RaExEd control with mapped file into memory

Started by Luiz Morgado, September 27, 2005, 10:56:11 PM

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Luiz Morgado

Hi, Mr KetilO.

Please, can you help me about the following question:

How can I use the RAExEd control for edit mapped file into memory?

Thank you very match for you reply.


Hi Luiz Morgado

The RAHexEd control does not support memory mapped files.
The only way is to load chunks of say 1Mb at a time.

Example included.


[attachment deleted by admin]

Luiz Morgado

Dear Mr. KetilO.


I was examining your code in detail to go deeper into subject and, obviously, to increase my knowledge about HexEdit. I'm  almost at the end of my project and I'm very pleased and ... Imagine, my project has the his own built-in HexEdit. Thank you very much for your help and I'm him very gratefull to you for my free-copy of the your RadAsm.

note: in spite of this is just a quick note to thank you I him ask your short attention about  the stub code following:
     1 - When we select:  File --> New Project -->... --> DialogAsMain.tpl
                          we get:

                          1.1 --> invoke GetCommandLine
                                     invoke InnitCommonControls
                                     mov CommandLine, eax                 ;  <-- look this command

       2 - The following, isn't is better?
                           2.1 --> invoke GetCommandLine
                                      mov CommandLine, eax               ;  <-- look
                                      invoke InnitCommonControls
My Congratulations!
Luiz Morgado



About the bug, you are right. I will correct it.



one quick question, is this code really needed if your app doesn't use the command line?

invoke GetCommandLine
mov CommandLine, eax 

God made Man, but the monkey applied the glue -DEVO


No. You don't need it.
You only need it when your app can use commandline parameters.
