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I can't concatenate binary files

Started by Sergiu FUNIERU, February 26, 2010, 10:18:19 PM

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I want to concatenate 2 files.

I tried this code:
mov hFile1, fopen ("1.txt")                 
mov flen1, fsize (hFile1)                   
mov hMem1, alloc (flen1)                   
mov bwrt1, fread (hFile1, hMem1, flen1)       
fclose hFile1                             

mov hFile2, fopen ("2.txt")           
mov flen2, fsize (hFile2)                   
mov hMem2, alloc (flen2)                   
mov bwrt2, fread (hFile2, hMem2, flen2)       
fclose hFile2                               

mov hFile3, fcreate ("3.txt")         
mov bwrt1, fwrite (hFile3, hMem1, len (hMem1))   
mov cloc, fseek (hFile3, 0, FILE_END)       
mov bwrt2, fwrite (hFile3, hMem2, len (hMem2))   
fclose hFile3   

It works fine with text files.

When I use a binary file instead of 1.txt, the file 3.txt contains only several dozens of characters, even if 1.txt has over 5 MB.
Is there any reason why the above program will not work with binary files?



Here is an old example what i code for a long time

i hope it help

szArchiv db "archiv.7z",0
szSfx    db "7zSD.sfx",0
szConfig db "config.txt",0
szOutput db "archiv.exe",0
dwBytes dd 0

hInstance   dd ?
hBuffer   db 0

  invoke CreateFile,offset szOutput,
               mov hOutputFile,eax
            invoke CreateFile,offset szSfx,
               mov hSfx, eax
            invoke CreateFile,offset szArchiv,

               mov hArchiv,eax
            invoke CreateFile,offset szConfig,

               mov hConfig ,eax
            invoke GetFileSize,hSfx,0                          ;get size of file1 (S1)
               mov edi,eax
            invoke GlobalAlloc,GMEM_ZEROINIT,edi
              mov  esi,eax
            invoke ReadFile,hSfx,esi,edi,offset dwBytes,0
              test eax,eax
               jnz @Next4
            invoke MessageBox,hWnd,0,0,MB_OK
               jmp @ret             
            invoke WriteFile,hOutputFile,esi,edi,offset dwBytes,0
             invoke GetFileSize,hConfig ,0                          ;get size of file1 (S1)
               mov edi,eax
            invoke GlobalAlloc,GMEM_ZEROINIT,edi
              mov  esi,eax
            invoke ReadFile,hConfig ,esi,edi,offset dwBytes,0
              test eax,eax
               jnz @Next5
            invoke MessageBox,hWnd,0,0,MB_OK
               jmp @ret             
            invoke WriteFile,hOutputFile,esi,edi,offset dwBytes,0 
            invoke GetFileSize,hArchiv ,0                          ;get size of file1 (S1)
               mov edi,eax
            invoke GlobalAlloc,GMEM_ZEROINIT,edi
              mov  esi,eax
            invoke ReadFile,hArchiv ,esi,edi,offset dwBytes,0
              test eax,eax
               jnz @Next6
            invoke MessageBox,hWnd,0,0,MB_OK
               jmp @ret             
            invoke WriteFile,hOutputFile,esi,edi,offset dwBytes,0 
         invoke CloseHandle,hSfx
         invoke CloseHandle,hArchiv
         invoke CloseHandle,hOutputFile
         invoke GlobalFree,esi


Is that fopen from the msvcrt ? The real fopen accepts a parameter for the type of file (binary,etc.)


Quote from: BlackVortex on February 26, 2010, 10:33:04 PM
Is that fopen from the msvcrt ? The real fopen accepts a parameter for the type of file (binary,etc.)
Because I use this : include \masm32\include\, I believe that I'm using the fopen defined in the macros.asm file.


Doesn't it take any parameters ? (I don't use masm)
You need to open with the "rb" flags


Quote from: BlackVortex on February 26, 2010, 10:37:19 PMDoesn't it take any parameters ? (I don't use masm)
I didn't see any. This is from the manual:

mov bWritten, fread(hFile,lpMemory,bytecount)

Read data from an open file.

