Problem using 'GNU make' w/ RadASM's Output Window

Started by jsantos, June 28, 2007, 06:47:46 PM

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Hello Ketil (or anyone),

I have been having this problem whereby using 'GNU make' in the command line under 'Project Options' gives me the following error when directing the output to RadASM's own output window, which is the default behavior.  The error I get is the following:

process_easy: DuplicateHandle(In) failed (e=6)
C:\RadASM\AVRc\WinAVR\utils\bin\make.exe: Interrupt/Exception caught (code = 0xc0000005, addr = 0x422307)

The strange thing is, if there is nothing to 'make', then everything behaves normally end the message 'nothing to make' or 'up to date' (i forget the exact message) comes up in RadASM's output window without problems.  However, the minute there is something to 'make' (after saving a source file, which updates the timestamp which lets 'make' do its job), then the message above comes up.

As a result I've been getting around the problem by having RadASM output to the windows command box, which is a bit annoying because every time a message needs to be displayed from the output of a command, a new window opens up and quickly start to accumulate all over my desktop.  Here's an example of one of the command lines as I have them now:

2=,CT,cmd.exe /t:0f /k "$R\AVRc\WinAVR\utils\bin\make.exe -r PROJECT-NAME=$0 MCU=atmega32 BUILD-TYPE=RELEASE compile-only"

Ideally I would like to just be able to write something along the lines of:

2=,OT,"$R\AVRc\WinAVR\utils\bin\make.exe -r PROJECT-NAME=$0 MCU=atmega32 BUILD-TYPE=RELEASE compile-only"

But currently I can't.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

- [ J o s c c i ] -



You could try to turn off threaded build.
If that does not work then try to build to console.

2=,C,"$R\AVRc\WinAVR\utils\bin\make.exe -r PROJECT-NAME=$0 MCU=atmega32 BUILD-TYPE=RELEASE compile-only"



Quote from: KetilO on June 28, 2007, 09:33:48 PM
You could try to turn off threaded build.

Well, despite the brief moment of hope, I tried your suggestion -- no luck.  :(  I get the same error message.

If you can think of anything else I can try, let me know.  Otherwise, I suppose I'll stick to using the console.  I'll have to take a second look at my makefile to see if there's something syntactically wrong with it, because certain parts of the makefile work fine and show on the output window, but when it gets to a certain point the error shows up -- I could be doing something wrong.  I'll let you know if I find anything.

Thanks for trying.

P.S.  RadASM is a great program.  Thanks for making it!!