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Started by roddym, February 28, 2010, 06:48:46 PM

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This will work if you have installed Masm32.

include \masm32\include\

AppName db "Masm32:", 0

start: MsgBox 0, "Hello World", addr AppName, MB_OK
invoke ExitProcess, 0

end start


still tells me it's not win32


anyone want to help me do win32 assembly ? apparently nothing I've tried works to be


best thing i can suggest is to download and install the masm32 package
it will make your life a lot easier   :U

when you install it, close all other programs and do not interrupt it until it is done



If you install masm32 on Win7, do nnot trey to install or run it from a limited or restricted profile as you may not have permission to write to disk or run EXE files that are used by the install.
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For me, MASM32 installed OK on Windows 7 with a non-admin account, more than once.

Probably because Windows Vista and 7 elevate setup.exe and other installation programs automatically.


Thanks Greg, you should see the hassles of running anything in a restricted profile in XP SP3.  :dazzled:
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I vaguely remember running XP SP3.  They improved things regarding running as non-admin in Vista and have improved it a lot more in Windows 7.  Vista and 7 were designed from the ground up with running as non-admin in mind.  In XP SP3 it was kind of an after thought.

You should just bite the bullet and install Windows 7.  I think you'd like it.



Probably would but I must span backwards to Win2000, the other factor is a professional version of Win7 is worth a fortune out here at the moment so I am in no mad rush.
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Not counting pre-NT systems, i've used MASM32 on XP , Vista and Windows 7 and i can honestly say that for my own experience, UAC made the only real difference when it came to assembling and linking and that was dependant on where i was trying to actually create files. If the folder had access restrictions, then it would fail to create files but if it didnt then it had no trouble. I use WinASM for a MASM IDE and the simplest solution i came up with was to open the properties view of the shortcut via right click and going to the Compatibility tab to check the "Run as Administrator" tickbox  so the IDE would ask me for elevated privileges every time i would run it.

I applied this solution to OllyDbg also, because it would complain that it wasnt running as Administrator also and i like to be able to debug my own projects so i can see it all in action. I know that this isn't exactly in the spirit of security, UAC is there for a reason and i probably should have made a better selection when deciding where to place my projects, so dont think that i'm saying this is a good idea, its just what i did as a workaround for my particular problem.



dendave I have in fact this is where i got it. before I complained how do I change my admin status on windows etc. ?


oh wait I'm automatic an admin and it still won't allow it lol



Instead of feeding us results, tell us the necessary things.

OS version.
MASM (ML version)
What have you done to build your code. (options, command line switches etc ....
If you have installed the masm32 project, did it install correctly and build all of the libraries ?
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I'm going on the assumption that you have MASM32 installed.

Looking at your original code, you should be using .MODEL FLAT,STDCALL instead of .MODEL SMALL,STDCALL.


OS : listed

MASM32 editor

I've tried every combo of assemble asm link and build I think

I don't know all libraries I saw it build something lol