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Alpha blending

Started by slovach, April 05, 2009, 07:34:13 AM

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I tried my hand at learning some MMX and this is the result.
I use the following formula:
dest = alpha * (source - dest) / 255 + dest;

Previously the best I could do was work on each channel of the pixel, so doing everything at once I imagine is a bit quicker.

I'm using a DIB Section for drawing, so I get a pointer to the bits. (which is dst)
color is a dword, and serves as the source.

Basically this is how I tried to lay it out...

00 XX 00 RR 00 GG 00 BB


00 XX 00 RR 00 GG 00 BB


00 AA 00 AA 00 AA 00 AA


00 FF 00 FF 00 FF 00 FF


00 XX 00 RR 00 GG 00 BB

pxor mm3, mm3 //clear register

mov eax, dword ptr [dst] //get everything ready
movd mm0, dword ptr [eax]
movd mm1, dword ptr [color] //src
movd mm2, dword ptr [alpha]

punpcklbw mm0, mm3 //unpack dst to words
punpcklbw mm1, mm3 //unpack color

punpcklbw mm2, mm2 //unpack alpha
punpcklbw mm2, mm2
punpcklbw mm2, mm3

psubusb mm1, mm0 //(color - dest)
pmullw mm1, mm2 //alpha * (color - dest)
psrlw mm1, 8 //alpha * (color - dest) / 256
paddusw mm1, mm0 //alpha * (color - dest) / 256 + dest

packuswb mm1, mm3
movd dword ptr [eax], mm1

Any ideas on improvements? It is very straight forward, but if anyone is aware of any neat tricks / improvements, please let me know.
