Misconception that there is a lack of jobs in America.

Started by Bill Cravener, October 26, 2011, 11:36:46 AM

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Bill Cravener

If you have a skill theres jobs out there. Get to work! :bg

"Particularly surprising was the rise in U.S. companies reporting hiring difficulty. In the 2010 survey, only 14 percent of companies reported problems filling jobs. Now the percentage has nearly quadrupled."

America's Tough Jobs Are Getting Even Tougher to Fill

My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


We see it here as well Bill, as the jobs get shipped overseas the workforce lose the work ethic and the skills that go with it.

I find some humour in the fact that I live in an old city area that is now substantially gentrified but full of people who are fascinated that I can do up a nut and bold, lay bricks, weld metals and generally do useful things. Most of the folks around here are professionals but the real loss is the loss of skills and this is mainly bad politics, economic theory and the quick and dirty buck from cheap imports that many companies have gone into.
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Bill Cravener


I know a good many younger folks that can't find jobs but it is not because there is a lack of jobs here in America it's because those that can't find a job have no skills other then laboring as in manufacturing laborers. There are many labor jobs if you're willing to work for pennies as the illegal aliens do picking fruits and vegetables but even if it were not for illegals Americans refuse to work for pennies. You got to have a skill, all the better, have more then one skill.

There are plenty of jobs out there if you do have a knowledgeable skill. Myself, I have two skills that make me money, my computer knowledge and the trade taught to me by my father, that being in the furniture upholstery trade. Between the two I have to turn work away because there is more then I can handle and that is the truth. If you have skills you have a job. For example look in my areas local paper and there are many jobs available for truckers, machinist, plumbers, electricians, welders, equipment operators, etc. This day and age if you want a job you've got to have a needed skill.
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


At the moment I'm only working 4 hours on most days, as their is certainly a 'lack of work' for 'pale face' males in this country.
I would work a full a day if there was work, but affirmative action and other stupid racist ideals, that I thought we're moving away, from are still prevalent.

The knock-on effect is that the economy is in a bad state, and our unemployment figures are close to 50% - Our gov fudges these figures to a lower level.
I laugh when other countries complain about 10-20% unemployment, and would like to move to such unemployment levels


The jobs market figures are such a simplistic beast.... Usually the arguement swigns between the lazy (business perspective) and the lack of jobs (worker perspective).... Rarely does it take into account that some jobs are menial subsidised to create employment, some jobs are unethical existing only because a value can be added to them and they do not have the condemnation exposure of a 'profession' such as prostitution.... Many worthwhile jobs are ignored and left undone because there is no money to subsidise them.... People are forced to 'work' in order to 'live'.... The failure of our system is that people account for money and not what they do....
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking



i don't know why you are putting a smiley face on it, Bill - lol
if there are engineering positions out there that are hard to fill, it's because they want to pay you a mickey-d salary

Bill Cravener

Well a mickey-d salary is better then a mickey-no salary in my book. :bg
My MASM32 Examples.

"Prejudice does not arise from low intelligence it arises from conservative ideals to which people of low intelligence are drawn." ~ Isaidthat


sorry - i am not going to work for minimum wage so some already-too-rich a-hole can sit on a beach


I started a PT job this week at a major retailer.

There are jobs, especially if you don't mind starting from the bottom. :-)

Have a great day,


I am working as IT staff but I doubt if I will be able to hold on after 40 as IT jobs are generally for young people in today's world.


Quote from: Vortex on October 27, 2011, 08:01:36 PM
IT jobs are generally for young people in today's world.

Did you mean 'kiddy scripters' :lol
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking



In the UK I have watched IT go from needing people who really understood what they were doing, to being reduced to needing those with the most letters after his name after "studying" a bunch of "qualifications" that when looked at a bit closer are not worth the paper they are written on. It started out with the intention of furthering knowledge in a very specific area, but is now just a money making scam for the benefit of the "provider" and "certification body".

I wouldn't get a job in IT now as I don't have the necessary letters after my name, despite the fact that I could probably run circles around most doing the job. If you understand the systems from an engineering perspective, who cares about the detail of a specific system? You should be able to learn that stuff as you go along. Most don't seem to even know how to write code for the systems they are in charge of. All they know is how to push certain buttons in a specific piece of software, with the fall-back of "if x, y and z doesn't work call tech support". I haven't seen posts for real programming jobs advertised in years. It is mainly web development that is sought, and I want nothing to do with that!! You are left at the mercy of the browser vendor's whim, or what is popular that month.

The silly thing is, no matter how things are done, the underlying tech is 30 years old! It is still TCP/IP, it is still routing, it is still high performance networking, it is still using the SMTP protocol, etc... yet despite all this and the stupid requirements asked of glorified sys admins, the same basic screw-ups are made. Buffer overflows, memory leaks, etc.. have not been addressed. Despite all the security qualifications people are expected to hold in large corporations you still get the likes of Sony making fundamental errors with system security. You still get corporations failing to use even basic security systems or implement more complex ones properly.

There is a big ass elephant in the room that people are not addressing, and it is that despite all the fancy paperwork, progress is going in reverse! We need to purge the technical world of those who can't do and get back the old school engineers and technicians who actually knew something worth knowing and could do something with that knowledge to actually improve things and make them better.

I've gone on a bit of a rant here, but this is how I feel. Maybe it is misguided, but from where I am this is the way things seem to be sinking. :(


they get what they pay for
if they pay mickey-d salaries to IT guys, they will get mickey mouse IT results - lol
that is a good thing

i am finding that i can get the higher pay because they can hire me and get rid of 3 other guys
which kinda still sux because, now, i have to work my ass off   :lol


Quote from: dedndave on October 28, 2011, 01:59:54 AM
they get what they pay for
if they pay mickey-d salaries to IT guys, they will get mickey mouse IT results - lol
that is a good thing

i am finding that i can get the higher pay because they can hire me and get rid of 3 other guys
which kinda still sux because, now, i have to work my ass off   :lol

Try to think +.

Any job is better than no job.

Have a great day,


I disagree that "any job" is better than no job. Taking the wrong jobs (at least over here) can be seen to be as bad as being unemployed. It raises questions like "why can't you get a job in your chosen profession?", and then the company asking the question doesn't want to hire you as they get strange ideas in their head.

There is also an increasing incidence of people being listed as "over qualified". How the hell does that work? I think the real problem is the employee is too smart for the employer, and the employer (read: line manager) feels threatened. Some argue it is because they think the task is too menial for someone who knows what they are doing. My response to that is: "if I didn't want the frikken' job I wouldn't have applied!". It is totally screwed up!