need help writing program in masm615 please ..thank you

Started by dante27, March 07, 2005, 02:58:35 PM

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i am a new user and also new to masm
i am  new to all this and got stuck on a program example not sure sure how to go about it. if some one could help i would aprrecaite it


here the program that i am triyng to write

write a program that will write a word/phrase across the screen. it should scroll across the entire screen. after every 10 displays of the word/phrase change the color of both the background and the foreground. the program should stop when the escape key is pressed . create a loop to slow down the speed

any help would be apprecaited


Sounds like a DOS exercize.  Is this homework?  That's OK if it is, but I've discovered that folks on this board like to see you take a stab at getting a program built, first, after which they'll point out anything wrong with it.  You might end up on the DOS forum, though. 


No not home wrok just something i am trying to learn thats all ....i'll try posting it in the dos forums thanks


write a program that will write a word/phrase across the screen. it should scroll across the entire screen. after every 10 displays of the word/phrase change the color of both the background and the foreground. the program should stop when the escape key is pressed . create a loop to slow down the speed

This would be possible in Win32 Console Mode. Do you want to write a DOS program or a 32-bit Windows program?


I would like a dos program if thats ok since thats what i am using 16-bit programing
it would be nice  to see how it would be done in both

but dos is what i am aiming for