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Some Newby Questions

Started by Huggu, July 15, 2009, 10:50:24 AM

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First thanks for the really good masm32 package. it is well dokumented and the example code is a good place to learn. it took me 2 days to read all the new thingsbut a few questions keep unanswert:

      mov WM_CLOSETHREADAPP, rv(RegisterWindowMessage,"shutem_down_now")

q: what the rv stands for?

            add edi, 1
            fn CreateThread,0,0,ADDR CreateNewThread,esi,0,ADDR tID
            cmp edi, 10

q: What the fn stands for?

q: is there a difference between .repeat and REPEAT? the helpfile shows one helptext for both. i assume .repeat is a masm32 opcode and REPEAT has to do with macros?



Quote from: Huggu on July 15, 2009, 10:50:24 AM
q: what the rv stands for?

RetVal, for use with mov ... - see details in \masm32\macros\macros.asm

> q: What the fn stands for?

With fn, you can use simple quotes when invoking an API. Again, this is documented in macros.asm

fn MACRO FuncName:REQ,args:VARARG
      arg equ <invoke FuncName>         ;; construct invoke and function name
      FOR var,<args>                    ;; loop through all arguments
        arg CATSTR arg,<,reparg(var)>   ;; replace quotes and append arg
      arg                               ;; write the invoke macro

> q: is there a difference between .repeat and REPEAT?

.Repeat is runtime, Repeat is assembly time

REPEAT 3 ; assembly time
mov eax, 123

translates to
mov eax, 123
mov eax, 123
mov eax, 123

Good questions for a first post - keep that spirit :U


1. Return Value -- gives the value return by the function in parentheses, so you can use it as a parameter to 'this' function you're calling.

2. FuNction -- convenience macro for calling functions

3. yes :bg
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Thanks for your quick answer.

I found my infos meanwhile in the high level macro help.
Looks like i need a few days more for reading documentation ;D
