How to create an obj that will link with 32-bit high-level language obj's

Started by pwlynch, November 06, 2005, 05:15:15 PM

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I have a 16-bit MASM assembly that compiles and runs well when called from programs under DOS.   I would like to convert/re-compile/etc... this source to an obj that I can link to other obj's into a 32-bit exe or dll.

Currently, when attempting to link my existing obj file, I received the following error:  COMM.OBJ : fatal error LNK1123: failure during conversion to COFF: file invalid or corrupt.  COMM.OBJ was created with the command: ML /I. /Zm /c /Ta COMM.ASM

I then attempted to create my COMM.OBJ file using the /coff option (Thinking that was the problem).  However, I received several compile-time errors.  I attempted to create this obj with the command: ML /coff /Zm COMM.ASM

Is there a simple solution to "convert" this code or will I have to re-write the source?  As assembly is not my forte, any pointers or help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Hi Pat,

Welcome to the forum. As far as I know, because the 16-bit code must have some sort of segment structure and this structure will not work for a Windows executable, you must modify the source. Depending on what the code does and whether or not execution speed matters, the modifications could be relatively simple or relatively complex. If I were doing this I would lean towards a total rewrite, using the original as a guide.

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