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Optimised MD5 File Checksum Routine

Started by bozo, June 13, 2005, 08:44:37 AM

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comment ~

    This is an MD5 hasher for files just to show how you can avoid repeated calls to other

    This doesn't use MD5Init/MD5Update or MD5Final..just the MD5Transform routine, which
    makes it significantly faster than some other md5 checksum utilities.

    There may be errors in the code, but i've not found any so far.let me know.

    i'm mainly posting this, because i'd like to know of more efficient way to
    prepare a data block before processing with MD5Transform.

    any suggestions/comments are welcome.
    in particular, if you can think of more efficient way to calculate
    bits, append 64-bit length, i'd be interested to know.

    actually, there is no calculation of 64-bit length yet, just 32-bit.

    also, would it be better to read a file in blocks, rather than in one attempt?
    because it has problems with large files of say 80 Megs, because of GlobalAlloc
    I know there has been talk of MD5 being "broken", but this is mainly just an excercise for me.

.model flat,stdcall

include <>
include <>
include <>

include <macros.asm>



bWildCard   DWORD ?

pEnv        DWORD ?           ; environment variables
pArgv       DWORD ?           ; arguement vectors
nArgc       DWORD ?           ; arguement count

stinfo      STARTUPINFO <?>

      mov  bWildCard, TRUE               ; incase we want to process more than 1 file

      invoke crt___getmainargs,addr nArgc,addr pArgv,addr pEnv,bWildCard,addr stinfo

      invoke  main,nArgc,pArgv

main PROC argc:DWORD, argv:DWORD

      mov   esi, [argv]
      mov   edi, [argc]

     .WHILE (edi > 1)
            dec   edi
            invoke MDFile,[esi + 4 * edi]


main ENDP


      LOCAL md5_context[4]    :DWORD
      LOCAL num_of_blocks     :DWORD
      LOCAL input_data        :DWORD
      LOCAL file_handle       :DWORD
      LOCAL file_size         :DWORD
      LOCAL bytes_read        :DWORD

      invoke CreateFile,[file_name],GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_READ,NULL,

      mov  [file_handle], eax
      .IF( [file_handle] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
            invoke GetFileSize,[file_handle],NULL
            mov  [file_size], eax
            .IF( [file_size] != NULL )
                  lea  ecx, [eax + 128]

                  invoke GlobalAlloc,GMEM_ZEROINIT,ecx
                  mov  [input_data], eax
                  .IF ( [input_data] != NULL )
; reading in entire file not good idea?

                        invoke ReadFile,[file_handle],[input_data],
                                         [file_size],addr bytes_read,NULL

                        mov   eax, [bytes_read]             ; get number of bytes read into memory

                        lea   edx, [eax * 8]                ; calculate number of bits. (only 32-bit)

                        mov   ebx, eax                      ; save size in ebx
                        mov   ecx, eax                      ; save size in ecx
                        shr   eax, 6                        ; get number of 64 byte blocks
                        mov   [num_of_blocks], eax

                        mov   edi, [input_data]

                        add   edi, ecx                      ; get end of data
                        mov   byte ptr [edi], 80h      ; append end bit

                        and   ebx, 63                      ; get remainder (if any)
                        sub   edi, ebx                      ; edi holds offset of last block

                        .IF (ebx >= 56)                   ; can we append bits here?
                              add   edi, ebx                ; no..
                              mov   eax, 64
                              sub   eax, ebx
                              add   edi, eax

                              inc   dword ptr [num_of_blocks]

                        mov   [edi + 14*4], edx             ; store bits

                        lea  esi, [md5_context]             ; initialize md5 context

                        mov  dword ptr[esi + (00*04)], 067452301h
                        mov  dword ptr[esi + (01*04)], 0efcdab89h
                        mov  dword ptr[esi + (02*04)], 098badcfeh
                        mov  dword ptr[esi + (03*04)], 010325476h

                        invoke MD5Transform,addr md5_context, [input_data], [num_of_blocks]
                        bswap  eax
                        xchg  eax, edx

                        bswap  eax
                        xchg  eax, ebx

                        bswap  eax
                        xchg  eax, ecx

                        bswap  eax
                        xchg  eax, edx

                        invoke crt_printf,chr$(10,'MD5 ("%s") = %08X%08X%08X%08X',10),

                        invoke GlobalFree,[input_data]
                        invoke crt_printf,chr$(10,'Error: -> GlobalAlloc()',10)
                  invoke crt_printf,chr$(10,'Error: -> GetFileSize() for %s',10),[file_name]
            invoke CloseHandle,[file_handle]
            invoke crt_printf,chr$(10,'Error: -> CreateFile()',10)


