have had students in here who were willing to do their own work and they were given whatever assistance the members were able to give.

The rule has been put in place to ensure that the forum does not become a pit of whin"G"ing and grovelling by people who think they are smart enough to get others to do their work for them. Now if there is a topic that you are interested in at some stage in the future, raise the topic and I have no doubt that someone will know something about it.

I put this topic in the Campus so it would be noticed, the rule has been added to the forum rules and it will be enforced if anyone abuses the forum instead of doing their own work.
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As the guy who originally joined the forum under the name of Luis Valencia has repeatedly violated the rules, been removed as a member and has repeatedly rejoined using different names and changed his email address and parts of his IP, I ask members not to help him at all. As soon as I find a post he has made, it goes to the scrapheap along with any answers that have been made in it so please do not support this guy as he clearly has no respect for the members or the forum.
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Hi Mr. Hutch

   How are you ?
   I am replying because i am surprised with what happened with Luis Valencia. I saw, some time ago, yourself giving help to him in a topic in the forum (one time). Now, i am seeing you say us that  «He has  been removed as a member and has repeatedly rejoined using different names and changed his email address and parts of his IP». Well, i think it is not a normal behaviour, at all. I dont know who is him, etc.
   Here, i am a simple person, (a member while you want ... ) not more. But i think, with the authority of your age in this matter  ( and ...) he would be advised and he would be know that  «the members do not help him at all, because ... ». All things clear. Its what i think.
   As a teacher i was, one time, i caught a student with a sheet of  "remainders" behind his examination paper. What i did was to tell him «you has not a mobile phone !!!».  In his exam paper there was two or three lines written only and ... all wrong. I tryed to help him to do some other questions. Learning, is the fundamental question to me. I tryed to be a friend of my pupils, ever.


Mark Jones

What it could be, is that students [like this] have lost interest in their course work and so just look for easy ways to get the answers and a passing grade. They don't have that drive that makes them want to learn all the little details of their field. If that is the case, perhaps they should find something more interesting to study, rather than struggle with something they don't like. Because if they graduate without exceptional knowledge in their field, they have to realize that there are probably a few hundred other graduates who DID study and learn their coursework properly... and in the end, an employer is likely going to choose someone with the strongest desire to exceed their training. Who wants to hire a freeloader? :naughty:
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08



Thanks for your comments but understand how running a forum works, it was set up first for programmers and with the many members who are willing to help other programmers learning assembler, very good quality help is given to any who bother to do their own work. We have had many students through this forum who make the effort and get help doing it but we will never allow people who just dump their problems with the idea of getting others to do their work for them.

Luis was asked first but kept posting stuff that he should have done himself. After he persisted his postings were removed and after he still persisted, his membership was removed. He then multiply joined the forum under different names and when he was banned for doing so he kept changing his email, IP and username to avoid detection and rejoining.

Now if we allow new members to abuse the forum, it will turn away the people who actually do help others which would be a loss to the rest of the members who can use a bit of help from time to time. Luis was given more than enough chances but he kept abusing the rules so he has been removed in a more permenant way.
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Hi Mark Jones,
   You have reason, but its not the case. There are students that they dont know some matters because they had not opportunity to learn such things before, but they want to know, they want to work. In my opinion, they need some kind of help (to learn not to pass). I knew some others that it is impossible, they dont want to learn, to study. Mark, i know very well what is "working with books" every days, week-ends etc.

Hi Mr. Hucth,
   Nice to see you ! I understand you. What a work he does («he kept changing his email, IP and username to avoid detection and rejoining» )! But LuisValencia has a topic in CAMPUS( convert VB ...??? i dont know ).

My regards

Robert Collins

Quote from: hutch-- on April 17, 2005, 06:26:21 AM
As the guy who originally joined the forum under the name of Luis Valencia has repeatedly violated the rules, been removed as a member and has repeatedly rejoined using different names and changed his email address and parts of his IP, I ask members not to help him at all. As soon as I find a post he has made, it goes to the scrapheap along with any answers that have been made in it so please do not support this guy as he clearly has no respect for the members or the forum.

