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How to fill FP matrix?

Started by joe, August 07, 2005, 07:04:35 PM

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I'm still beginer, so this may be trivial error. I wont to work with floating point matrix. So I created simple application  (basic skeleton I take from help in FPULIB & raymond's determinants, but damaged by me) to read number into matrix & then to display elements by one. But it changes rows with columns. I check EDI register, but both functions have same values:
143318, 143322, 14332C, 143336, 143340, 14334A, 143354, 14335E, 143368
I don't understand to this. I known, in my code is error, but can't find it.
This is my code (it isn't optimal, it is poor, but I'm beginner forever):

.model flat,stdcall
option casemap:none
include E:\masm32\include\
include E:\masm32\include\
include E:\masm32\include\
include E:\masm32\include\
include E:\masm32\include\
includelib E:\masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib E:\masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
;includelib E:\masm32\lib\masm32.lib
includelib E:\masm32\lib\Fpu.lib
MsgPopis      db "Matrix test",0
numtxt    db  19 dup(0)
lpsrc   dd  "1.1",0,"1.2",0,"1.3",0,"2.1",0,"2.2",0,"2.3",0,"3.1",0,"3.2",0,"3.3",0
hMem    dd 100 dup(0)
    mov eax,3   ;size of matrix
      mul   eax ;size of matrix
      push  eax
      push eax
      imul  eax,10
      invoke LocalAlloc,LPTR,eax
      mov   hMem,eax    ;adress allocated memory
      mov   edi,eax
      mov   esi,offset lpsrc
      pop   ecx ;number of elements
          push ecx
          invoke FpuAtoFL,esi,edi,DEST_MEM   ;test edi!!!
          inc esi
          cmp byte ptr[esi],0
          jnz @B
          inc esi
          add   esi,4
          add   edi,10
          pop ecx
          dec   ecx
          jnz   short loop1
      pop ecx ;number of elements
      mov   edi,hMem    ;adress allocated memory
          push ecx
          invoke FpuFLtoA,edi,8,addr numtxt,SRC1_REAL   ;test edi!!!
          invoke MessageBox,0,addr numtxt, addr MsgPopis,MB_OK
          add   edi,10
          pop ecx
          dec   ecx
          jnz   @B
        invoke ExitProcess,NULL
end start



    mov eax,3   ;size of matrix
    mul eax     ;size of matrix

That is a register multiply so shouldn't EDX be initialized to some value?

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


not for the multiplication.  division yes, but multiply no.  :)


Oops, my mistake, the result goes into EDX:EAX.  Must be senile decay...

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


Quote          @@:
          inc esi
          cmp byte ptr[esi],0
          jnz @B
          inc esi
          add   esi,4

The short loop finds the end of the string which has been processed, which is fine if they may be of variable length.

The "inc esi" then brings the pointer to the start of the next string. OK

But the add esi,4 then advances the pointer another 4 bytes which, with the data used, skips every other string. Otherwise, your code should work OK.

N.B. Don't forget to free your allocated memory before the ExitProcess.

When you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time


Thank's! Now I see it. First I used add esi,4, then I become aware that it can be used only for constant length, but forget delete add esi,4. There was second mistake: I used in lpsrc dd, but there must have been db.