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Check the new NO HOMEWORK rule.

Started by hutch--, April 07, 2005, 09:45:32 AM

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Everyone has asked a question that they though was a stupid question but this is not the problem, its people who abuse the goodwill of members who regularly help others out that is the problem. It is HIS responsibility to learn what he needs for his schoolwork and if he is to lazy to do his own work, it is unreasonable for members to have this burden imposed on them as a consequence.

People who help themselves get help, lazy people fail at their schoolwork for not doing their own work in the first place and our members are not going to be used as a convenience to prop them up because they are too lazy to do their own research.
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James Ladd


Hutch, you are so darn correct.  :toothy

Robert Collins

Quote from: MichaelW on April 20, 2005, 04:49:59 AM
...... But his manner of asking for the code that he obtained there, and posted here, hoping that someone would make it work, pretty much indicates what he is about:
How can I know if two numbers are the same

It must return an INT
Int = 1 if they are the same
Int = 0 if are different.

Not "explain to me how it might be done in general", but "give me code that does exactly what is required for my assignment".

I'm not opposed to forum policies and I know there must be rules to maintain the integerty of the forum but I am technical, not political, so I would not view such a question (as the above example shows) as "give me code that does exactly what is required for my assignment". but I would see it as "explain to me how it might be done in general". This is exactly the opposite as you saw it.     

As I browse the forum topics, I, being a newbi myself, would not look at such a question in the same manner as you or a more advanced member would. Yes, I was following that topic but I was interested in the subject of the topic and not the manner in which a question is posted or who posted the request. It never entered my mind that there was a problem there with that particular member until Hutch stepped in and made his post.

In the general sense, If I see a question and I just happen to know the answer then I would be very happy to post my answer without any bias opinion(s) about the requester. In fact, I usually don't even think too much about who posted the question but more so about the question itself. My answer, from my point of view, is to help not only the requester but anyone else who could benfit from it.

Robert Collins

OK, just one more time and then I am off this topic.

I can say, and I am sure most of us here will agree, that this is the best forum I have ever been a member of. It is because of people like Hutch who has given so much of their time to develope and build this site to what it is. He could not do this if it wasn't for certain ground rules that he has had to implement into maintaining the integrity of this site. Sure, we are human and we all have opinions and thoughts that may or may not be in agreeance with others. I don't always agree with others and others don't always agree with me but in the end it appears that we all have reached a common goal. I do believe that Hutch has given much thought in laying down the rules and policies. That doesn't mean I am always happy with the end results and it doesn't mean I always agree but I know it is for the best of maintaining this site and for the better of it's members. Yes, this is a public forum but sidewalks are also public and that doesn't mean you should write on them either. If members abuse the forum then I say let Hutch deal with it as he sees fit wheather I or anyone agrees with it or not. If he didn't then we would wind up with one of those 'other' types of forums that I have had the unfortunate experience of being a member.

Like I stated in the previous post I am purely technical and I want to keep it that way. Thank goodness for Hutch that I have this site to visit and aquire knowledge from the good members here who are so willing to give their advise and help.


Hello Robert,

I agree with you on the part that if I see people asking for help, I would try to help if I know the answer. But I think there is a limit to how much help that one can provide. It is all volunteerary here. If you ask me, I am pretty irritated with the fact that people are just driven by their deadlines for their assembly assignment and not asking question for the saking of learning assembly.

Yes I was once a newbie - who wasn't? But I wasn't driven by deadlines to complete an assignment (I'm still pursing my A level - still far from getting a university degree) but passion and the willingness to learn. I am willing to help people who were like me. But I find it difficult to get myself to help people who are not willing to help themselves in the first place. People who don't bother to read up and (re)search for themselves.

Generally I agree with Hutch on his rule. I hate people who shove their assignments into our face and demand us to code it for them. Who are we to them? Who is the one getting the degree/diploma? Us or them? Hutch is right - we should not be doing *their* assignment. I would not mind if they ask questions that are related to aquiring of knowledge (assembly coding).


I long ago learnt that behind every nick name is a human being who has their reasons for frequenting the internet and with a forum like this one, many make the effort to help others out and the place works fine because members can extend the normal goodwill to others. The forum was based on the idea that people respect each other and it has rules aimed at avioding many of the known problems.

The Campus has its own rules to protect learners from some of the nonesense that has gone on in other places where learners were treated like idiots. This prevents the patronising bullsh*t you used to hear from script kiddies and the like. When it comes to new members, most here try to help but when you have a new member that just treats the forum like a facility to exploit to their own advantage, they are treating the members like functions to their own lifestyle rather than as another human being and these are factors that have destroyed forums in the past.

Someone who comes in here and treats the members like some function they need to prop up their own requirements will in fact be treated like a function, IE : Nuisance and given the opportunity to find another place where they can be a pest.
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Quote from: hutch-- on April 20, 2005, 02:54:13 AM
We have had various students who were front up about doing their assignments and had been willing to do as much of their own work as possible.

Looks like pbrennick has been a bit harsh then:

The guy was unsure about the homework rules, so he said that if it the assignment couldn't be done for him, he would be happy to learn about cross-linking.


Understand this that people who try get help, while our friend was not rude or pushy, he came in with no content but was asking how to perform the basic task. It is the responsibility of the student to get enough from the teacher to do the task, not the responsibility of this forum to fill it out for him.

This is finally a forum for assembler programmers and while it goes out of its way to help people learning assembler, it is not in place for this task.
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Guyz you have damn lot of time!

I would not have started a topic like this at all, since such homework bearing guys will turn up time to time, and there is no safe solution for this. However I believe this actions are really minor to those which are adequate in a forum like this.
Browsing among the topics I found a few 'please help me with my homework' topics, and they had very few (2-3) posts. So I think the mainstream of the board does not deal with such guys and such requests.

This is not an issue worth to chat about, so I finish my post right now!

Greets to everyone!


I agree with this no homework rule;  it doesn't help the student if they are given the answer outright -- this means that if they are required to do a similar task later they wont be able to do it, or incorporate the knowledge they should have learnt.

By the way, I am simply interested in Assembly, I like the idea of having such control over the system.  The only other programming language I have used very much is BASIC (QBasic, I loved that on my old DOS 33Mhz PC :bg).  I am 18 years old, from England (I am half Australian through my Father who is from Perth, WA), and I am not studying programming or Assembly anywhere (it is purely an interest).

I know nobody will really care about this information but I haven't really given a formal introduction yet!  :boohoo:
If you love somebody, set them free.
If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were..


Thank you, Hutch, for keeping the standards high.  At the age of 47, I retired from the Army and went to college.  After receiving my degree in composite science, I now teach Chemistry in a High School for those who are academic challenged.  I get very upset with my students who try to copy from other students on their daily activity because they simply do not learn anything when they do.

Keep up the good work with this forum.  I learn alot and hope, oneday, I can contribute as most of your regulars do.




You are welcome, we had to stop a common form of nonsense where someone would join, dump their homework problem on anyone they could and expected members to do their homework for them and email it to them.

We are more than happy to help people who are learning but we cannot allow members to be used as conveniences by those who are too lazy to do their own work.
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Hutch, what are the current names of the people who are doing this.


Fortunately there aren't any blatant ones any longer. For the obvious reason, I am not in a position to start naming people in the forum but you can be sure that the team that run the forum are well tuned to any attempts to con our members into doing their homework. Students are welcome here and members will help them but no-one will do their homework for them.
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