Dave, Baltoro - the ZA invasion of the USA has begun... :)

Started by vanjast, June 24, 2011, 10:32:36 PM

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My kid (and cohorts) arrive in Washington DC tomorrow.... completing 'Phase 1' of GYLC invasion  :green2


let me know which flight
(so i can call the NSA right away)


:eek ...I hate to break it to you,...but, we're your West Coast support team (We're all on RED ALERT !!!!). :eek
Don't worry about DAVE,...he hasn't seen any action in awhile,...tends to get frantic over the silliest stuff,...
My Advice: If you dress up like hookers,...you should be all right,...
Your kids will never forgive you,...but, that's what Dads are for,...


Quote from: baltoro on June 24, 2011, 10:44:33 PM
My Advice: If you dress up like hookers,...you should be all right,...

:lol Please take Baltoro's advice and post pictures.... When in Rome.... (I'm probably in trouble with JJ now also)
We are all of us insane, just to varying degrees and intelligently balanced through networking



Quote from: dedndave on June 24, 2011, 10:33:43 PM
let me know which flight
(so i can call the NSA right away)
You talk about that... My kids passport was blocked in Cape Town, before he could get on a domestic flight !!!
The bookings lady ran a mile to security when she saw the whole family bearing down on her... FIX IT NOW!!
She said it was a random security check with the US security, but I don't think so..

My father's 3rd exwife recently got deported from the US for fraud.. so I guess my name appears at the top of the NSA list.
I'm going to hunt that woman down myself, and lock her up for ever.


This makes no sense to me,...
Unless, you're a major Russian Mafia arms dealer, or something,... :eek


QuoteMy father's 3rd exwife recently got deported from the US for fraud.. so I guess my name appears at the top of the NSA list.

i doubt they were able to make that connection - lol
also - fraud is not what they are looking for
it is more likely a random flag that pops up and says....
congratulations !!! you're our 2,000th prisoner   :P


.. with a free holiday at one of our (con)fine(d) resorts.. :bg

That what I was worried about.. it's his first time overseas... and straight into paranoia place.
Has the world gone nuts.....


Dave's right,...we have an enormous amount of fraud here,...the ex-wife probably got deported for cutting in on someone else's action,...

I would bet that your son is being 'interviewd' by 'corporate' recruiters,...
I hope he's got good instincts,... :eek


DC, yuck.  BTDT, never going back again if I can at all help it!

Are you doing a "worst cities on the right-hand side of the USA tour"?  :-)  If so, you're starting at the right place and may I recommend you then hit NYC, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Detroit (in that order).  That "top 5" list should satisfy a lifetime's worth of visiting sites of rampant crime and corruption!  :-)


i did enjoy the Smithsonian   :U
you could spend a week going through it


Looks like he had a 'gas'
Just listening to all the bits and pieces he's been telling us over the past few days.

One sort of strange story which I find rather odd considering that it's a 'global forum'.
They were discussing the food shortage problem, and the host was 'pushing' GM (genetically modified) products and they asked for opinions.
J asked for the mic and then proceded - 'The solution is not GM, but population control and education.....'
The hosts took the mic away from him - Bloody interesting I'd say - Good for him, giving them the lurgy.

One thing he did notice, was the inability for most to deal with racism issues.
His words -
"We coming from ZA, a once very racist state, have the abilty to mock, pass 'racist' comments and laugh at each other, without being offended.
Those outside ZA could not understand or saw any humor in how we interacted.... ".

My words:
"You must understand that the rest of the word 'suppresses' racism issues and pretends that is doesn't exist. They tend to hide away from this issue hoping that it will go away, wheras we've faced it headon, dealt with it and laugh about it, once we realise how stupid it is. It will always be here"

Kids of today


This is good news,...in an otherwise dreary world.
If I had to guess,...having never met you guys,...I'd say you give your kids alot of intellectual freedom.
Obviously, your son has alot of native intelligence. Adults naturally feel somewhat intimidated by this.
He's right, though,...most chronic malnutrition is a consequence of overpopulation, and, usually ecological destruction brought on by civil war, political corruption, and, disintegration of vital infrastructure. 
Also, if I had to guess (again),...I'd say that in all probability,...these conferences are mostly scripted events,...and, when a young man immediately comes up with a sensible solution to a politically difficult problem,...the organizers don't have a preconceived policy response, and they thrash about trying to appear to be in control.


It seems so. He wasn't sure what GM was at the time, but I quickly informed him.

I said that he'd made the right 'decision' as the long term use of GM would make the food shortage even worse, 'destroy' the natural pollenation cycle of nature, place crop control in the hands of 'pharmaceutical factories'. The food production from this would probably phuck (to quote Hutch) us in the end.

Education would empower the underpriviledged and make a better world for all, via improved technological production and living standards.. blah blah blah... Gee don't - I have the answer for everything (and beyond).     42 is the answer as far as I know


Quote from: KD8COO on July 06, 2011, 12:59:10 PM
DC, yuck.  BTDT, never going back again if I can at all help it!

Are you doing a "worst cities on the right-hand side of the USA tour"?  :-)  If so, you're starting at the right place and may I recommend you then hit NYC, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Detroit (in that order).  That "top 5" list should satisfy a lifetime's worth of visiting sites of rampant crime and corruption!  :-)
Funny you say this...
J mentioned that they were controlled 'military style' with regard to time and places for the 2 weeks. maybe you have a point.
They arrived a day earlier and made their own way around with no problem. One must remember that we come from a far worse place and DC is a walk in the park.

My sister-in-laws nephew lives in the USA. He said when he first arrived, some person came up to him and said
'Give me your shoes'
'Why !'
'Cos I'm robbing you'

To which the nephew replied
'Phuck you.. @@%% ' and attacked the robber.. who ran for his life.  :bdg

When he told us the story, I said 'Couldn't you shoot the c.nt, or just beat him into a pulp'.
He said ... 'No they don't like that.
I said 'Phuck them, I'll just chop his head off'

As you can see, we have no mercy for criminals and we live in a 'violent society'. I wish it was different (move if I could), but we have to deal fire with fire.
Bring back the death penalty - It doesn't solve the problem, but it gets rid of the bad phuckers  :U