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PutPixel Function

Started by Farabi, March 22, 2008, 12:39:18 PM

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Here is my putpixel function, anyone have idea how to optimize it?

PosCount proc x:dword,y:dword,maxX:dword,maxY:dword

mov eax,maxY ; 1 clock cycle
cmp y,eax ; 2 clock cycle
jae brs ; 1 clock cycle
mov eax,maxX ; 1 clock cycle
cmp x,eax ; 2 clock cycle
jae brs ; 1 clock cycle
xor ecx,ecx
cmp x,ecx
jl brs
cmp y,ecx
jl brs
mov ecx,y
; mov eax,maxX ; 1 clock cycle eax:=maxX
; mul y ; 42 clock cyclee ax:=maxX*y
shl ecx,10
mov eax,ecx
add eax,x ; 2 clock cycle eax:=(MaxX * Y)+x
ret ; 1 clock cycle
; 54 clock cycle
xor eax,eax
dec eax
PosCount endp

PixelPut proc uses esi edi x:dword,y:dword,color:dword

mov edi,main_screen
invoke PosCount,x,y,1024,768
cmp eax,-1
jnz @f
mov edx,color
mov [edi+eax*4+2],dl ;r
mov [edi+eax*4+1],dh ;g
shr edx,16
mov [edi+eax*4+0],dl ;b

PixelPut endp
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


I prefer to do it macro, putpixel is often gonna get called in a loop and most cpus has no to extremely little when it comes to branchprediction for "call"
here is my macros, one of them also do blend and one only outputs one color channel
this works for hires floormapping/skymapping 1280x1024x32bit, ddraw thats why I fetch screenadr with ddsd.lpsurface, plotadot is just a temporary storage dword
this is also designed for simple usage of change ecx,edx for loop a series of pixels
;usage ecx= screenx,edx=screeny,ARGB=EAX
plot MACRO
        .IF ecx<1280
            .IF ecx>0
                .IF edx<1024
                    .IF edx>0
        mov ebx,edx
        sal ebx,6
        mov [plotadot],ebx
        sal ebx,2
        add ebx,[plotadot]
        sal ebx,2 ;1280
        add ebx,ecx
        sal ebx,2 ;2
        add ebx,[ddsd.lpSurface]
        mov [ebx],eax
        plot2 MACRO
        .IF ecx<1280
            .IF ecx>0
                .IF edx<1024
                    .IF edx>0
        mov ebx,edx
        sal ebx,6
        mov [plotadot],ebx
        sal ebx,2
        add ebx,[plotadot]
        sal ebx,2 ;1280
        add ebx,ecx
        sal ebx,2
        add ebx,[ddsd.lpSurface]
        add eax,[ebx]
        mov [ebx],eax

plotb MACRO
        .IF ecx<1280
            .IF ecx>0
                .IF edx<1024
                    .IF edx>0
        mov ebx,edx
        sal ebx,6
        mov [plotadot],ebx
        sal ebx,2
        add ebx,[plotadot]
        sal ebx,2 ;1280
        add ebx,ecx
        sal ebx,2
        add ebx,[ddsd.lpSurface]
        ;add ebx,2
        mov [ebx],al

plot3   MACRO
        push ebx
        mov eax,edx
        ;sub eax,512
        xor edx,edx
        idiv ebx
        ;add eax,512
        mov Y1,eax
        mov eax,ecx
        ;sub eax,640
        xor edx,edx
        pop ebx
        idiv ebx
        ;add eax,640
        mov X1,eax
        mov ecx,X1
        mov edx,Y1


daydreamer :| use the unsigned hack to merge the [0;1280) comparison.

Here's my version, that takes care of structured clipping:

sdSetPixel proc PUBLIC uses eax ecx edx x,y,dwColor
mov ecx,x
mov edx,y
add ecx,SDDrawOffs.x
add edx,SDDrawOffs.y
xor eax,eax

cmp ecx,SDBound.left
jl _ret
cmp ecx,SDBound.right
jge _ret
cmp edx,
jl _ret
cmp edx,SDBound.bottom
jge _ret
imul edx,sTarget_Data.wid
mov eax,sTarget_Data.bits
add ecx,edx
mov edx,dwColor
mov [eax+ecx*4],edx

_ret: ret
sdSetPixel endp

Certainly there's some room for improvement.
Please use a smaller graphic in your signature.


