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Muslim extremist Vs Western

Started by Farabi, April 29, 2011, 05:39:50 AM

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Quote from: Farabi on May 28, 2011, 02:43:31 PM
But I can see that USA is fighting the dictator.

Are you sure that the USA isnt the dictator?
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Quote from: oex on May 28, 2011, 06:50:55 PM
Quote from: Farabi on May 28, 2011, 02:43:31 PM
But I can see that USA is fighting the dictator.

Are you sure that the USA isnt the dictator?

Did they? Even they are, they still better than another options, indonesia, russian, china.
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"Etos siperi elegi"


Thanks, now I got it that Americans is human beeing too, sometime they make mistake and sometime they are right. I am too fanatic I guess, and that is what oex want to say. I appologize if I was annoyed anyone. Yes it is, sometime USA govt can do anything when someone killed and sometime they solve a problem, they was just like anybody else too.

Please if I made a mistake tell me, but on a simple word, not using a proverb since it is confusing me traslating it.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


Edited. I think I should say something about peace thing, not something offending anyone.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"



The issue is a bit more complicated than it may look, there have always been big financial interests that will take advantage of a particular country and the US is no exception here. Because it is still the world's largest economy and has a very powerful military, it can be abused by the massively rich to their own advantage and at the expense of ordinary American taxpayers who end up funding such activities.

The invasion and occupation of Iraq was an abuse of the US military that lost thouands of lives of young Americans, ruined Iraq, did not get the oil concessions they were after and brought the US to its knees financially and those that profited from it shifted their companies to the middle east to avoid the fallout from their great rip-off.
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Quote from: hutch-- on June 12, 2011, 04:17:59 AM

and has a very powerful military

The b2 spirit bombers are scary things. They have 21, one crashed a few years ago. But 20 of these each carrying 16 x 2000 pound bombs, they can target 16 x 20 = 320 individual targets in just one run with these stealth bombers. They had plans to build 160 of them, if they had that many of them they could probably level an entire country in one day.

This is just for the b2 spirit bombers. I can't imagine what will happen if they launched 10-15 aircraft carriers with a thousand airplanes or so in addition to the b2 spirit bombers.
I have been puzzling with lego bricks all my life. I know how to do this. When Peter, at age 6 is competing with me, I find it extremely neccessary to show him that I can puzzle bricks better than him, because he is so damn talented that all that is called rational has gone haywire.


No I dont think the attack is completly wrong. Some muslims are deserve for it, I remember how bad their preaching is, they spread hatred everywhere, and they causing damage to other religious followed ini here. Some church was burned, but then some muslims realize if it was wrong and protecting the church.

You should know how silly the faith has become now, I guess they are feel inferior because muslims organization was called the liberal muslims was more smarter than the traditional one. So they invent a silly believe.

So here is the rule, anyone who harm another, is a bad guys, eyes for an eyes, tooth for a tooth. That is what happened here. Our cops catch anyone who harming another people. And that is what makes the police is targetting by the terrorist now.

So my point is, yes it is posible that the US attack is was wrong, but it was not completely wrong, because it is proven that iraq and afghanistan was supporting the terrorist. And if it is not attacked, it will spread the hatred everywhere. This is my opinion.
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"Etos siperi elegi"



I agree with much that you say, in any group there are those who cannot be trusted and this goes for any religious group including Muslims. By far the vast majority of Muslim people want to live in a sensible and safe world but like other religious groups they have their share of loonies as well. What I object to is labelling every Muslim with the actions of a dangerous minority, I know a reasonable number of Muslim people who live here in Australia and they want the same things as anyone else, a job, raise their families in peace and be respected like any other person.

Interestingly enough the variety of terrorist in Indonesia are far more dangerous than the bullsh*t one that were supposed to be in Iraq and Afghanistan, Jemaah Islamiyah are very dangerous and have an ideology of a Muslim super state that incorporates Indenesia, the Phillipines and Malaysia. Your government has done a good job in slowing down this terrorist organisation and I hope they succeed in neutralising them so they do not hurt any more people.
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Here is a little tidbit I caught on the news. 6.6 Billion dollers is gone from pallets of money shipped to Iraq. It was $100 doller bills.
it can not be accounted for..Now for the bigger supprise,Iraq is sueing the US for the missing money, it was money WE sent to help rebuild the country. They say because it is missing,we OWE them 6.6 billion.
One member of eather the senet or house that went to Iraq said in a speech there that when Iraq got back on their feet,they should pay us back some of the expense of helping them rebuild. This person that said that,is now BANNED from entering Iraq by the Iraq government.

I say pull out, and let them fix everything themselves.