how to reboot a computer of bios Interrupt and other ways ?

Started by xman_1365_x, December 03, 2010, 12:45:36 PM

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hi all,i`m new user in forum
i dont how to restart or shutdown pc in assembly in dos or win (Interrupt bios & dos or api)
i think int CF9h is for reboot
plz help me about problem and say all ways + source for example
tanx a lot


well - i am pretty sure it isn't INT CF9h, seeing as INT's only go as high as FFh   :P
why do you want to do this ???

welcome to the forum   :U


For DOS, you use INT 19.  Under a DOS box this will, of course, only shutdown the emulator.  CF9 is PORT number which, on some PC's, is routed to the RESET pin (I think?).  It depends on the hardware and certainly won't work under Windows or a DOS box

Strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government



   To shut down the computer you need to program the power
management system.  Search on APM and ACPI.

   To reboot you send a command to the keyboard controller
to reset the system.

   There are only 256 interrupts (0 ... 0FFH) so your information
is incorrect.  Int 19H is used by the BIOS to bootstrap the
computer.  My reference says a user should not use this
because it can leave the system in a corrupted state, but
what the heck.  Won't work under Windows anyway.




oh sorry for mistake -> " i think int CF9h is for reboot "
int is false
port is true

this link is about port CF9h
but i do n`t understand :D

i need source or example for this problem! in dos & win (apm & acpi)
and Sorry for mistakes I know little English


Also does not work INT 19h !!!


org 100h

MOV AX,0040
MOV Word Ptr [0072],0
JMP 0F000h:0FFF0h



Quote from: xman_1365_x on December 03, 2010, 09:21:26 PM
i need source or example for this problem! in dos & win (apm & acpi)

None of these ways will work under Windows, you need to use the InitiateSystemShutdown() function, and be running as an administrator.  APM and ACPI will not work in DOS, beacuse DOS needs special drivers to interface with those.  INT 19 and JMP 0F00:0FFF0h work just fine under DOS to reset the computer, so you are doing something wrong.

Strange women, lying in ponds, distributing swords, is no basis for a system of government


You have been given pretty nice answers from people here and yet you give very little info about what and why you want to do this...

This thread is locked until you let me know what is the reason for this "need" of yours to shutdown the computer ;)
Ambition is a lame excuse for the ones not brave enough to be lazy.