"unsigned hack" also for farabi

PosCount proc x:dword,y:dword,maxX:dword,maxY:dword

mov ecx,x
mov eax,y
cmp ecx,maxX
jae brs
cmp eax,maxY
jae brs

; mov edx,maxX
; mul edx
shl eax,10
add eax,ecx
mov eax,-1
PosCount endp

PixelPut proc x:dword,y:dword,color:dword

invoke PosCount,x,y,1024,768
test eax,eax
jns @f
mov ecx,main_screen
mov edx,color
mov [ecx+eax*4],edx

PixelPut endp


Quote from: Ultrano on March 22, 2008, 08:51:21 PM
daydreamer :| use the unsigned hack to merge the [0;1280) comparison.

Here's my version, that takes care of structured clipping:

sdSetPixel proc PUBLIC uses eax ecx edx x,y,dwColor
mov ecx,x
mov edx,y
add ecx,SDDrawOffs.x
add edx,SDDrawOffs.y
xor eax,eax

cmp ecx,SDBound.left
jl _ret
cmp ecx,SDBound.right
jge _ret
cmp edx,
jl _ret
cmp edx,SDBound.bottom
jge _ret
imul edx,sTarget_Data.wid
mov eax,sTarget_Data.bits
add ecx,edx
mov edx,dwColor
mov [eax+ecx*4],edx

_ret: ret
sdSetPixel endp

Certainly there's some room for improvement.
clipping should be taken care of with help of MMX/SSE2 and PAND results of all comparision together for a final conditional branch, you could even compare a list of rectangles this way and lots of rectangles can shape anything, wonder if you also should unroll pixeladresscalculation with pmuld instead of imul?
I think farabi's way of having poscount and pixelput in separate proc is having more potential an initial call to poscount and put code here to setup this kinda macro
plotdelta MACRO
mov ebx,pixeladress
mov [ebx],eax
add ebx,pixeldelta
mov pixeladress,ebx

where pixeldelta is -4 or +4 combined with lPitch or -lPitch (ddraws way of tell how many bytes between scanlines)
anyone can come up with a fast way to shift for 1680 screens? I am clueless


About 1680,
it requires mixing the results of 4 shifts in all cases, it's simply inconvenient. An imul will be better (3 cycles).
Please use a smaller graphic in your signature.


What about using a lookup table then you can avoid the shifts or imul .. especially for 1680.

;ebx = y
;edx = x
mov edi,lookupTable[ebx*4]
add edi,edx

that can take care of your DDraw surface pitch and actually *Y calculation before hand.


the bad side of a LUT is that it's L2-cache stalled or *gasp* RAM-stalled. Meanwhile an imul always takes 3 cycles or less.
So, in some designs a LUT is better (randomly plotting points around), but in most cases it's not recommended.
Calling a proc to compute the address - blah! Don't let the C++ compiler beat us so easily, please! Just make several procs like DDraw::LockRect. Or macros, even better.
Please use a smaller graphic in your signature.


Quote from: Ultrano on March 25, 2008, 07:39:29 PM
the bad side of a LUT is that it's L2-cache stalled or *gasp* RAM-stalled. Meanwhile an imul always takes 3 cycles or less.
So, in some designs a LUT is better (randomly plotting points around), but in most cases it's not recommended.
Calling a proc to compute the address - blah! Don't let the C++ compiler beat us so easily, please! Just make several procs like DDraw::LockRect. Or macros, even better.
I avoid LUT's except for keep slow fsin's in it and especially not interesting in the case when you need to plot tons of pixels you probably have heavy usage of cache for textures anyway and dont want to read in LUTs that eats bandwidth
I have some SSE code that makes use of a fsincos LUT, but parallel 3drotationcode makes heavy usage of only 4 entries in the LUT
and now when I make use of MMX anyway for saturation, integer packed muls takes even less, but isnt there a penalty for bring it over to general regs?
otherwise unroll a pixelplotter to plot several pixels at once with different Y's could be an option to speedup things
for spriterenderer,simple
ADD ebx,lPitchminusspritewidth