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Started by thejealousguy, December 13, 2011, 11:02:53 AM

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I'm preparing an MASM code about hangman game..
Do you have any idea on how to code??


Quote from: thejealousguy on December 13, 2011, 11:02:53 AM
I'm preparing an MASM code about hangman game..
Do you have any idea on how to code??

FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


Me I have no idea but I am sure Alfonso Víctor Caballero Hurtado has one or two, see attachment :bg


I could not resist the temptation to roll my own.
Open the attachment, run the exe, and test your knowledge: This hangman asks for structures :toothy

include \masm32\MasmBasic\   ; download
   Recall "\Masm32\include\", L$()
   call Hangman
   Inkey "Bye                "
Hangman proc
LOCAL ct, fail, good, slen, curline, hWnd
   ClearLocalVariables uses edi esi ebx ecx
   xchg eax, ebx
   mov hWnd, rv(GetForegroundWindow)
      mov curline, Rand(ebx)
      Let edi=L$(eax)
      .if Instr_(edi, "struct", 5)
         inc ct
         Let edi=Left$(edi, edx-1)
         Let edi=Trim$(edi)
         mov slen, Len(edi)
         Print String$(slen, ". ")
         Print Space$(20)
         Clr fail, good
               Locate(3, 7)
               Inkey "Type a lowercase letter (Esc to quit, + for next try): "
            .Until eax=="+" || eax==27 || (eax>="a" && eax<="z") || eax=="_"
            .Break .if eax==27 || eax=="+"
            xchg eax, esi
            and esi, 11011111b
            .if Instr_(edi, Chr$(esi))
               mov [eax], "@"
               lea eax, [1+2*edx]
               Locate(eax, 5)
               inc good
               Print Chr$(esi)
               Locate(3, 9)
               inc fail
               Print Str$("%i errors ", fail)
            mov edx, good
         .Until eax==27 || edx>=slen || eax=="+"
         .if edx==slen
            MsgBox hWnd, L$(curline), "Congrats:", MB_OKCANCEL
   .Until ct>3 || eax==27 || eax==IDCANCEL
Hangman endp
end start


Thank you.. I will try my best..