FF    MACRO dwA, dwB, dwC, dwD, dwX, rS, dwT

      mov   edi, dwC

      xor   edi, dwD
      and   edi, dwB
      xor   edi, dwD

      lea   dwA, [dwA + dwT + edi]
      add   dwA, [dwX]
      rol   dwA, rS
      add   dwA, dwB


GG    MACRO dwA, dwB, dwC, dwD, dwX, rS, dwT

      mov   edi, dwC

      xor   edi, dwB
      and   edi, dwD
      xor   edi, dwC

      lea   dwA, [dwA + dwT + edi]
      add   dwA, [dwX]
      rol   dwA, rS
      add   dwA, dwB

HH    MACRO dwA, dwB, dwC, dwD, dwX, rS, dwT

      mov   edi, dwC

      xor   edi, dwD
      xor   edi, dwB

      lea   dwA, [dwA + dwT + edi]
      add   dwA, [dwX]
      rol   dwA, rS
      add   dwA, dwB


II    MACRO dwA, dwB, dwC, dwD, dwX, rS, dwT

      mov   edi, -1

      xor   edi, dwD
      or    edi, dwB
      xor   edi, dwC

      lea   dwA, [dwA + dwT + edi]
      add   dwA, [dwX]
      rol   dwA, rS
      add   dwA, dwB


MD5Transform PROC USES ESI EDI EAX EBX ECX EDX state:DWORD, block:DWORD, num_blocks:DWORD

      LOCAL loop_counter    :DWORD

      mov   esi, [block]
      mov   edi, [state]
      mov   eax, [num_blocks]
      mov   [loop_counter], eax

      mov   eax, dword ptr[edi + (00*04)]
      mov   ebx, dword ptr[edi + (01*04)]
      mov   ecx, dword ptr[edi + (02*04)]
      mov   edx, dword ptr[edi + (03*04)]


       FF    eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi+(00*4), 07, 0d76aa478h
       FF    edx, eax, ebx, ecx, esi+(01*4), 12, 0e8c7b756h
       FF    ecx, edx, eax, ebx, esi+(02*4), 17, 0242070dbh
       FF    ebx, ecx, edx, eax, esi+(03*4), 22, 0c1bdceeeh

       FF    eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi+(04*4), 07, 0f57c0fafh
       FF    edx, eax, ebx, ecx, esi+(05*4), 12, 04787c62ah
       FF    ecx, edx, eax, ebx, esi+(06*4), 17, 0a8304613h
       FF    ebx, ecx, edx, eax, esi+(07*4), 22, 0fd469501h

       FF    eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi+(08*4), 07, 0698098d8h
       FF    edx, eax, ebx, ecx, esi+(09*4), 12, 08b44f7afh
       FF    ecx, edx, eax, ebx, esi+(10*4), 17, 0ffff5bb1h
       FF    ebx, ecx, edx, eax, esi+(11*4), 22, 0895cd7beh

       FF    eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi+(12*4), 07, 06b901122h
       FF    edx, eax, ebx, ecx, esi+(13*4), 12, 0fd987193h
       FF    ecx, edx, eax, ebx, esi+(14*4), 17, 0a679438eh
       FF    ebx, ecx, edx, eax, esi+(15*4), 22, 049b40821h


      GG    eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi+(01*4), 05, 0f61e2562h
      GG    edx, eax, ebx, ecx, esi+(06*4), 09, 0c040b340h
      GG    ecx, edx, eax, ebx, esi+(11*4), 14, 0265e5a51h
      GG    ebx, ecx, edx, eax, esi+(00*4), 20, 0e9b6c7aah

      GG    eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi+(05*4), 05, 0d62f105dh
      GG    edx, eax, ebx, ecx, esi+(10*4), 09, 002441453h
      GG    ecx, edx, eax, ebx, esi+(15*4), 14, 0d8a1e681h
      GG    ebx, ecx, edx, eax, esi+(04*4), 20, 0e7d3fbc8h

      GG    eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi+(09*4), 05, 021e1cde6h
      GG    edx, eax, ebx, ecx, esi+(14*4), 09, 0c33707d6h
      GG    ecx, edx, eax, ebx, esi+(03*4), 14, 0f4d50d87h
      GG    ebx, ecx, edx, eax, esi+(08*4), 20, 0455a14edh

      GG    eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi+(13*4), 05, 0a9e3e905h
      GG    edx, eax, ebx, ecx, esi+(02*4), 09, 0fcefa3f8h
      GG    ecx, edx, eax, ebx, esi+(07*4), 14, 0676f02d9h
      GG    ebx, ecx, edx, eax, esi+(12*4), 20, 08d2a4c8ah