Question. In the above post you stated I ask members not to help him at all. Since he from time to time uses a different name, then how is one to know who he is helping? 


mmm, I know some teachers that try to "teach", but they dont teach nothing ;).

For example, I have looked a course in OS introduction (more is how to use Linux.. lot of laught at that... ;) ), but some time the teacher there "give" some introduction to asm with tasm/masm (dunno if have the License for do taht... but I supose that learning in a Institute not break Licenses.... ¿?), OK, anyway, after some time I return to the class (perhaps a week or so less) and I see that there where no clas at all, then I ask my friends there for what there is no class (I have watched the profesor somewhere), they say me because the teacher where angry when he see that a exersise is not understood (another friend pass to do it but isnt ok at all), also a friend ask me if I can understand the example, I say "yes I supose", then I start trying to clean the questions that have for me, I feel a complete missunderstood with what is a label/address, what is a register, what is a interruption, how arguments are passed, where they are returned and a lot of other things, then I say, wath garbage is the teacher trying to do. :), ok, perhaps not garbage but he was thinking that all persons can understand easely when that is a no. Persons learn in diferent ways and that is the answer.

I have watched good and bad teachers all the time, also I have watched good and bad students, but the constant is that all people can learn and teach something to others.

But in what Im in concordance is tha a board is to short for try to help some one like Luis that dosent know what is he doing and where is he doing it.


Hi rea
          I appreciate what you said. Like: «some teachers that try to "teach", but they dont teach nothing», «Persons learn in diferent ways», «I have watched good and bad teachers all the time, also I have watched good and bad students, but the constant is that all people can learn and teach something to others» and «..try to help some one like Luis that dosent know what is he doing and where is he doing it».
   I had one that passed all the time speaking about our nails etc. I dont teach nothing, now and never! For me, my good teachers was that permit me to learn. I think it is important, too, no? But there are good students dont like to say nothing to their friends, too.

my regards


Noting that Luis is starting to wear out his welcome in the win32asm forum as well for doing exactly what he did in here, the basic distinction has to be drawn on students depending on how they approach their classwork. We have had various students who were front up about doing their assignments and had been willing to do as much of their own work as possible. These students get help from the members because they were willing to try themselves but the ones who dump their assignment into a forum asking other people to do their work for them because they have failed to attend lectures or have not done the own studies properly will get kicked out for their efforts.

This is an assembler forum, not a "do your homework for you" forum, people who try and pass off their problem to others who have nothing to do with it will not get far here. It was not uncommon for some lazy little sh*t to paste in his assignment and his email address and ask members to do the homework for them and send it to their email address. Any who want to take this approach can go to Rentacoder and pay someone to do it for them.

We will see how long SpooK put up with this nonsense before he kicks Luis out as well, when I looked at the win32asm forum this morning 9 topics on the front page were started by LuisValencia so I guess it won't be long.
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Hi. Better we keep patient facing a member like that. Dont say anything rude but remove his membership. Maybe a word like, "Please come back here if you have understand the rule" might help it to understand it mistakes.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Quote from: Robert Collins on April 19, 2005, 06:11:14 PM
Since he from time to time uses a different name, then how is one to know who he is helping?

For his most recent identity, if you had not been following his post here and had not seen his posts on the Win32ASM forum, you could not have known. But his manner of asking for the code that he obtained there, and posted here, hoping that someone would make it work, pretty much indicates what he is about:
How can I know if two numbers are the same

It must return an INT
Int = 1 if they are the same
Int = 0 if are different.

Not "explain to me how it might be done in general", but "give me code that does exactly what is required for my assignment".

eschew obfuscation

James Ladd

Hmmmmn, I thought this was a place for help and learning.

I agree that if someone wants people here to do their homework then we should just ignore the question
or suggest they "search" the forum for the answer.

Im not sure I agree with the "removal" of people for doing this. After all, its a public forum.

I guess Im saying this because sometimes I ask stupid/simple questions and I might be "removed" for
homework like requests ;)