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Started by Robert Collins, January 21, 2005, 12:46:00 AM

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Even if it isn't that much more secure, IE will never beat it in terms of functionality and convenience.  The wealth of themes and extensions available for Firefox is absolutely amazing.


Quotethe illusion that Firefox is more conformant to HTML and CSS standards than MSIE
It is not an illusion, it is fact.  You can go to the W3C website and confirm this.  It is well known by by web page creators and programmers using CSS/HTML/XHTML/XML that IE still does not properly support standards from the year 2000.

Rule 1) Design your page for FF and the standards then jump through the hoops to make it work in IE because IE gets it wrong or doesn't support it. 

I don't know if FF doesn't support Hebrew, or reverse writing, but that doesn't mean it doesn't support the standards much better than IE does. 

For example,  do a search for the "box model hack", the very foundation of creating CSS web pages, and see the runaround designers must do just for IE.  Every browser got this right the first time but not IE.  IE does not support many of the CSS2 standards while FF and Opera did years ago.  IE does not properly run XML1.0 while FF and Opera did long ago. 

I'm a new website programmer for two companies.  I never had any reason to start using FF until about six months ago when I couldn't understand why my pages weren't working the way the standards said they would and the way I coded them.  Then I found they always worked in FF but never in IE.  FF is now the only browser I use.  I've learned to despise IE.


k-meleon is fast and everything, but ive already found a nasty bug in it. If you bookmark a page then edit it and clear out the url and its name then save it. when you simply click bookmark again it gives you a nice application error :\


While FireFox may support some new fancy parts of "CSS/HTML/XHTML/XML" better than MSIE, FireFox does not even support good old basic HTML4, which is what I use, and in CSS it does not even pay attention the font asked for, but substitutes ugly fonts of its own choice.  I can do without the jazzy extensions in the new standards till the HTML4 basics are supplied, so I will stick with MSIE.

And note:  While only a few million use Hebrew, about 1,000,000,000 people use Arabic script languages.  That is a lot of people to ignore, but that is what FireFox does!  MSIE presents the Bible and Quraan beautifully and FireFox butchers them both.  Jews and Muslims agree on that at least!  :bg  :toothy  :bdg


I like AM Browser, it has a very nice tabbed interface.


Webring, k-meleon's interface is similar to that of Firefox, no?


Vortex, yah firefox and k-meleon both have similar interfaces, probably because they both use mozillas rendering engine gecko. If you look at ie, firefox has the exact same forward,back,refresh,etc..type buttons, guess they did that to make the transistion from ie to firefox easy. I've always been a huge fan of opera, opera had mastered tab browsing years ago, and up until the recent version was without a doubt the fastest browser in the world. Opera is multi-platform like firefox, and is highly secure(even more so than firefox). But like I said recent version fell short of speed, while firefox has only grown in speed. As far as k-meleon goes, it  isn't a bad browser,its definitely fast, its just has a ton of bugs and isn't yet ready to be used as a primary browser. Another bug i've found for k-meleon, is if you use msns web messenger with it, it'll keep opening windows for each sound thats played(?)... so minmum of like ten windows.

Robert Collins

I can't see the difference between Firefox and IE. There are just as many pop-ups, self installing .exe's, and all the other things so common with IE. Firefox didn't improve on this one bit.

Oh, well, on to my off-the-topic question.

When I downloaded Firefox I also downloaded the source code. After I un-zipped it all I wind up with tons of directories loaded with 'C' source code files. After reading on how to build the Mozilla engine I finally got the following answer:

1) You must run the build from the command line (ie, cannot use VC++ 6.0 IDE)
2) From the command line do the following:
    2) nmake /f client.mak build_all

Well, there is no nmake in the root directory (there is, however, client.mak file) so when I enter the above command line I get a Bad filename error.

Has anyone here ever downloaded this source and successfully built the Mozilla engine and if so can explain what I am supposed to do?

Mark Jones

Quote from: Robert Collins on July 01, 2005, 08:57:56 PM
I can't see the difference between Firefox and IE. There are just as many pop-ups, self installing .exe's, and all the other things so common with IE. Firefox didn't improve on this one bit.

A little biased are we?  ::)
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08

Robert Collins

Quote from: Mark Jones on July 01, 2005, 09:21:48 PM
A little biased are we?


I think you are using the wrong word. Biased means leaning in favor of; prejudice. I have the same opinion of both IE and Firefox, one is no better than the other.


Let me make somthing clear, there is a HUGE difference between firefox and ie. First off ie is extremely insecure, i've recently read an article that ie was nominated for having the most security flaws found for any software ever in history. Ie is literally a playground for all these professional reverse engineers that so many companies are paying now adays to exploit ie and install their spyware. And spyware is a very serious thing, alot of times they're actually installing malicious programs on your computer to watch your every move,verus just some reg keys like spybot reports, its even more deadly than viruses because they're spying on your personal life rather than trying to delete a few files. That alone is more than enough to drop ie and go with firefox, unless you really want to just take your chances and rely on outdated programs like ad-aware/spybot to protect you,while you'll have a bunch of sites log your credit card,paypal,etc.. info and invade your privacy.:snooty: Second ie is very slow, and thats because it wasn't designed for speed. Microsoft designed Ie for easy software integration, so that programmers like yourself could use it in your own applications. Ie is simply a a gui that communicates with an .ocx. Firefox is a whole different case all together. It was designed for speed,security,easy of use, and reliability. It being cross-platform and opensource shows this. Firefox also has *alot of features ie doesn't. It has an effective popup blocker that *does work(recent versions of ie has this but its weak). Firefox has a nice complete skin system, with various themes/skins for download(ie can be only be partially skinned).Firefox supports tabbed browsing! (Ie opens a new windows for every new page opened...)  Aswell as a great deal other features, for example, being that i'm majoring in computer forensics, i've tested many aspects of ie and firefox and found that firefox *securly deletes history/cookies/internet cach,etc.., and ie definitely does not. Really to sum up all i've said Firefox is by far a better internet browser, period.

Mark Jones

"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


Hey sba, I will only like to see your web page, for see myself the thing that you say.


Here is one of thousands of my pages Mozilla/FireFox cannot properly render:

It is Genesis 1 in the original Hebrew Bible.  If you cannot read Hebrew, you might not be able to tell that something is wrong, but the signt is totally different from how the page looks in MSIE5 or later, which does exactly as instructed.

Similar problems at other Hebrew, Arabic, and other right-to-left sites, unless they are lacking in overstrike diacritical marks.


Hi there, thx for the answer...

The past days, I have been finding some Unicode Editors, because I like to copy some formulas at a site in Unicode displayed by FF.

Only two passed the "test"


Here are some comparations....

To the editors, jedit and unipad, I have copied from ie, tought you will see that Unipad is more like FF display, and jedit is more like ie.

And yes, I cannot read hebrew, but I can compare, you have a scan of how you write it???

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