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How to find the base address of a process

Started by Subhadeep.Ghosh, June 04, 2007, 05:51:53 AM

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It's me again. I wanted to know if there was a way in which I could find the base address of a process (the current process). I came across an article in which the author tries to find the base address by reading the preferred loading address. But I think it is unreliable so I wanted to know if there was some way in which this could be achieved in a more reliable manner.

Thank you in advance.

Subhadeep Ghosh


Have a look and see if the INSTANCE handle is what you need, it is normally the load address of an executable file. On an EXE its fixed at 400000h, on a DLL it varioes due to relocation if the preferred address is already taken.

You can get it with a simple call to GetModuleHandle().
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Thank you Hutch for your reply. I was not aware that the instance handle which Windows sends is actually the loading address of the process. Thank you once again

Subhadeep Ghosh


hi if you REALLY need the base address you can use the folowing function. i needed it myself but for other purposes. it will work for EXE files...

i have done a few quick mods to it... but yea

ModName db MAX_PATH dup (0)

ProcessList PROCESSENTRY32 <?>
ModuleList MODULEENTRY32 <?>


; do something here to find the process exe name.
; and move the name to the ModName variable

invoke CheckForProc
;return value is the base address

;should be 400000 but CAN change on different languages

ExtractShortFileName proc uses esi fnm:DWORD, incldir:DWORD
;well whats the name suggest it does lol. usefull function!!
mov esi, fnm
invoke lstrlen, esi
add esi, eax
.IF al == '\'
.IF incldir > 0h
dec incldir
add esi, 2d
jmp FoundBackslash
cmp esi, fnm
ja @b

mov eax, esi
ExtractShortFileName endp

CheckForProc PROC
LOCAL SnapShothmod:DWORD
LOCAL snapprocs:DWORD

; note: i have writen this as follows to search for MODULES not process's
; this is due to some games like fear... have a game****.tmp file...
; as a module which is what is needed to patch. not the exe itself

invoke CreateToolhelp32Snapshot,TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS,0         
; snapshot of the current process list
mov    snapprocs,eax

mov    ProcessList.dwSize,sizeof PROCESSENTRY32

invoke Process32First,eax,addr ProcessList                   
; get first process
jmp    GetRunningApps_Chk

GetRunningApps_Loop: ; now we loop until we find the required process...
; if not just return
invoke CreateToolhelp32Snapshot,TH32CS_SNAPMODULE,ProcessList.th32ProcessID 
; snapshot of the current MODULE list
mov    SnapShothmod,eax

mov    ModuleList.dwSize,sizeof MODULEENTRY32
invoke Module32First,eax,addr ModuleList                   
; get first MODULE
jmp    GetRunningMods_Chk

GetRunningMods_Loop: ;find the modules associated with the process
invoke ExtractShortFileName,addr ModuleList.szModule,0
mov ebx,eax
invoke lstrcmpi,ebx,addr ModName ; compare it to see if we have found it
.if eax == 0;got ya!
mov eax,ModuleList.modBaseAddr


invoke Module32Next,SnapShothmod,addr ModuleList                     
; get next process

test   eax,eax
; if eax!=0 loop
jnz    GetRunningMods_Loop               

invoke Process32Next,snapprocs,addr ProcessList

test   eax,eax
; if eax!=0 loop
jnz    GetRunningApps_Loop               

; close snapshot handles
invoke   CloseHandle,SnapShothmod                       
  invoke   CloseHandle,snapprocs

                mov eax,-1; damn cant find it <<<

CheckForProc ENDP

end start