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HLA stdlib is on SourceForge

Started by Randall Hyde, January 27, 2008, 11:19:10 PM

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Randall Hyde

Hi All,
Just a quick note that the official support arm for the HLA standard library is now the SourceForge page that Nathan (evenbit) set up. Here's the URL:

Though I will continue to accept problem reports for the stdlib from *any* source, note that there is a bug tracker on the official support page and that's the absolute best place to put problem reports.

Also note that this web page is the official source code control mechanism for the HLA standard library. So those of you who've created your own standard library routines should set up Subversion on your machine (or better yet, Tortoise if you're running Win32) and maintain your code on the official source code control site (you will need developer status if you want to upload code -- see evenbit for that).

I want to emphasize that although I will continue to support the HLA stdlib, it is now a user-community project and you're all welcome to add code and fix bugs in the library.
Randy Hyde