      HH    eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi+(05*4), 04, 0fffa3942h
      HH    edx, eax, ebx, ecx, esi+(08*4), 11, 08771f681h
      HH    ecx, edx, eax, ebx, esi+(11*4), 16, 06d9d6122h
      HH    ebx, ecx, edx, eax, esi+(14*4), 23, 0fde5380ch

      HH    eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi+(01*4), 04, 0a4beea44h
      HH    edx, eax, ebx, ecx, esi+(04*4), 11, 04bdecfa9h
      HH    ecx, edx, eax, ebx, esi+(07*4), 16, 0f6bb4b60h
      HH    ebx, ecx, edx, eax, esi+(10*4), 23, 0bebfbc70h

      HH    eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi+(13*4), 04, 0289b7ec6h
      HH    edx, eax, ebx, ecx, esi+(00*4), 11, 0eaa127fah
      HH    ecx, edx, eax, ebx, esi+(03*4), 16, 0d4ef3085h
      HH    ebx, ecx, edx, eax, esi+(06*4), 23, 004881d05h

      HH    eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi+(09*4), 04, 0d9d4d039h
      HH    edx, eax, ebx, ecx, esi+(12*4), 11, 0e6db99e5h
      HH    ecx, edx, eax, ebx, esi+(15*4), 16, 01fa27cf8h
      HH    ebx, ecx, edx, eax, esi+(02*4), 23, 0c4ac5665h


      II    eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi+(00*4), 06, 0f4292244h
      II    edx, eax, ebx, ecx, esi+(07*4), 10, 0432aff97h
      II    ecx, edx, eax, ebx, esi+(14*4), 15, 0ab9423a7h
      II    ebx, ecx, edx, eax, esi+(05*4), 21, 0fc93a039h

      II    eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi+(12*4), 06, 0655b59c3h
      II    edx, eax, ebx, ecx, esi+(03*4), 10, 08f0ccc92h
      II    ecx, edx, eax, ebx, esi+(10*4), 15, 0ffeff47dh
      II    ebx, ecx, edx, eax, esi+(01*4), 21, 085845dd1h

      II    eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi+(08*4), 06, 06fa87e4fh
      II    edx, eax, ebx, ecx, esi+(15*4), 10, 0fe2ce6e0h
      II    ecx, edx, eax, ebx, esi+(06*4), 15, 0a3014314h
      II    ebx, ecx, edx, eax, esi+(13*4), 21, 04e0811a1h

      II    eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi+(04*4), 06, 0f7537e82h
      II    edx, eax, ebx, ecx, esi+(11*4), 10, 0bd3af235h
      II    ecx, edx, eax, ebx, esi+(02*4), 15, 02ad7d2bbh
      II    ebx, ecx, edx, eax, esi+(09*4), 21, 0eb86d391h


      mov  edi, [state]

      add   [edi + (00*04)], eax
      add   [edi + (01*04)], ebx
      add   [edi + (02*04)], ecx
      add   [edi + (03*04)], edx

      dec   dword ptr [loop_counter]

      lea  esi, [esi + 64]

      jns   transform_block

MD5Transform ENDP

END start


Hi Kernel,

  I had to add the following lines to your program posted above before it would assemble and load for me. The first line replaces the 'include <macros.asm>' that you had in the original program. I'm using sp2a and I haven't made any modifications to the masm32 data. When I saw that I figured that maybe you had copied macros.asm into your /masm32/include directory. I'm glad I took the time to add the few lines. It works like a champ!

include \masm32\macros\macros.asm

includelib kernel32.lib
includelib msvcrt.lib

Having done that, I tested it against md5sums and it was, indeed, much faster. The file I tested was about 5 MB and it returned in a heartbeat whereas MD5SUMS took a second or two. Edit: I just tried to reproduce this result and MD5SUMS was also quite fast. I'm not sure why it was slower the first time I tried it. Anyway your program produced the correct result very quickly.

It would probably be better to set your program up to do asyncronous I/O using two or more buffers if you really want to gain performance on very large files. You could set up a read thread to keep filling the buffers and have your main thread do the hash as each buffer was presented.

I have some extremely large files that I could test it with later if you make allowances for large files. I generate them with my Fibonacci program and normally use MD5SUMS to verify that the output is identical to that of control runs. The largest one I've generated is about 4 GBytes and it takes MD5SUMS a while, maybe 5-10 minutes, to walk thru it and present its result.

