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running script

Started by ToutEnMasm, April 04, 2009, 08:53:26 PM

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Have you never try to make a list with a script ?
The tool here is useful for that.

   In what he is very Usefull
When running a script making a list of items,
at each    WScript.Echo     you have to clic,clic,clic,....
until you get the end of the list,and all informations are lost.

This provide an output for the script.
No clic to do and you can copy the result in the clipboard.

      How to use it
******* The script must be named MyScript.vbs and in the same directory of scriptxt
******  For each call of WScript.Echo

   WScript.Echo strNameSpace

replace by

   Application.SetText = strNameSpace & vbcrlf

*** then run scriptxt , and you have the edit text full with the result.

The MyScript.vbs is a sample who take a list of the wmi namespace

If you dont want to learn script,download vbsedit,it is full of sample
that there is just to run.

This executable is a review of the script sample of ernie

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