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Nuclear Waste is Safe

Started by Astro, June 07, 2011, 04:40:11 AM

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Where will the propaganda end? I know the UK Government owns the media outlets (let us not forget the dodgy pre-election deals with Murdoch) but this is absolutely outrageous!!!

In case you weren't aware, the UK Government is hell-bent on building new nuclear plant in the face of Fukushima and the German decision to close all existing nuclear power stations by 2022 (and replace it with coal and gas - where is the MMGW now???!!!).



There is only one solution, mutate now, you will be surprised how useful that extra eye will be. Just to make you feel better a normal modern coal fired generator emits higher radiation levels on a continuing basis that a nuclear plant. What needs to be addressed is a better way of disposing of the spent fuel rods or alternately how to get a fast breeder reactor going that runs properly so it can use reprocessed fuel roads to produce more power.

It would be "nice" to have the luxury of living in a warm place without too many people (Australia) so that you could be purist about nuclear energy but in high density population areas in cold countries the power shortages will kill more people than radiation.
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we can become "X-Assemblers"   :P  (not to be confused with cross-assemblers - but that, too)
blink your eye, and >poof<, that difficult macro appears in notepad


And not to be confused with ex-assemblers, as in too old to assemble.
eschew obfuscation



What concerns me is not the radiation from daily use but when the things go wrong and decide to explode their contents everywhere.

The Irish Sea was the most radioactive pre-Fukushima, but the elephant in the room is that the North Pacific is now heavily irradiated and poisoned. No more fish for me! Before then I only had to worry about high mercury content.  :bdg

@dedndave: sounds like a plan for world domination!  :U :bdg


Nuclear waste is safe, reactors are safe, the Titanic is safe - hey, why don't you just trust us engineers??


:eek ...I think you're WAY too excitable,... :eek
In the United States, wre have studied the problem extensively,...actually, selected a location to store our 65,000 metric tons of commercial spent nuclear fuel that are stored at 75 sites in 33 states (the amount is increasing by about 2,000 metric tons a year). And, then, after billions of dollars allocated to the Yucca Mountain Site in Nevada,...we decided it wouldn't be optimal for 10,000 years,...and, so,...we abandoned thje entire project.
We are world leaders in the technology of nuclear waste storage. Don't be alarmed. Everything is completely under control.
But, if you want to investigate further, herre is a report on the aftermath: Commercial Nuclear Waste: Effects of a Termination of the Yucca Mountain Repository Program and Lessons Learned, April 2011.


Quote from: baltoro on June 07, 2011, 03:35:05 PM
:eek ...I think you're WAY too excitable,... :eek
What makes you think that?  :red :red

QuoteIn the United States, wre have studied the problem extensively,...actually, selected a location to store our 65,000 metric tons of commercial spent nuclear fuel that are stored at 75 sites in 33 states (the amount is increasing by about 2,000 metric tons a year). And, then, after billions of dollars allocated to the Yucca Mountain Site in Nevada,...we decided it wouldn't be optimal for 10,000 years,...and, so,...we abandoned thje entire project.
We are world leaders in the technology of nuclear waste storage. Don't be alarmed. Everything is completely under control.
But, if you want to investigate further, herre is a report on the aftermath: Commercial Nuclear Waste: Effects of a Termination of the Yucca Mountain Repository Program and Lessons Learned, April 2011.
Thanks for the link - shall read later! Got my head buried in calculus at the moment.