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Started by roddym, February 28, 2010, 06:48:46 PM

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I installed the new one says it can't open



We have a solution for smartarses, we show them the door. Now after wasting many peoples time we find out you are trying to install a version of masm32 that is something like 10 years old on a machine that appears to be viral damaged.

Fix your computer so its clean and has a properly installed operating system then install the current version. Any more nonsense and you can "lol" somewhere else.
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Sorry about the comments , I just felt like I wasn't getting anywhere. As far as I can tell it might be but I tried to convey that this whole time everyone told me I was wrong. can you help me figure out how to fix it ? I wouldn't be surprised no antivirus is worth it I was on a trial avast then switched to another one avast had told me 0 infected files (the other found a Trojan horse), I stupidly clicked a link one time from an aunt on facebook and It tried downloading a Trojan downloader(never made that one twice). also can anyone tell me why it always seems to have trouble accessing files if it isn't viral ?


try to replace
.model flat,STDCALL
option casemap :none
includelib kernel32.lib

include C:\masm32\
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


so exchange ~6 lines with 1 ?




Try one of the very reliable AV scanners like ESET or KASPERSKY. Download their trial version and see if you can fix it with either of those. If there is too much damage done you may have to re-install your OS to be safe. I don't yet use Win7 but see if you7 can do a revert back to an earlier configuration that may solve the problem. Idea is to get the machine clean and working properly, then normal stuff will work OK.
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Okay I might try that, though I've never heard of either it was installed within 3 days ago


in fact when I first learned C ( I also know some VB) I was thinking of building my own AV ( never came through), my programming background comes HTML, javascript,and CSS + an urge by a "non-programming" sisters boyfriend ( annoying). how will reinstalling my OS help if it's got to my CPU ?


i use Malwarebyte's Anti-Malware
i wouldn't use any other AV program


can someone tell me how reinstalling my OS will get rid of something that may be in my CPU( if it's a virus affecting I/O)


i think there is a flaw in the conclusion that you have a bad CPU
if your CPU were bad, you probably wouldn't get past BIOS, or even into it, at boot


Try the code below, please.

include \masm32\include\

AppName db "Masm32:", 0

start: MsgBox 0, "Hello World", addr AppName, MB_OK

end start

Where exactly is your \masm32 folder?


 I tried reinstalling and finally got kaspersky working  it found nothing even on a deep scan of everything I found in their list the code last posted I've tried it worked however Kaspersky obviously can't find a visual problem ( any idea how to restore to normal (or write over) visual memory so it looks good). if I apply that to math operations I think I'll have what i want lol though pari GP can right out numbers bigger than 32 bit.


so anyone want to run me through math operations ?