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Started by ToutEnMasm, April 09, 2009, 02:40:27 PM

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I work in c++ masm mixed langage .a masm object file is used to do that.The function is called by  c++ .
The c++ option are /clr:oldSyntax with /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" at link
In the c++ module,the function works well.In the asm object this one refuse to work ???.
Was it possible to make it work ??


Amazing. I can imagine why you are doing this,...and, I'll bet you already know the answer.   
The .NET Framework differs considerably in it's various versions, and so do the Visual Studio compiler versions (of course, you know this).   
For an example:, MSDN Listing of Hosting Interfaces for the .NET Framework 2.0.   
Another informative MSDN page is:, Managed Extensions for C++ Syntax Upgrade Checklist   

If, calling CorBindToRuntimeEx  works well when called from your mixed-mode C++ code (with, /clr:oldSyntax option), but, fails when called from an asm object file, I would suspect the MASM Library function forwarder invocation. Perhaps, it targets some version of the .NET Framework that is inappropriate (or a version that isn't available on your machine). Or, perhaps, the syntax used by the MASM Library function is deprecated (or, obsolete). Hell, I didn't even know there was a MASM CLR Library,...

By the way, (Warning: Humor) I think we (the MASM Forum e-Group) should send you a substantial cash award for all your interesting posts; try stuff that the rest of us are NOT courageous enough attempt. You're a maniac. And, I thought we Californians were the craziest people on the planet,...



I have turned off the problem passing ICorRuntimeHost pointer to the masm module.
And now , I am perhaps the first who have started and stopped the clr with masm,this work  :dance:.

I don't think the problem go with the libraries,i use only the sdk one but I will have a look on your link.


...OK,...OK,...I'm ripping my hair out.
But, I don't want to know how you did it.
...No,...HELL, No,...don't post any code. That would just be like blood in the water,...

Anyway, all kidding aside? Is there anything left? Are there any conquests still to be made?