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How to export the character '$'

Started by Wayne, June 19, 2008, 04:44:02 AM

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I want to export the charcter '$' ,but I can't.
string db 'I only have $2!$'
mov dx,offset string
mov ah,09h
int 21h
The output is  "I only have"
I'm a beginner of assemble.
Thank you. :(



I moved the topic to the DOS forum so you would get more answers. A rough guess is you need to use the escape character to display what you want. The escape character in MASM is "!"

string db 'I only have !$2!$'
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I would roll your own little loop with function 2h instead of function 9h, incrementing dx and terminating at zero. Or use bios int10h function 9h or 0ah for more control over attributes - Make sure though that your string has zero termination. - Chris


Why make it simple when you can find a complicated solution, too?

include \masm32\include\

MyApp     db "Test app:", 0
MyString   db "I only have ", 36, "2", 0

start:   invoke MessageBox, NULL, addr MyString, addr MyApp, MB_OK
end start


Here is another lower level way of doing things, with greater control over positioning & colour:-

string db 'I only have $2!$'

mov ax,b800h      ;Get
push es               ;video
mov es,ax           ;buffer
Sub di,di             ;Display address (top left)
mov cx,16           ;16 characters
mov ah,31           ;Attribute - white on blue
lea si,string          ;point at string

lodsb                 ;get character
stosw                ;Display character & attribute
dec cx               ;loop counter = loop counter-1
jne AA               ;All done? No, loop again
pop es               ;Yes, restore segment
sub ah,ah          ;Function wait for
int 016              ;& get keypress, required so that you can see output


Sorry, I had not realised that you wanted to do it in DOS...


Look at this thread at CodeGuru. I helped one member there with same problem

My post is last and you will find solution there.


        It can't solve my problem,the output didn't change,but,thanks all the same.


To output the '$' character you must use a function that does not treat it as a control character. Interrupt 21h function 9, Display String, appeared in first version of MS-DOS (also in the first version of PC-DOS), and was superceded by function 40h, Write File or Device, in version 2.0. Write File or Device is slightly more difficult to use than Display String, but not by much as you can see in BytePtr's example. The handle specified in register BX is one of the standard devices that the system provides open handles to:

Standard input (STDIN) 0
Standard output (STDOUT) 1
Standard error (STDERR) 2
Standard auxiliary (STDAUX) 3
Standard printer (STDPRN) 4

The handle in this case, STDOUT, is effectively a handle to the screen. The other commonly used handle, STDIN, is effectively a handle to the keyboard, normally used with the Read File or Device function.
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