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Started by Fanthom, December 19, 2006, 10:13:50 PM

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We have some project to do.It's not so difficult,just to make program in MASM, program that works.So we began our quest.
First, we needed visual c++ 2005.We downloaded MASM32,from microsoft's site, MASM 8, but...It's not working...Why?Well,we had professional visual c++ and MASM wants express...So we took express edition.But we don't know what to do next...We installed MASM32.And nothing.Didn't ask us where to extract,nothing,just extracted it somewhere...We don't have folder where MASM is located, nothing...And we can't find it in Microsoft Visual c++ folder.So we don't know if we did it wright.
We first thought that we did it right and tried to make a program...But...We don't know what libraries to include.(Oh my god how stupid we are :().
So we need help, we need someone to tell us if we installed it wright,and to give us step by step instructions how to do it wright.
And also we need one complete code,with included libraries,one code,simple code that works.
Please help us,we don't know what to do.




MASM32 is not meant for absolute newbies in programming. I suggest to start with something easier. What about VB.NET?


Well,we're not absolute newbies,we know c, c++, and we're in the course of learning programing in assembler.We didn't want to began streight with MASM32,but we have "homework",to learn to work in MASM32,just basics...And we have problem in start.We know to program in assembler,we know instructions in emulator 8086,but we just don't know how to start.So,if someone could tel us how to start, the rest is not the problem.



First, you cannot download "MASM32" from the Microsoft site. MASM32 is a package prepared by Hutch which includes a whole panoply of programs, libraries, example code, etc. The package you can download from THIS site is a self extractor which will put everything in the root directory of the drive from where you run the file, under a masm32 directory.

Once you have that, look at some of the examples in the various folders under the "examples" subdirectory and those in the various folders under the icztutes subdirectory. They should keep you busy for a while.

When you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time


Quote from: Fanthom on December 19, 2006, 10:13:50 PM
We downloaded MASM32,from microsoft's site, MASM 8,
As raymond mentioned you cannot download MASM32 from Microsofts website. If you are trying to assemble a program with MASM 8.0 using Visual C++ Express edition, here is a link that might help
Also there is a link at the top right of this forum for VC and MASM.

Unless this is a specific requirement I would take raymonds advice and go with MASM32. :bg


If you have Visual C++ Professional, you already have MASM, it comes with it.

Building MASM projects in Visual C++ is possible, but it is not very easy, as it is designed for building C++ projects. Like everyone else, I would recommend you download MASM32 and use either Qeditor from MASM32 or an IDE like WinAsm Studio that is designed to work with MASM32.


There also is GeneSys...

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


I would certainly echo Paul here as GeneSys is specifically designed for beginner programmers where MASM32 is really targetted at programmers who are familiar with API programming and at least know something about assembler programming.

As both are relatively small downloads, you could take advantage of both.
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You realy helped us, we done our work.
Especialy MaynardG_Krebs with link.That link saved us...
:clap:  :U