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[HELP] syntax error again

Started by hide2may, August 25, 2008, 11:11:42 AM

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Thanks to Aiva  :cheekygreen: , I've got the "@display" one.

I then move on to tutorial 4 but quickly struck again. Here is the link:

After renaming to aSimpleWindow2, fixing the @display typo and commenting out the arg.CmdLn() thing, still get the following error while compiling:

Error in file "aSimpleWindow2.hla" at line 92 [errid:107961/hlaparse.c]:
syntax error, unexpected '('.
Near: << ( >>

aSimpleWindow2.hla [135]:
error: undefined symbol.

However, the code near line 92 shows no error:

      win.DefWindowProc( hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam );
      exit( WndProc );
   sub( eax, eax );
end WndProc;

Besides, the code near line 135 seems okay too:

   mov( hInstance, wc.hInstance );
   mov( win.COLOR_WINDOW+1, wc.hbrBackground );
   mov( NULL, wc.lpszMenuName );
   mov( ClassName, wc.lpszClassName );

So, how should I proceed?

Thanks in advance,


Just wonder if anything wrong with the following line:

static GetLastError:procedure; external( "__imp__GetLastError@0" );



Problem solved  :clap:

Line 92 should be:

exit WndProc;

Then the source can compile and run (with the following warning though):
POLINK: warning: /SECTION:.bss ignored; section is missing.

Thanks guys  :dance:


Now i see where you are taking this from   :bg this code is outdated, get new examples from webster under hla downloads, icz tuts are included in there. In your case there is error at 92 line because () are not needed , it should look like this exit WndProc; , second error is not at line 135, dont be confused, that error states that () is not defined, that is because it is not supported anymore.



You can ignore the POLINK error about the .bss section.
HLA doesn't use it and never makes it. That is what POLINK is telling you.
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