FASt Server - Win32 Socket Library and Tutorial ....

Started by James Ladd, January 15, 2005, 02:41:51 AM

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James Ladd

There is a new site and some working code for all those who are interested.
Your feedback is most welcome and I hope I get some.
The server will listen for requests on port 9080 at the moment but that can be changed
and will change in the near future. I just wanted to get up something that works.
A new version of the code will be available within the week and that version will handle
a lot more and basically act as an echo server where everything sent to it is echoed
back to the client. Then a later version will extend this to use plug-ins for working with
the data streams.
I hope you enjoy it.
Rgs, striker.




There is something wrong, I can find the code with one click on a link.  :clap:
Download site for MASM32      New MASM Forum

James Ladd

Well you made the suggestion and I followed through.  :bg
I hope you like the code as well.
More to come next weekend, then a break coz ill be in Japan.
Rgs, striker.


"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable

James Ladd

Awwwe, thanks Donkey. It means a lot coming from you.  :red

Ill make more progress this week and update the code.
For example, right now when you run the server you wont know its waiting for you to press ctrl-c to end it.
Guess I conentrated just a little too much on getting it to work rather than this sort of thing.

Im also happy to hear feedback on the coding style from anyone.
Questions are also welcomed.

Rgs, striker.


Nice, I've been looking for something like this.

James Ladd

dmh, I hope you find it useful.
I have updated the web site and new code will be posted tomorrow.
Its moving along slowly, but it is moving along.
rgs, striker.

James Ladd


seems very interesting...
i also post here to see your uptades in "show replies to your posts" :toothy


I'm kind of new to all this, so forgive me if this seems like a stupid question, but is this supposed to be like an alternative to WinSock for programmers, or a full blown Web Server for general users?


striker, yes, quite useful. I never got around to writing something like this myself, and frankly, I don't have to now as I see nothing wrong with your code.

James Ladd

FASt Server will be updated in a couple of days. Sending and Receiving will be there.
The idea behind it is to provide the plumbing to a super fast, non-blocking,
highly scalable server where your plugins just have to handle dealing with packets.
Your plugin could be a http server, ftp server or whatever you want.
The WIN32 Socket and completion port IO is taken care of for you.

There will also be thread pool throttling and other bits

Of course, if you want to write all the winsock stuff, completion ports and thread
synchronisation then you probably wont use FASt Server.

I hope you like the next update in a few days.

James Ladd

Ok, I promised to have something running that sent and received data but I dont.
However, what i do have is a total re-write to make things easier to see/understand.
So the code you can download now has more readability and its 90% there.
Id have it sending an receiving but the computer is going to be busy this afternoon.
I hope you like the code. It took me 8 hrs to re-write it.

This time next weekend (here in Australia) Ill have it sending and receiving.
Its only an hour or so more work.

Comments welcomed.

Rgs, striker

James Ladd


Hi striker, you have worked a lot on this rewrite,congrats.
I haven't used completion ports and it's difficult to me to understand all your code.
how/who you receives connect /close /recv notification messages using this method?
I am very impacient to see how can I implement a pluggin.
:thumbu :thumbu