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Unevenly Aligned Stack

Started by Tight_Coder_Ex, May 21, 2011, 08:33:11 PM

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I just encountered some odd behavior in OLLY, WINDBG & IDA and the problem was all of a sudden the stack was not evenly aligned anymore bits 0 and/or 1 not null.

PaintWnd       proc    private uses ebx


                lea     eax, Ps                         ; Get pointer to local variable
                push    eax                             ;  2 : LPPAINTSTRUCT
                push    dword ptr [esi]                 ;  1 : hwnd
                call    BeginPaint                      ; User32 API
                sub     esp, 8                          ; Setup for EndPaint API in epilogue

        .if     !eax                                    ; Was DC returned in EAX
                int     3                       ; Will develop error routine if necessar

                mov     ebx, offset ListParams

                lea     eax, Rc
                push    eax                             ;  2 : lpRect
                mov     edi, eax                        ; Save permanent copy
                push    eax                             ;  1 : hWnd
                call    GetClientRect                   ; User32 API

                lea     eax, TxtM
                push    eax                             ;  2 : lptm
                push    Ps.hdc                          ;  1 : hdc
                call    GetTextMetrics                  ; Gdi32 API


     .endif                             ; BeginPaint returned null
                call    EndPaint
                clc                                     ; Allow processing

PaintWnd       endp

   Ps = 6fd54
   Rc = 6fd44
Top = 6fe38
TxtM = 6fd97

I soon discovered TEXTMETRIC to be 35 bytes in length and even /Zp4 compiler switch didn't solve problem. I modified TEXTMETRIC to have one more field called tmPadding and this solved my problem.

Does anyone know, could this or will this cause me grief at some point having changed


Quotesub     esp, 8                          ; Setup for EndPaint API in epilogue
BeginPaint == stdcall. Or what are you doing here? Maybe the arguments are overwritten by BeginPaint()

- you know that you must preserve ebx,edi and esi in API callbacks?
- you are using LODS and I cant see where ESI gets loaded
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


I have although not particularly unique, but peculular to my applications a method by which I handle messages where ESI is established at the entry point to current windows default procedure
  MWndProc      proc
                mov     esi, offset MMap - 8
                jmp     ScanMap
  MWndProc      endp

Kernel code has already preserved ESI, EDI etc, so I can use them freely without compromise.  ScanMap, the message handler of my design does need EBX be preserved though.

My application works fine, and TxtM exists at 6FD96 after having modifiled ''

This is the bit of code in ScanMap that sets ESI, just before my message handler is called which is in EAX

     @Hdl:        lea    esi, [esp + 4]
                  call   eax


The TEXTMETRIC structure is supposed to have a length of 56 bytes. The alignment rules are specified here under Structure and Union Layout. The structure definition in the MASM32 lacks an alignment specification. At least for ML 6.14 the /Zp command line option appears to affect only the intra-structure alignment (which due to the order of the members from largest to smallest is not required for this structure), where specifying an alignment on the structure definition affects both the intra-structure alignment and the inter-structure alignment.

    include \masm32\include\

  tmHeight              DWORD      ?
  tmAscent              DWORD      ?
  tmDescent             DWORD      ?
  tmInternalLeading     DWORD      ?
  tmExternalLeading     DWORD      ?
  tmAveCharWidth        DWORD      ?
  tmMaxCharWidth        DWORD      ?
  tmWeight              DWORD      ?
  tmOverhang            DWORD      ?
  tmDigitizedAspectX    DWORD      ?
  tmDigitizedAspectY    DWORD      ?
  tmFirstChar           BYTE       ?
  tmLastChar            BYTE       ?
  tmDefaultChar         BYTE       ?
  tmBreakChar           BYTE       ?
  tmItalic              BYTE       ?
  tmUnderlined          BYTE       ?
  tmStruckOut           BYTE       ?
  tmPitchAndFamily      BYTE       ?
  tmCharSet             BYTE       ?