Thanks for posting the code, I'd always been curious about how the MD5 hash worked but I had never really pursued the answer. Seeing your program helps me understand a little more about it. Looks like cryto stuff!


The routines here are not very usable since they need the whole file loaded in memory before it can be hashed. The whole point of md5_init/md5_update/md5_finish is so you can start the process with md5_init, feed more and more bytes by calling md5_update numerous times, and then finalize the process with md5_finish. That kind of flexibility allows more complex situations like using asynchronous I/O.

Phil, the reason md5sum was faster the second time was because the file contents were cached in memory by NT's cache manager. If you want true benchmarks, you should modify md5sum to open the file with FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING attribute (however, that might also break md5sum if it doesn't read at sector size boundaries).


yes, i'm sorry there was no reply on this - actually meant to delete this post because the code was badly written.


How hard would it be to modify this code to hash a string instead of a file?


I use iblis's MD5 library for hashing a password string - for example like phpbb (v2) uses

includelib md5.lib

phpmd5ctext                 MD5CTXT <>
phpmd5chash                 MD5HASH <>

phpbb_MD5Hash PROC pszString:dword, pHash:dword
;uses ebx
invoke lstrlen,[pszString]
mov ebx,eax
invoke MD5_Startup
invoke MD5_Init, offset phpmd5ctext
invoke MD5_Read, offset phpmd5ctext, [pszString], ebx
invoke MD5_Digest, offset phpmd5ctext, offset phpmd5chash
invoke MD52StringA, offset phpmd5chash, [pHash], 1
phpbb_MD5Hash ENDP

pszString is your password string and pHash is the hashed output of the password string. Copy to \masm32\include and md5.lib to \masm32\lib (or wherever you install your masm32). Or you can adapt Kernel_Gaddafi's code to process a string of data as passed to a proc, instead of a file. Hope that helps


Thanks for the link. This is exactly what I was looking for!  :U

I just implemented this using C++ and it seems to be extremely fast.

Out of interest, would it be even faster if used within an assembly program or would the speed be the same?


Quote from: lonewolff
Out of interest, would it be even faster if used within an assembly program or would the speed be the same?

That would depend. If you are simply calling these functions, the INVOKE is basically a call with a stack frame, and will be very similar/identical in compiled C. If you process a lot of strings, or manipulating then a prior to performing the MD5, then assembly would help. If in doubt time it. You could also use inline assembly in critical areas, or use it to access the cycle counter RDTSC.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


Changing this routine to hash a string instead of a file is trivial, are you using this for a brute forcer? (is that the reason for a need of speed?)



Even with typical applications of hashing, signing, or fingerprinting, one typically feeds a large amount of data through MD5, or SHA, or for that manner normal RC4/DES/AES applications.

As such, any improvement in efficiency, even small ones, compound quite significantly.
It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


Quote from: Ghandi on June 05, 2010, 02:09:00 PM
Changing this routine to hash a string instead of a file is trivial, are you using this for a brute forcer? (is that the reason for a need of speed?)
Yes, I have been interested in this lately (since I found out how easy it is to crack WEP).

This is all for learning purposes, though. It makes me a better Network Systems Administrator if I know how how easy (or hard) it is to compromise different security systems. I can then offer better advice to clients. Longer passwords WPA2 over WEP etc.  :)

On my dual Xeon server I can brute force a 6 character MD5 password in about 27 minutes (with Cain).

I was hoping to multi-thread my own app to try and bring it down to five minutes using all eight cores.

If I can pull this off, I might look into Cuda so then I can use all processing cores on a crossfire system to scale the app to run on 800 or so cores.


Surely if you know you can comprimise the system in 27 minutes on a dual core xeon that is good enough to know for Network Systems Administration? Why would you need to know exactly how to crack it any faster....

Just tell your clients not to use WEP ::)
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking


Oex, See my previous post...

Let me ask you this. Why do we program in assembly, for instance. 99% of us will never program something of commercial quality in assembly (or even c++ in that matter).

Answer this and then you have the answer to your own quetsion.


Ah yes I have reread your post but can tell you, just dont recommend WEP.... The bit that caught my attention was "It makes me a better Network Systems Administrator if I know how how easy (or hard) it is to compromise different security systems"

You are supposing in your question that you will get told the fastest method and that you will implement it properly on multi-core or even on cuda and that that is indeed the fastest way of cracking it....

You are not supposing that the user is the weak link, other implementations and hardware will likely dwarf yours or any recommendations on this forum and any advice you give as a Network Systems Administrator will stick, probably for many many years....

A quick search on the web will give you results achieved by educational and commercial bodies which will at least give a better indication than running substandard algorithms
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking