HLA Stdlib v3.0 is now available on Webster and sourceforge

Started by Randall Hyde, January 26, 2008, 12:55:05 AM

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Randall Hyde

Hi All,

The rewrite of the HLA Standard Library is now complete.  This project, a year in the making, provides a vastly improved set of library routines for assembly language programmers.

The HLA stdlib v3.0 package includes the library module (which you can link against any assembly code that supports standard static linking), full source code, and various utilities for maintaining the source code.

The HLA stdlib v3.0 package is available for the Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD operating systems. Assembly programs (e.g., written in HLA) that make use of this library code can be ported to each of these operating systems with little more than a recompile.

Documentation for the library code appears here:


You can download the HLA stdlib v3.0 as part of the HLA (v1.100 or later) download from the HLA download page:


or directly using the URL:


SourceForge users can also access the HLA stdlib v3.0 code at


Note that to compile the HLA stdlib v3.0 package you must use HLA v1.100 or later.

The HLA stdlib v3.0 package provides over 1,000 functions and macros for use by assembly language programmers. The functions provided fall into the following categories:

1. command-line argument processing.
2. array access and allocation (dynamic and static)
3. Bit manipulation
4. Character manipulation
5. Console display functions
6. Conversions
7. Coroutine
8. Character set operations
9. Date manipulation
10. Environment Strings/Variables manipulation
11. Exception handling
12. File Class (object-oriented file access)
13. File I/O (procedural file access)
14. File system operations
15. FreeBSD specific functions
16. HLA Constants and Equates Module
17. HLL Macros
18. Linux specific functions
19. Lists manipulation functions
20. Math functions
21. Memory-mapped files access
22. Memory management functions
23. OS Module
24. Pattern matching and manipulation functions
25. Random Number Generator functions
26. Stderr output functions
27. Stdin input function
28. Stdout output functions
29. String functions
30. Table (associative array) functions
31. Time (of day) functions
32. Timer functions
33. Zero-terminated string functions

Please see the URL given above for more information about all the functions available in the HLA stdlib v3.0.
Randy Hyde


Just a quick note: the first stdlib v3.0 page linked above has some major wonky behavior in Firefox, moving the information to the center of a 11270 x 11270 table. It makes finding the content quite an adventure (unless you just view the source, but hey, that's cheating, right?)

Not a huge deal, but I thought you'd like to know :)