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MELT 2.0 RadAsm Addin

Started by Gunner, February 11, 2010, 12:28:18 AM

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Ok this really needed an update, my original sources are from '93!

What is MELT?  It is the Masm Error Lookup Tool addin for Radasm.
What does it do?  When you get an error in the output window of Radasm, you can double click on the error number and it will show you a description for the error.
If you get this in the output window:

meltra.asm(2982) : error A2006:  : NULLf
meltra.asm(2982) : error A2114:  : 3

you can double click on A2006 or A2114 and it will show you the error description.

You can also write a note about the error number so you can remember what you did to get that error. The notes are saved in \radasm\addins\melt notes\user name so each user on the computer can have their own notes.

You can also browse all of the error numbers and description for all of the MASM tools:

Changed the GUI around a bit and fixed quite a few bugs..

unzip all files to your Radasm\addins directory and use the addin manager to install meltra

Hope you all like it!
I still have to update the standalone version and the WinAsm Addin so give me a bit time.
~Rob (Gunner)
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