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Up to date Windows API Reference

Started by GregL, August 12, 2007, 04:13:26 AM

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I made this "Windows API Reference" file at the end of April (2007) and it's pretty good. It's up to date and it's not too big. It was pulled from MSDN with "Package This" and saved as a CHM file.

[attachment deleted by admin]



Sorry to say, but it doesn't contain a single API definition, not even full API listing...that's why it is so small  :lol


Ahh, it links to the internet - that's why it's so small.
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.


Thanks Vortex.

That's a problem with the "Package This" program, it claims to create stand-alone CHM files, but a lot of times they end up being full of links to the internet. Oh well. I've been using this CHM file and it has been handy, although it won't do you much good if you don't have an internet connection.

I'm going to see if I can create a stand-alone version, I'll post it if it's not too big.


Nope, can't create it with "Package This".

It is what it is.


I have 40MB+ that says otherwise :lol
I have the pages and the section bookmarks work correctly, but most of the page links themselves are messed up and direct to the web instead (even though the pages are in there.)
I'm looking to convert them to plain html and fix them up, but obviously it's going to take a while.
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.



Did you use the Package This program to create it?

More power to ya man.  :thumbu


Yeah, if you right-click on the subtree you want then you can choose to get all of its children (otherwise you only get that specific page, with links to the children - as you got.) Alternatively you can select with of the children you want, indivually, but that's a pain when there are hundreds.
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.



OK, no matter what I do I only get links. If you get your file fixed up please make it available.

After thinking about it, maybe having just the links is a good thing, it's always up to date and it sure is small. If you don't have an internet connection, (how often is that any more?) you can always fall back to an older help file.


Quote from: Greg on August 14, 2007, 05:11:47 PM
After thinking about it, maybe having just the links is a good thing, it's always up to date and it sure is small.
You have a browser for that purpose   :wink
I just recalled one good fairy-tale The Emperor's New Clothes



The reason I like CHM files is they can be integrated into editors like UltraEdit, WinAsm, TextPad, qeditor etc. You can also set it up so that they do context sensitive help with the F1 key.

If you don't like to use them, then don't use them. If you prefer to use a browser that's fine. I prefer to use CHM files. Why am I having to defend myself when I post stuff here?


You're taking my post too seriously and to personally  :toothy
First time you got some criticism  :bg, huh ?..
What an imperfect world we're living in  :boohoo:
Cheer up, and keep up good work  :thumbu


QuoteFirst time you got some criticism  BigGrin, huh ?..

No, I just get really tired of smartasses.


One more prove to look into member's profile before posting anything, and correlate reply with his age.
God I never learn that lesson.