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Arabic character table

Started by Farabi, September 20, 2008, 02:15:15 PM

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Anyone know about arabic character table like ASCII character table?
How can I use arabic font on RichEdit?
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


You need the unicode version, RichEdit 4, and enable arabic language support, see here.
Here is a code snippet showing the difference between version 3 (aka RichEdit20A, don't ask why.. :8)) and version 4 (aka RichEdit50W). I am using the Ansi version, inter alia because the Unicode (W) version doubles file sizes and makes handling of simple things like finding text a bit more complex...

LibName   db "RichEd20.dll", 0
ReVersion   db "RichEdit20A", 0
LibName4   db "MSFTEDIT.dll", 0   ; activate with use4 equate
ReVersion4   db "RichEdit50W", 0      ; activate with use4 equate
   mov eax, offset ReVersion
   .if use4
      mov eax, offset ReVersion4
   invoke CreateWindowEx, 0, eax, 0,
   ecx, 0, cHeight, rc.right, rc.bottom,
   hwndOwner, NULL, hinst, NULL


Farabi, I just found out that RichMasm can handle Arabic text, even if it's not the Unicode version. Attached is an example; extract to the RichMasm folder and drag it over RichMasm.exe (or associate the *.asc ending with RichMasm.exe).
The only caveat is that the RTF contains of a lot of escape sequences...
EDIT: Changed to testarab.rtf. RichMasm uses wordwrap for files with rtf extension, no word wrap for *.asc (assembler source code) files. I also discovered that pressing Ctrl and the right Shift key simultaneously changes to right-to-left text display.

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