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Started by SteveAsm, January 18, 2012, 11:06:33 PM

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Jwasm's WinInc doesn't seem to have a prototype for _msize.
I have searched thru all the ..\jwasm\include\  .INC files.

I tried using from Mingw (malloc.h), but, that just opened a can of worms.
Any suggestions on how to proceed ?



Do you know where it comes from, SDK, C runtime etc .... ?

OK< its a C runtime function.

size_t _msize(
   void *memblock

Just write a prototype for it and include the correct library.
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I coded this in MASM, but I think the same basic approach (without the printf macro and the other MASM32 macros) should work for jwasm.

    include \masm32\include\
    includelib c:\MinGW\lib\libmsvcrt.a

malloc PROTO C memsize:DWORD

_msize PROTO C pMemblock:DWORD


printf MACRO format:REQ, args:VARARG
    IFNB <args>
        invoke crt_printf, cfm$(format), args
        invoke crt_printf, cfm$(format)
    EXITM <>


    invoke malloc, 1000
    invoke _msize, eax
    printf("%d\n\n", eax)

    invoke malloc, 1000000
    invoke _msize, eax
    printf("%d\n\n", eax)

    inkey "Press any key to exit..."
end start

Note that my choice of a DWORD for pMemBlock assumes 32-bit code, and that I assumed that you do have MinGW but do not have the MASM32 components, which would allow you to do the invokes as:

    invoke crt_malloc, 1000
    invoke crt__msize, eax

Without the protos or the MinGW import library.

eschew obfuscation


Quote from: hutch-- on January 18, 2012, 11:23:23 PM
OK< its a C runtime function.
Just write a prototype for it and include the correct library.

Hey Hutch,
Yeh, I tried that prior to posting, but, couldn't quite get the prototype right.

So, what I've done now is to simply copy the prototype from (from mingw):

    _msize proto c :ptr

minus all the rest of the stuff that was producing a bunch of error messages.
This works great now.
I guess it's pulling the function from either crtdll.lib or msvcrt.lib, both of which I have included.



Quote from: MichaelW on January 19, 2012, 12:07:12 AM
I coded this in MASM, but I think the same basic approach (without the printf macro and the other MASM32 macros) should work for jwasm.

Hi Michael,
Yes, it would work as you suggest, if I were using Masm32, but, in my project I am unable to do so.
This has to be plain-vanilla jwasm, without the benefits of masm32.
I can, however, use mingw, if I can get it to work.


I assembled and linked this with the Microsoft tools, but I'm assuming that JWasm and JWlink, or other available linkers, could be used as well.

; Link as a console app.
    .model flat, stdcall
    option casemap :none
    include c:\wininc2.0\include\
    include c:\wininc2.0\include\
    includelib c:\wininc2.0\lib\kernel32.lib
    includelib c:\wininc2.0\lib\msvcrt.lib

_getch  PROTO C
malloc  PROTO C memsize:DWORD
_msize  PROTO C pMemblock:DWORD
free    PROTO C pMemblock:DWORD

        fmt db "%d",10,0

    invoke malloc, 1000
    push eax
    invoke _msize, eax
    invoke printf, ADDR fmt, eax
    pop eax
    invoke free, eax

    invoke malloc, 1000000
    push eax
    invoke _msize, eax
    invoke printf, ADDR fmt, eax
    pop eax
    invoke free, eax

    invoke _getch

    invoke ExitProcess, 0

end main

eschew obfuscation