printf MACRO format:REQ, args:VARARG
    IFNB <args>
        invoke crt_printf, cfm$(format), args
        invoke crt_printf, cfm$(format)
    EXITM <>


    printf( "%d\n",SIZEOF TEXTMETRICA )
    printf( "%d\n",SIZEOF _TEXTMETRICA )

    inkey "Press any key to exit..."
end start


eschew obfuscation


Thanks Micheal, I hadn't noticed the alignment option of STRUCT, but now stack is aligned as expected without adding a field to TEXTMETRIC. :U



You are living dangerously not preserving ESI and EDI as well, the OS expects them to be the same on exit as entry, especially as you are calling a number of API functions that conform to the Intel ABI.
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especially because.....
"MWndProc" sounds like a callback function   :P
this is when EBX, EBP, ESI, EDI and DF should be preserved
and i have noticed that, sometimes, you can get away with it - lol
quite by accident, i forgot to preserve EDI, and it worked
well - it worked once - it would undoubtedly fail under the right circumstances


Quote from: hutch-- on May 22, 2011, 11:07:55 AM
You are living dangerously

I would like to think of it as unorthadox  :dazzled: and this snippet from kernel shows why it works.

7E41870C        55                        push    ebp
7E41870D        8BEC                      mov     ebp, esp
7E41870F        56                        push    esi
7E418710        57                        push    edi
7E418711        53                        push    ebx
7E418712        68 CDABBADC               push    DCBAABCD
7E418717        56                        push    esi
7E418718        FF75 18                   push    dword ptr [ebp+18]      lParam
7E41871B        FF75 14                   push    dword ptr [ebp+14]      wParam
7E41871E        FF75 10                   push    dword ptr [ebp+10]      Msg
7E418721        FF75 0C                   push    dword ptr [ebp+C]       hWnd
7E418724        64:A1 18000000            mov     eax, fs:[18]
7E41872A        8088 B40F0000 01          or      byte ptr [eax+FB4], 1

7E418731        FF55 08                   call    [ebp+8]        Entry point to application defined windows procedure

7E418734        64:8B0D 18000000          mov     ecx, fs:[18]
7E41873B        80A1 B40F0000 00          and     byte ptr [ecx+FB4], 0

M$ even made it so you don't have to use "ret 10H" upon completion

7E418742        817C24 04 CDABBADC        cmp     dword ptr [esp+4], DCBAABCD
7E41874A        0F85 607C0200             jnz     7E4403B0

7E418750        83C4 08                   add     esp, 8       Waste 712 & 717

Here is why I don't need bother saving registers in my callback funtions,
except EBX because ScanMap needs it if windows is sub/super classed

7E418753        5B                        pop     ebx
7E418754        5F                        pop     edi
7E418755        5E                        pop     esi
7E418756        5D                        pop     ebp
7E418757        C2 1400                   ret     14

Quote from: dedndave on May 22, 2011, 11:14:04 AM
it would undoubtedly fail under the right circumstances

So far even when I specify default processing either through CallWindowProc or DefWindowProc I haven't had any problems, but if there is one, that's where it'll probably be.  If it does rear its ugly head  :naughty: then I'll just preserve registers for that event.


The disassembly shows that the caller checks the stack "DCBAABCD" for "programmers" who think wndproc is cdecl instead of stdcall. They probably also compile this subroutine without FPO to preserve non-volatille registers for the same "programmers".
The truth cannot be learned ... it can only be recognized.


Quote from: msdn, Argument Passing and Naming Conventions
Microsoft Specific
The compiler generates prolog and epilog code to save and restore the ESI, EDI, EBX, and EBP registers, if they are used in the function.
Argument Passing and Naming Conventions
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


It probably is a masm proc since that "push esi" looks suspicious.

proc_7E41870C proc stdcall <FORCEFRAME> uses esi edi ebx, pCallback:PTR WNDPROC, hWnd:HWND, uMsg:DWORD, lParam:LPARAM, wParam:WPARAM
push esi ; in case [esp+5*4] gets overwritten
invoke pCallback,hWnd,uMsg,lParam,wParam
cmp [esp+sizeof dword],dword ptr 0DCBAABCDh
jne FixMe
add esp,8
proc_7E41870C endp

The truth cannot be learned ... it can only be recognized.