1. hFile The open file handle.
2. buffer The address of the buffer to write the data to.
3. bcnt The number of bytes to read.

Return Value
The return value is the number of bytes read from the file.

The buffer must be large enough to handle the number of bytes read into it. Normally the buffer will be allocated to at least that size or larger.

mov bWritten, fread(hFile,lpMemory,bytecount)


len() isn't a good idea because there is no guarantee that a file ends with a zero. Also you've got the size through fsize:
mov hFile3, fcreate ("3.txt")          
mov bwrt1, fwrite (hFile3, hMem1, flen1)    
;mov cloc, fseek (hFile3, 0, FILE_END)  ; not needed - file pointer is at end     
mov bwrt2, fwrite (hFile3, hMem2, flen2)    
fclose hFile3
free(hMem1) ;do not forget this!
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


Here is a little cmd bonus for Sergiu, since he likes that stuff :
copy 1.txt+2.txt 3.txt


Quote from: BlackVortex on February 26, 2010, 11:06:20 PM
Here is a little cmd bonus for Sergiu, since he likes that stuff :
copy 1.txt+2.txt 3.txt
You're kind with me. Thank you!

I'm trying to learn the I/O in asm. The code I posted, which is remixed from the \masm32\examples\exampl09\fileio\ppfileio.asm code, seemed like a good point to start.

With asm, I always had the feeling that I left something out. I'm trying to shake that feeling.


Quote from: BlackVortex on February 26, 2010, 11:06:20 PM
Here is a little cmd bonus for Sergiu, since he likes that stuff :
copy 1.txt+2.txt 3.txt

For binaries use

copy /b   1.bin+2.bin  3.bin

The /b stops it truncating on Ctrl-Z (0x1A) EOF markers

It could be a random act of randomness. Those happen a lot as well.


Quote from: qWord on February 26, 2010, 10:53:36 PMlen() isn't a good idea because there is no guarantee that a file ends with a zero.
1. What is better than len ()?
2. My text files didn't end with zero (I suppose you refer to the binary 0, not the digit 0), yet the program worked for them.


len is used to determinate the size of an zero-terminated string. If your file does not contain an zero, len() returns some longer value (an access violation is also possible). If there is a zero somewhere before the file end, len() returns a value smaller than real size. The best practise is to use the number of written bytes returned be fread (ReadFile).
Quote from: Sergiu Funieru on February 26, 2010, 11:19:00 PMyet the program worked for them.
luck! - on my machine it doesn't work.
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


Quote from: qWord on February 26, 2010, 11:40:32 PMThe best practise is to use the number of written bytes returned be fread (ReadFile).
I see. I will allocate the space, then read the entire file into memory. I know this is not the best practice, but it's just an example. How do I know how many bytes to allocate if I don't know the length of the file? Because to find the length of the file I need to read the entire file first.

Quote from: qWord on February 26, 2010, 11:40:32 PMluck! - on my machine it doesn't work.
Some people have luck winning the lottery. Other people manage to write programs that can run on multiple platforms. I am lucky in getting programs that work only on my computer.  :bg


Quote from: Sergiu Funieru on February 26, 2010, 11:59:09 PM
How do I know how many bytes to allocate if I don't know the length of the file? Because to find the length of the file I need to read the entire file first.
use the size returned by fsize(). Theoretically (this also depends on the access flags) the file size can change between the call to fsize and fread() - thats why I've said to use the value returned by ReadFile. In your case fsize will work.
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!


Quote from: qWord on February 27, 2010, 12:07:44 AMTheoretically (this also depends on the access flags) the file size can change between the call to fsize and fread() - thats why I've said to use the value returned by ReadFile. In your case fsize will work.
Thank you! I tried what you said and it worked.

I changed
mov bwrt1, fwrite (hFile3, hMem1, len (hMem1))
mov bwrt1, fwrite (hFile3, hMem1, bwrt1)